He is alive forever… He is alive… My Jesus is alive forever He is alive… Amen!!! x2 Am thanking You Lord for who You are.. What You have done in my life Lord… I am Thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done … Dan Sakari Baba….

Our Father in heaven You have the final say… blessed be Thy Holy Name… Alleluia to the King of kings… The Lord of lords the Ancient of Days… the One Who is and yet to come… Alleluia ….Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia!!!

Thank You O Lord for another privilege to be in Your presence… O Lord… we are very very grateful and we say Thank You Jesus!!! Thank You for the gift of this week….O God… Lord… remember me O Lord… My God… for the time to favour Zion is now… the set time is now… Arise O Lord and do that which no one can do in our life and situation in Jesus Name… Amen!!!

Beloveth… we welcome you again to God’s Presence alleluia somebody… Our God is good… all the time.. The Lord is good… Yes… Faithful is His Name….Alleluia Somebody…

Yesterday was the day for our fathers… yes know as Father’s day… is someone excited… in a celebration such as this… people celebrate their own for one reason or the other … some may not even want to mention it for some obvious reasons… but the truth is “Everyone wants to be celebrated…

So today we celebrate our fathers in the house and pray that the Goodness of the Lord will abide with them and make them truly the men God ordained them to be in Jesus Name…

Beloveth… as a father or yet to be fathers… we have this message to share with you…

According to God’s Word after creation … God made the male and female… and command them to be fruitful and multiply… Yes Adam and Eve… became the product of that blessing… and they begat Cain and Abel, and Seth after the death of Abel… but our take her is that God in the beginning made a female and male… They are to dwell together…

But over time this institution was defiled… so men married more one wife there by defiled the original intent of God for marriage from creation…

However, today we have a burden in our heart for our men… some who had derailed… we ask that God will arise and show them mercy… we ask for guidance to restored them back to the original intent of God… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia….

Beloveth… our topic today said “How to remain a one Woman Man”… Praise the Name of the Lord…

Adultery is one sin God abhor so much that He commanded the children of Israel to stay away from…

Beloveth… come along with us for more:

 How To Remain A “One Woman Man”

The Scriptures require spiritual leaders to be a “One woman man.” (1 Timothy 3:2). Here are a few suggestions that may prove helpful:

EYES — Remember the song, “I Only Have Eyes for You? We must determine to only “look” at our wives. Lustful gazes are acts of adultery. (Matthew 5:29; Job 31:1)

  1. S. Lewis said, “If you look at ham and eggs with lust, you already have committed breakfast.

EARS — How easily we can be sexually stimulated by what we hear. Proverbs cautions us, “For the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil.” (Proverbs 5:3).

LIPS — A man committed to his wife does not flatter other women: “Whoever flatters his neighbor is spreading a net for his feet.” (Proverbs 29:5).

HANDS — Paul admonishes us to “Treatyounger women as sisters, with absolute purity.” (1 Timothy 5:2). The manner in which we relate physically to our sisters should serve as a guideline in our association with other women.

FEET — We can easily identify with the statement, “I can resist anything but temptation.” Perhaps that’s why the Scriptures warn us to “Flee youthful lusts… ” (2 Timothy 2:22a)

David stood and looked at naked Bathsheba and ended up committing adultery and murder. By contrast, Joseph fled Potifer’s seductive wife and remained pure. (2 Samuel 11; Genesis 39)

MIND — It is only by the renewing of the mind that we can expect to live a pure life: “Let God re-mold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good… ” (Romans 12:2b – Philips Translation) God’s Word is central to the renewal process.

QUESTION: Are you allowing anything into your mind that is making the renewal process unnecessarily difficult?

HEART — Wise old Solomon cautioned us, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23)

Thus, emotional involvement with a person of the opposite sex is often an early step in the process that culminates in the act of adultery.

QUESTION: Does your present attitude and pattern of behavior indicate a deep resolve to remain a “ONE WOMAN MAN?

Beloveth…this commandment is not only for the spiritual leaders alone… it is for all men… More also we commend our women to be women of virtues…. we are not allowed to live a promiscuous life style… we must always honour God with our bodies …Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia…

So as we make our mind to honour God… may God also help us to be worthy vessels for His honour in Jesus Name… Amen!!!

On this note beloveth we declare this week blessed … By the God’s grace… We shall return at the end with louder testimonies in Jesus Name…. Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia… Amen!!!

further Reading – 2Cor.5:17, Gal.1:4, Gen.1:28, 9:1, 1Pet.3:12,

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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