When I come into Your Presence, Lord am happy…. When I come into Your Presence, Lord am glad… In Your Presence there is anointing, Your Spirit will surround me, In Your Presence anointing breaks the yokes…// You are Messiah…You are Messiah… You are Messiah… You are Messiah…You are Messiah… The Lily of the valley…You are Messiah…the Bright morning star… You are Messiah… The Rose of the Shadow…. You are Messiah…
Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we adore You, we give You Praise…alleluia to Your Name, O Lord Who is like unto Thee, Who can be compared with our Father…You are Mighty… blessed be the Name of the Lord… (Song) He is worthy to be praise and adore… O Lord, we lift our Holy Hands in one accord…singing blessed be Thy Name…blessed be Thy Name… Blessed be Thy Name of the Lord…
Worthy! You are Worthy! King of kings, Lord of lords You are worthy! Worthy! You are worthy!…. King of kings, Lord of Lord I worship You….
Our Father we thank You… For Who You Are, what You have done, You are doing, will yet do… glory be to Your Name Lord forever and ever in Jesus Name…Amen.
Beloveth… Today God Is First…(TGIF) Praise the Lord! When we put God first as we have learnt, He takes charge and everything just have to fall in line… no power will be able to withhold or with stand you, yes no power can because I Am that I AM is your Father… He is with you always and nothing shall by any means hurt you…
The I AM that I AM…. Beloveth that is the very Word of God to Moses… wondering why God chose that Name at that time to be address by it. We considered “Comfortable in Bondage” and you can agree with me that we are often battered with the unexpected that all we can hear it from our spirit-man and the next thing is to succumb to the assault of satan and his cohorts.. Never wanting a change because we are caged in fear and so like the Israelite we chose to be bounded than seek freedom. We mere exist than living the full life we were meant to live from the foundation of the world.
Beloveth, like the Israelite of old God have sent your deliver through our Lord Jesus Christ and He is telling you that whatever you wants Him to be for your sake and freedom He will be “ I AM.” The Spirit of Mercy and Grace will plead your course before the Throne of “I AM” and you will be delivered in Jesus Name….
Come along for more:
God replied to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.”—Exodus 3:14
When Moses encountered God in the burning bush, he still had much to learn about his Lord. Moses was impressed with the miracle before him (Exod. 3:3). However, it would take much more than a burning bush to lead Israel out of captivity from the most powerful nation of Moses’ day. Would the same God who could cause a bush to burn without being consumed also be able to do what was necessary to deliver a multitude?
God’s answer was, “I AM!” That is, “Moses, I’ll be whatever you need Me to be as you carry out my assignment. If you need miraculous signs in order to convince Pharaoh, then that is how I will express Myself. If you need Me to interrupt nature and part the waters of the Red Sea, then I will demonstrate Myself in that way. If you require food and water, then I will be your provider. If you are afraid, I’ll be your strength.”
At the beginning of Moses’ walk with the Lord, Moses had no idea all that he would need God to do for him. Yet each time Moses faced a need, He learned something new about God. Moses came to realize that there was much more to God than a burning bush. What if Moses was so enamored with his experience at the bush that he built a tabernacle on the spot and established “The Church of the Burning Bush”? He would have missed out on so much more that God wanted to reveal to him!
Think back to your understanding of God when you first began walking with Him. How have your experiences expanded your knowledge of Him?
Beloveth, what do you want Jesus to do for you He said “I AM” – The Vine, The Way, The Truth, The Light, The Bread of Life, The Blood, The Living Water, The Son of God, The Husband of the Widow, The Father to The Fatherless, The Burden Bearer, The Groom, The Healer, The Soon Coming King … whatever you want Him to be dearly beloveth… “I AM”
What do you want Him to do, beloveth, call Him on Him and He will be as He had Promised…believe Him and so it shall be….(Isa 45 :9-13)
Now that you know that He is whatever You wants Him to be…beloveth, ask the Holy Spirit to plead your case and you will be settled for ever… Praise the Lord….
Beloveth, as He was with Israelite, He will also be with us…Fear not He will Thee. (Isa 41:13).. Blessed be the Name of the Lord forever…alleluia.
Have a glorious weekend basking in God’s mercy and grace Amen!!! see you on Monday by God’s grace….
Remain blessed in the Lord.