Worthy you are worthy king of kings Lord of Lord you are worthy. Worthy You are worthy King of kings Lord of Lord I worship you. Jehovah reign, He reign, He reign, Jehovah reign, He reign, He reign. Jehovah reign, He reigns He reigns, You are lifted up above other gods You are lifted up above other gods (2x).
Dear Father in heaven, we lift You up, we give You praise, we give You honour, we give You adoration, blessed be thy Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Father, we adore Thee, I lay my life before Thee, Father I love Thee. Is someone making this confession with me?
Beloved, how was your weekend? Thank God for a brand new day; a brand new week. Thank You Lord for making me part of it. Let all the glory, honour, adoration be unto Thee alone forever and ever Amen!
Beloved, did you made any catch? Or you decided to look out for a young convert to nurture and bring to maturity in Christ ? Either way, I think is good. Be sure that you are part of God’s kingdom work and ensure you do it willing not grudging so that you will be blessed of the Lord. Praise the Lord.
And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, here am I; send me (Isa 6:8).
Beloved, the responses above can only come from one who is a tune with heavens mandate. Jesus knew His Father’s bane and His response was like that of one who cares. His response was borne out love and concern for the lost sheep of His Father’s house which was largely demonstrated when He sojourned on earth.
Can I asked you a question beloved, do you hunger and thirst after Christ? Do not be in a hurry to give your answer, think and think again. Why do I say that, because what you long for, or hunger and thirst for will reflect in your choices and actions.
Beloved, a hunger and thirst for Christ is same as hunger and thirst for righteousness because in Christ there is sin but holiness, so when you come to Christ He will make holy and righteousness will be your nature because that is the nature of your mentor “Jesus” except you not yet ready to live like Christ (2 Cor 5:17-21).
The next message after this is a must read. So let’s get going to discover more:
Blessed are those who hunger
and thirst for righteousness,
because they will be filled.—Matthew 5:6
Hunger and thirst are the body’s way of telling us that we are “empty.” Our natural response to physical hunger and thirst is to seek food and water to satisfy our need. Each Christian has an inner longing that only Christ’s righteousness can satisfy. But we cannot be filled with righteousness if we are filled with self.
Throughout the Scriptures God emphasizes that the one who longs for Him with all his heart will find Him (Jer. 29:13). As we crave righteousness, we will repent of our sin, and God will remove it from us. Our selfishness will be replaced by the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22–23). The Spirit will make us to be like Christ.
Righteousness is not to be taken lightly, nor is it easily attained. Holy God does not give His righteousness to people indiscriminately. He gives it to those who know they cannot live without it. Our desire for personal righteousness must be powerful, all-consuming, dominating everything we do. Pursuing righteousness means that we value the opinion of God far more than we treasure the opinions of people.
Righteousness is not merely an absence of sin. It is allowing God to fill us with His holiness (Rom. 6:11). It is being like Christ. Jesus is our model of One who sought God’s righteousness first, and then the Father glorified Him. We are not only to seek the kingdom of God, but we are also to pursue His righteousness (Matt. 6:33). If we will hunger and thirst for righteousness, we will be satisfied!
Beloved, did you just read “satisfied”? do you know what it means to be satisfied by God? it means that you will have not want and your needs if any shall be met, not by another but by God. God will turn your wasteland to fruitfulness (Job 38:27). He will satisfy us with the finest wheat and make oil to come out from the rock for us (Ps 81:16). God will satisfy you early (Ps 90:14). God will satisfy you with long life and his salvation (Ps 91:16). Your provision will be bless (Ps 132:15). You will enjoy Divine guidance (Isa 58:11). He is your hope (Joel 3:16). He is your helper (Ps 121:2).
As I mentioned earlier your hunger and thirst for righteousness will determine your choices and actions which among many is one of which you about to read below:
Is Your Primary Desire In Life To Be Happy Or To Be Holy?
Nothing in the Bible remotely suggests the idea that we should seek “happiness.”
But there is plenty written about seeking holiness: “Pursue holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord… like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves in all your behavior.” (Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15)
While many blithely pursue the life depicted on “Fantasy Island,” a battle is raging between the forces of heaven and hell — between good and evil. It is here that Satan seeks to destroy us while God is preparing us for eternity. It is here that either godly character is being forged, or souls are in the process of destruction. Hardly a place for “happiness.”
“The whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth… waiting eagerly for our adoption… the redemption of our body.” (Romans 8:22, 23)
The pursuit of “happiness” is centered in self and has about it a kind of Disneyesque surrealism. Surrounded as we are by struggling humanity in the abyss of misery and devastation, chatting about “happiness” seems a tad trite. Consider King Solomon’s poignant observation:
“It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting… to listen to the rebuke of a wise man than… to listen to the song of fools.” (Ecclesiastes 7:2, 5)
Paradoxically, it is only out of a life of holiness and service centered on glorifying God that we experience purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. Note Isaiah 58:10, 11:
“And if you give yourself to the hungry, and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness, and your gloom will become like midday. And the Lord will… satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.“
If “happiness” were achievable in the wealthiest nation on earth, why then are we plagued by boredom, crime, drugs, the murder of the unborn, teenage pregnancy, and divorce? It is my suspicion that Satan has been less than truthful to us in holding out the carrot of “happiness.” What do you think?
Share with us what you think dearly beloved and be bless all through the week in Jesus Name. As we purify our heart and pursue righteousness, may we grow in grace to obtain all the fruit of the Spirit to help us run this race in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.