Come and see what the Lord has done for me, He has taken away my sin and I am free, agam buru alleluia buru, agam para alleluia para, because of Jesus everyday na shakara I do, double, double heavenly blessings na him I dey receive, eheh haha God Your grace and mercy always dey follow me.// Heavenly God Your Name is wonderful, Your Name is excellent, Your Name is wonderful. We worship You Lord for You are mighty, You got the whole world in Your hand.

O! that men will Praise the Lord, for His goodness and His Wonderful work to the children men, You have broken the gate of brass and cut asunder the rod irons.

Father, we thank You for the gift of this week, glory be Your Name for Your faithfulness and Your mercies. Thank for Your answers to prayers, Thank You for taking away my burden and giving us Your peace, Father we cannot thank You enough for this great miracles that wrought in our amidst, receive all the Praise, receive the all honour, glory and adoration in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, can you give a clap offering to the Lord!!! Praise the Lord somebody!!! Our God is a good, good, good, God. Iron did swim and is only God that can make iron to swim, somebody shout alleluia!!! Is only Jesus that can pray for you without counting cost, same Jesus will share Son-ship with you without fear Beloveth, God made us His children even when we are not qualified to be called His children and again and again because of all the good things He has done for us we can encouraged to speak on God’s behalf.

Beloveth, are you ready to speak on God’s behalf? If you are then join us to see how we ought to do it:

“I have yet to speak on God’s behalf.” Job 36:2

We ought not to court publicity for our virtue, or notoriety for our zeal; but, at the same time, it is a sin to be always seeking to hide that which God has bestowed upon us for the good of others.

A Christian is not to be a village in a valley, but “a city set upon a hill;” he is not to be a candle under a bushel, but a candle in a candlestick, giving light to all. Retirement may be lovely in its season, and to hide one’s self is doubtless modest, but the hiding of Christ in us can never be justified, and the keeping back of truth which is precious to ourselves is a sin against others and an offence against God.

If you are of a nervous temperament and of retiring disposition, take care that you do not too much indulge this trembling propensity, lest you should be useless to the church. Seek in the name of Him who was not ashamed of you to do some little violence to your feelings, and tell to others what Christ has told to you.

If thou canst not speak with trumpet tongue, use the still small voice. If the pulpit must not be thy tribune, if the press may not carry on its wings thy words, yet say with Peter and John, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee.”

By Sychar’s well talk to the Samaritan woman, if thou canst not on the mountain preach a sermon; utter the praises of Jesus in the house, if not in the temple; in the field, if not upon the exchange; in the midst of thine own household, if thou canst not in the midst of the great family of man.

From the hidden springs within let sweetly flowing rivulets of testimony flow forth, giving drink to every passer-by. Hide not thy talent; trade with it; and thou shalt bring in good interest to thy Lord and Master.

To speak for God will be refreshing to ourselves, cheering to saints, useful to sinners, and honouring to the Saviour. Dumb children are an affliction to their parents. Lord, unloose all Thy children’s tongue.

Beloveth, did you read the last sentence, “dumb children are an affliction to their parents.” May we not be dumb children to our loving God dearly beloved. Speak about Him anywhere you have the opportunity or privilege, seek the opportunity to demonstrate His goodness and His lovingkindness.

Beloveth never miss any opportunity to show forth His goodness and He will never cease to be Your Father even as He had promised us in Jesus Name!

Alleluia to the King of kings, that we are vessel of honour, sanctifies, and meet for the Master’s use, and prepared for every good work (2 Tim 2:20-21) and we must not fail to show forth His power in Jesus Name! Praise the Name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you enjoy this PCL session? As you depart put it to work and God will bless you. Have a loving weekend; see you on Monday by God’s grace.

Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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