When I come into Your Presence Lord am happy… When I come into Your Presence Lord am glad… in Your Presence there is anointing the Spirit of the Lord surrounds me…in Your Presence anointing breaks the yokes…. You are Messiah…. You are Messiah… You are Messiah… You are Messiah… You are Messiah, The Lily of the valley… You are Messiah, The Bright Morning Sun… You are Messiah… The Rose of the Sharon …. You are Messiah….

Our Father, we magnify You Ancient of Days… You are The Lion of the tribe of Judea… The I Am that I AM, You are the Beginning and the End… who can be compared Thee Father…. nobody… no one … we come again to The One Who loves us with everlasting love… Be Thou glorify as we pray today… receive our prayers and release Your blessings and miracles to us in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!!

Beloveth… good morning… how are doing today? The Lord is our Refuge and a strong tower… the righteous runneth into it and are safe… We come to the Living God Who can do all things and we bow down in reverence…. Be Thou magnify in Jesus Name…

Today, our topic says … “How Is It Going In The “Time With God” Department? This requires a personal answer… Do you have A Quite Time? How often do you read or study your Bible? Do you meditate on God’s Word? When you pray, do you wait to hear God speaks back to you? Do you put time aside to worship and Praise God… You see, this will vary from person to person…

Before we go further beloveth… The Spirit of God gave me this comparison in relationship with the topic at hand…. A farmer who takes time to care of his live stocks, the result will show… the live stocks will look well fed and taken care of…less sicken and malnourished… So it is for us when we spend time with God in the place of prayer, studying God’s Word, Praise and worship Him… We will not be easily tossed around by every wind of doctrine… We will not be shaken in crisis, even on the sick bed, we will be trusting God for His intervention… But when we spend less time with God … we are open to assaults, attacks, panics, name it… not so with one who has God as his/her Rock of Ages….

Beloveth, this teaching is meant to help us evaluate how we spending our time… with God and other things of interest…  if we are doing well … we hold on to it but if not, we ask the Holy Spirit to help us as He knows the mind of God pertaining this… amen…

Come along beloveth for more:

How Is It Going In The “Time With God” Department?

  • Rushed?
  • Shallow?
  • Dutiful?

Or do you have it under control with:

  • Quality time…
  • Regular time… At the level where the tap roots of your soul are being fed?
  1. M. Bounds cautions us that “TO BE LITTLE WITH GOD IS TO BE LITTLE FOR GOD.”

Keep in mind: Satan’s strategy is to dull your spiritual hunger by playing upon your inclination towards:

  • Procrastination
  • Materialism
  • Sensuality
  • Over work

Take carelest any one of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” (Hebrews 3:12, 13).

Let’s be honest enough to admit that basically we do exactly what we want to do, finding time for:

  • Golf
  • V.
  • Favored friends

And let’s be reminded that a casual approach to knowing God simply won’t cut it:

You shall seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:1)

Passion and pursuit are the criteria for knowing God. Are you man or woman enough to rise to and sustain the challenge?

Beloveth… that question for us to answer… even where you are doing well… I always tell myself there is room for improvement… that way.. I stay humble before God trusting the Holy Spirit to lead me to deeper relationship with my Father … alleluia somebody…

So today we are going to ask the Holy Spirit to help us to pray for deeper relationship with God where we are doing well but if we are yet to establish this kind of relationship where you hear God speaks to you…. tell the Holy Spirit to teach you how to get there… amen!

Yes it is wonderful things to rest in God’s Presence… having fun and let worries off your neck… Praise God… beloveth… Pray to know Him deeper and when you come to that realm, that is where God release the secret of His plan/work to men….. alleluia… (Ps.25:8-9).

O! God help us to know You better, trust You better, and believe more of You in Jesus Name…

Beloveth let us pray…. ask the Holy Spirit to burn off every spiritual lethargy, dullness in your spiritual mind, remove everything that covered your eyes, ears or even mute you from praying… every spiritual dumbness cast into the bottomless pit in Jesus Name…. Praise the Lord somebody!…. Let us pray….

Further Reading- Heb.11:1, 1Jn1:3, Heb.12:14, 1Tim.4:14, Eph.6:18, Jn.9:5, 1Tim.2:5, 1Thess.5:9….

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Next articleJesus Christ Bids Us, “Abide In My Love”….
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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