Everlasting Father… Everlasting Son Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify…. Everlasting Father… Everlasting Son Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify….// I will worship the Lord… I will sing alleluia… me I go worship my God… My God do am for me… I will worship my God!!!

O God we that You… we Praise Your Holy Name… we adore Thee… we give You Praise… we worship and glorify Your Holy Name… Hallow be Thy Name… O Lord… Let Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth…. Our Father be Thou exalted O Lord unlimited God… Alleluia… Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!

Be Thou exalted… Be Thou exalted… Be Thou exalted… Unlimited God…  Alleluia somebody!!!

Yes…ooo we serve a Living God… Somebody sing Na You ooo… We serve a living God… Somebody help me sing Na You dey reign ooo…

Beloveth… Our God is good all the time… The Lord is good… shout a believing Alleluia!!! Glory be to Jesus…Alleluia!!! What a Wonderful God we serve… Yes Glory be to God on high….

From last week we have been looking at a topic called “Broken” and It has really left me wondering how we think that we are getting it right.. only to discover that we are far and almost miss it if it not for the Grace of God…

When I came across today’s topic… I think it summaries and delivered everything with bullet points… so gently go through each point and see how far you are doing in God’s kingdom…. Alleluia somebody!!!

Let’s go there:

 I Am Slipping

  • When I begin to act as if genuine joy is dependent on the state of the circumstances surrounding me.
  • When I begin to lose the distinct aroma of the fragrance of Christ in my life.
  • When I begin to feel or act as if my self-worth and acceptance is dependent on how well I perform.
  • When I am losing my grip on the reality of spiritual warfare. Then I begin to treat my brother or my fellow human being as my enemy and seek to do battle with fleshly weapons.
  • When I act as if victory or success depends on me and my ability rather than on the adequacy of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • When I place undue emphasis on programming and planning to the exclusion of His direction, leading and guidance.
  • When more time is spent in the “activities arena” than in the prayer closet.
  • When the praises of men and women become more important than the approval of God.
  • When relating to and caring for people is less important than programs, planning, meetings, and budgets.
  • When I assume responsibility to worry and fret over things and people that God in His sovereignty and power would take charge of (if I would allow Him to do so).
  • When my rights become more important than God’s will and way.

Beloveth are you here with me… if you are to score yourself in the ration of 1 -10… what will you score yourself?… I believe the Spirit of God will minister upon your spirit where you are missing it… so as to get back on track…

We serve a Living God… Our God is our sufficiency and we are glad…..Alleluia somebody…

Let the living praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia

Further Reading- Phil.4:13, Rom.11:33, Ps.1:6, Isa.35:6, Heb.8:10, 1Thess.5:15, Jn.9:5.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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