Be Thou exalted above all heaven, be Thou exalted Lord above all earth, let Thou glory be above all the earth, let the glory be above all the earth// I will lift up Your Name, I will joyfully sing for what You have done and for Who You are, You are the song that I sing, melody in my heart, the reason I sing is to Praise You Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank YOU so much Lord Jesus, thank You so much Lord Jesus, thank You so much Lord Jesus We thank You we thank You we thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Agam buru alleluia buru, para alleluia para, para gi Chineke Onyeoma, ihe ahu omere onu mu apuaghi e’kocha ya.
O lift Jesus higher, lift Jesus higher, the Lord is good, I will lift Him up higher, every where I go, I will lift Jesus higher.
Our Father in heaven O! God, I will lift Your Name higher, I will exalt Your Name above every other God, be Thou exalted Immaunel! Father we bow before Your Presence to reverence You for You’re a worthy O! Lord. be Thou exalted Emmaunel!!!!!!!
Beloveth, good morning is another brand new day, our God has made us to be part, He is worthy of our Praise, alleluia Amen! He will show forth His Praise in the life of His beloved ones which is You and I Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God in His infinite mercy has brought us thus far, He will also preserve us from all evil, He will keep our going out and our coming in, no plan of our arch enemies will stand in the Name of Jesus, for He will lead us to safety in Jesus Name.
One thing I have come to know deeply is that God never fail, He never faulter, He can not lie, there is no turning of shadow from Him, He is able, He is love and His kindness will never depart from those He love, these and many more more which I may not be able to mention at this time are my confident in Him that even when I don’t understand it, I keep holding and trusting Him because I know He will surely come and not delay.
Beloveth it might seems as if nothing is happening but I want you to know that a lots are happening that while you are resting or thinking He is doing, it might not full manifest nut it will surely manifest at the end. because at the end it will speak Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
O! Lord gie us the grace to follow You, abundant grace to follow You, give us the grace to follow You, Your grace is enough for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yrs the grace to follow and continual to fellow is what we are asking of Thee now in Jesus Name. Help us O! Lord for Your help is real, it speaks peace, love, joy, progress, revival, healing, cleansing, protection, and it has no end. Praise the Name of the Lord!
In few more days we will be celebrating the birth of Jesus, a remembrance worthy doing, it so important that we remind ourselves our purpose here on earth despite all our longing and desires, we must remember that soon or very soon we must return to give account of all we did while here on earth therefore we must be conscious about how we live, Praise the Lord!
God is more than enough to be all we wants to be therefore we must willing and diligently obey every promise of God in our life Praise the Lord! The yuletide season is here, let us not only make physical preparations but we must also consider our spiritual preparations. Praise the Living Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We echo the Lord faithfulness in our yesterday’s teaching also today we will be considering it further with the promise in our text for today and the teaching that follows suit, let consider further:
“I clothed thee also with broidered work, and shod thee with badgers’ skin, and I girded thee about with fine linen, and I covered thee with silk.” Ezekiel 16:10
See with what matchless generosity the Lord provides for His people’s apparel. They are so arrayed that the divine skill is seen producing an unrivalled broidered work, in which every attribute takes its part and every divine beauty is revealed.
No art like the art displayed in our salvation, no cunning workmanship like that beheld in the righteousness of the saints. Justification has engrossed learned pens in all ages of the church, and will be the theme of admiration in eternity. God has indeed “curiously wrought it.”
With all this elaboration there is mingled utility and durability, comparable to our being shod with badgers’ skins. The animal here meant is unknown, but its skin covered the tabernacle, and formed one of the finest and strongest leathers known. The righteousness which is of God by faith endureth for ever, and he who is shod with this divine preparation will tread the desert safely, and may even set his foot upon the lion and the adder.
Purity and dignity of our holy vesture are brought out in the fine linen. When the Lord sanctifies His people, they are clad as priests in pure white; not the snow itself excels them; they are in the eyes of men and angels fair to look upon, and even in the Lord’s eyes they are without spot. Meanwhile the royal apparel is delicate and rich as silk. No expense is spared, no beauty withheld, no daintiness denied.
What, then? Is there no inference from this? Surely there is gratitude to be felt and joy to be expressed. Come, my heart, refuse not thy evening hallelujah! Tune thy pipes! Touch thy chords!
“Strangely, my soul, art thou arrayed
By the Great Sacred Three!
In sweetest harmony of praise
Let all thy powers agree.”
Beloveth, is your spirit a tune to Praising the Lord is moment? never cease to give Praise because in so doing the Lord will exalted and your blessings will come down.
Pick up your string instruments dearly beloved and Praise the Lord!
Remain blessed in the Lord.