When I come into Your Presence Lord am happy! When I come into Your Presence Lord am glad. In Your Presence there is anointing Your Spirit will surround me in Your Presence anointing breaks the yokes.// Glorious God, beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Your throne. Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Your throne. We bow before Your throne, we worship at Your feet, we bow before Your throne You are a Glorious God. We bow before Your throne, we worship at Your feet, we bow before throne You are a glorious God.

Who is like unto Thee o God! among the gods Who is like Thee. You are Glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia. Father we thank You and we give You Praise the great and mighty things You are doing in our midst, thank You for the life You given us. Thank You for watching over us, thank You Father for answers to prayers. Thank You for deliverance, let Your Name alone be glorify in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, how are doing today? How was your prayer after yesterday’s teaching? Hope you had fun in God’s Presence?

Welcome to today’s’ faith clinic, we pray that your faith will be robust at the end in Jesus Name.

On Tuesday teaching we dwelt on God message to Joshua “be strong and very courageous,” I went home fulfilled and today we will be examining another Bible character who though mighty was so afraid that he was threshing the wheat in a wine press other than threshing floor where the wind can separate the chaff as soon as it out.

We will be be using Gideon as Bible character in today’s  teaching as a joiner to the teaching on Tuesday.

When you are in desperate situation, it seems to us as if God is far from us, He not see us nor think about us so thought Gideon. Considering how they have suffered in the hand of the Midianites. They destroyed their farm lands and they were suffering as a result, this went on for a period of time until the angel met Gideon in his hideout and addressed him as a mighty warrior, “the Lord is with you, mighty warrior”.

Gideon’s immediate response is, “are you kidding me? The Lord is with me? Don’t think so. Not seeing any evidence that God is with around or even interested. And mighty warrior? Wrong guy! I am sacred spitless of Midianties. Why do you think I am hiding in this winepress threshing wheat?”

I love the way Gideon is so honest with God. How he doesn’t hold anything back lays it all out there.

Perhaps like Gideon, there is something in your life right now that has you cowering in fear. And it feels like God has abandoned you. That God has turned His back on you. He doesn’t seem to hear you or seem to care about you or the situation you are in.

But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact that is a lie straight from the pit of hell. Regardless of what you may be facing or going through God sees you- right now, in this moment- and He is with you.

The first thing God uttered to Gideon was that he was not alone. God knew Gideon felt abandoned. Life was uncertain and frightened under the bondage of the Midianites. Gideon was convinced that all the suffering he was going through pointed to the fact that God had turned His back on him.

That is why God knows He has to begin this conversation with the reassurance that He has not forgotten Gideon. He wants Gideon to know, without a doubt, that the Sovereign, all powerful God has not abandoned him.

While God may be taking you through a season, He will never abandon you. He is always with you even when you may not feel His Presence. Jesus was careful to make this clear just before He left this earth when He said in Matt 28:20, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

And that brought us to today’s topic. Note He said “always”. Not just when things are going great.


So as your first step of living a life without fear, take a moment right now and have that frank conversation with God about what you are struggling with. And thank Him for the fact that He is ever present in your life. That right now, in this moment, He is standing right beside you even though it may not like it with what you are facing today.

Your circumstances are never indicative of God’s lack of Presence in your life. You can rest assured, “the Lord is with you.” He see you. now and always. (Jdg 6:11-13).


“I am with you alway.” Matthew 28:20

It is well there is One who is ever the same, and who is ever with us. It is well there is one stable rock amidst the billows of the sea of life. O my soul, set not thine affections upon rusting, moth-eaten, decaying treasures, but set thine heart upon Him who abides for ever faithful to thee.

Build not thine house upon the moving quicksands of a deceitful world, but found thy hopes upon this rock, which, amid descending rain and roaring floods, shall stand immovably secure. My soul, I charge thee, lay up thy treasure in the only secure cabinet; store thy jewels where thou canst never lose them.

Put thine all in Christ; set all thine affections on His person, all thy hope in His merit, all thy trust in His efficacious blood, all thy joy in His presence, and so thou mayest laugh at loss, and defy destruction. Remember that all the flowers in the world’s garden fade by turns, and the day cometh when nothing will be left but the black, cold earth.

Death’s black extinguisher must soon put out thy candle. Oh! how sweet to have sunlight when the candle is gone! The dark flood must soon roll between thee and all thou hast; then wed thine heart to Him who will never leave thee; trust thyself with Him who will go with thee through the black and surging current of death’s stream, and who will land thee safely on the celestial shore, and make thee sit with Him in heavenly places for ever.

Go, sorrowing son of affliction, tell thy secrets to the Friend who sticketh closer than a brother. Trust all thy concerns with Him who never can be taken from thee, who will never leave thee, and who will never let thee leave Him, even “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” “Lo, I am with you alway,” is enough for my soul to live upon, let who will forsake me.

Beloveth, Gideon didn’t believe that God is with Him. I love how God completely ignores Gideon’ gripe session and instead expands on His first declaration when He called Gideon a mighty warrior and again Gideon pushes back.

You can see Gideon’s thought process: what in the world is God talking about? He wants me to save Israel? He got the wrong guy.

Gideon’s response shows just how ludicrous his thought this was. He is a nobody from a nobody family! There is just no way God understands who he is.

Excuse after excuse after excuse.

But God’s simple and patient reply: I will be with you. I have got it all taken care of.

These are a couple of takeaway for you to consider today.

First, your success is not dependent on you, but on God’s presence in your life and His works through you. That is why God immediate response to Gideon objection is, “I will be with you.”

Gideon may not feel like a mighty warrior, but with God he truly is. And so are you.

God knows your inadequacies which so often feed your fears. But that is why He has given you His indwelling Spirit. His constant Presence in you makes you that mighty warrior that can vanquish the enemy and achieve far more than you could ever imagine.

Because it’s dependent of God, not you. Did you catch that? Your success and your situation depend on God, not you.

In reality, we too often diminish what God wants to do through us. It’s why I think Paul in Eph 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.”

Beloveth, notice how “immeasurably more” is accomplished. Through “His power that is at work within us.” that is the power of God’s indwelling Holy Spirit in your life. That is the power that makes all the difference.

Second- and its related to the previous point- God sees who you really are, not the person you have made up in your mind. He see your potentials where you don’t. From the world’s point of view, Gideon was a loser. Being the youngest from the weakest clan he had zero social standing. He was a nobody

And that is exactly what Gideon thought of himself. He saw himself as a real loser, the least from the weakest family.

Yet God chose him.

He knew Gideon better than Gideon knew himself, which is always the case with God. Yes, God knows you better than you know yourself. He created you to be who you are and He knows you intimately and the amazing potential you have.

My bet is that you think less of yourself than God thinks of you. in fact, my bet is you feel anxious and fuels your life with fear. And here’ is the kicker…

Your view of yourself diminishes what you believe God can do through you. Like Gideon, however, our view of life is narrow and shortsighted. We live in microcosm of life. Yet God is working a plan on cosmic scale that is far grander than you and I can even begin to imagine. And He has a purpose for you in that plan. Just like He did for Gideon. And I am confident it is far greater than you think.

So today, take time to let this truth sink in:

God know you intimately and He created you with incredible potential- potential He wants to use to fulfill His plan for you. A plan which is far greater than you believe. The key is God’s Spirit that He has placed in you, nothing is impossible.

Beloveth this is your month of grace and rejoicing. The Spirit of God is available to grant you the desired grace to accomplish greater things. Like He said to Gideon “go in that might like He is saying to you with the assurance that He is with you always- remember you double honour package.  Double double……beloveth that is your portion Amen!!!!!!!!!!

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