I will magnify the Lord who is worthy to be Praise… I will glorify the Lord… Who is worthy to be Praise… hosanna… blessed be the Lord, honour the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted… // Praise the Lord O! My soul… Praise the Lord O! My soul… Praise the Lord O! My soul… Praise the Lord O! My soul…

Yes the people Thee! Let the people Praise Thee then the earth shall give the earth yields her increase; and God even our own God, shall bless us…(Ps.67:5)… Father we come today with hearts filled with thanksgiving… yes we come with Praise that Your Name be magnify above all the earth… O! God… we mouth full of Praises, we came cast our crowns before Your Throne… may it please Thee O Lord to receive our praises and our worship… may it come up to You as a sweet smelling sacrifice, holy and accepted unto Thee in Jesus Name Amen! Alleluia!!!

Beloveth… how are doing today… Praise God! Is our PCL and our God is here to do us good… if you are happy and grateful thus far the Lord have led you shout a believing alleluia!!!

I am always exalted to be here … Why? The Word of God instructed us to be doers of His Word not hearers alone… So here, we x-ray what the Bible is telling us about God’s  commandments through the life of those Who has gone ahead of us… we also listen to the directives of the Holy Spirit… Praise the Lord somebody…

So today we will be looking at one of the virtues that excel our Lord Jesus … in Phil.2:5-11… here we learnt about the exaltation of Christ by God… How? The Bible told us that even though Christ is equal with God yet He made himself of no reputation … also being found in the likeness of man.. He humble himself and be became obedient unto death, by dying on the Cross…

Having done this, God even our God doth highly exalted Him and gave Him the Name above all other names… that at the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father….

Wow! What an exemplary life to emulate… someone is enlightened… Humility… is a high way to exaltation in Christ… Praise the Lord…

So if you believe and trust God for higher placement in life… beloveth then you have to tow the path of humility…

Let’s discover more below:


  • Not easy to apply while competing in a fast-paced, profit-driven business environment:
  • If implemented, can easily be interpreted by competitors as a sign of weakness: A surefire formula for disaster!


Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Peter 5:5)

How do I know if my life is laced with PRIDE or graced with HUMILITY:


  • Egotistical (masking a sense of insecurity).
  • Unable to respond graciously to criticism.


  • Are so sure of themselves that they feel no need to draw attention to themselves or their status.
  • Revel in the accomplishments and potential of others.
  • Have a capacity for self-criticism.
  • Allow, enable, and empower others to shine.

Moses, considered by many to be the greatest leader of all time:

“… was very humble, more than any man who was on the face of the earth.” (Numbers 12:3)

As Christ’s followers we choose to embrace Moses’ example rather than emulate prevailing market-driven values. Right?

Beloveth, are you here with us… hope you are blessed by this teaching… one more thing… put it in practice… and your soul will be enriched… alleluia…

Have a restful weekend… See you on Monday by God’s grace…

Take Home Note- Be still and know that I AM God…. I AM beautiful for all situations… Keep holding on till Jesus come through for you…(Ps.46:10) (Rom.11:33-35) (Ps.11:1) Prov.15:29.

Further reading- Deut.11:18, 1Jn.4:14, Jas.5:8, Rom.1:17, Ps.38:8, Ps.55:16, 2Tim.1:7. Rom.11:33.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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