Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Your throne. We bow before Your throne, we worship at Your feet, we bow before Your throne You are a glorious God // I am thank You Lord for Who You are, what You have done in my life! I am thanking You God for Who You are, what You have done, Dan Sakari Baba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What shall I say unto the Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord! What shall I say unto Jehovah, all I have to say is thank You Lord! Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Take glory Father, Thank glory Son, Thank glory Holy Spirit now forever.
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adore Your Holy Name! Thank You for the gift of this week, the blessings and glory that You showered on us, glory be Thy Holy Name! My Father, my Father who is like unto Thee! my alleluia belongs to You alone.
Holy are You Lord! All creations called you Lord! Worthy is Your Name! We worship Your Majesty Awesome God, how great are Thou, You are God Mighty are your miracles, standing on Your Holy ground Lord we bow and worship You. Lord we bow and worship You!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ancient of Days as Old as You are, as Old as You are! You will never fail!!!!!! Ancient of Days as Old as You are, as Old as You are! You will never change.
Beloveth, it is a great thing to serve the Lord, it is a great thing to worship and adore His Holy Name in Jesus Name! glory alleluia
Dome and see what the Lord has done for He has take away my sins and now am free, because of Jesus everyday na shakara I do, Double Double heavenly blessing na him I dey receive (from Him I dey receive) God Your Grace and Mercies always dey follow me.
Beloveth, He has done it again and that is why I am so glad that He changeth, what He say Hill do, He does not need your help or my help, our God is Self-Existent, He made everything, and nothing was made without Him, glory alleluia.
Beloveth, my soul is rejoicing in the Lord My Saviour, shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth have you been slothful either at work or in prayer? Evangelism is the heart beat of our heavenly Father, are you ready to do the will of God? Today’s teaching is encouraging us to be alive at all times and guide jealously our walk with God.
Nothing we have or possess is good enough to keep our soul intact. “… all is vanity and a striving after wind.” King Solomon has everything a person could ever want. He had more wealth, fame, power and status than anyone in history, He has more enough of awards and plaques than he knew what to with. He was the definition God someone who has “made it.” yet at he of his life, when he reflects back on all of His accomplishments, he comes to a rash relaxation- nothing lasts and apart from God it is all meaningless.
Culture tells us that hope and life is found in our status and in our wealth. Yet so many people, like Solomon, come to the end of their lives having placed all their hope in these things and come up empty. So what is the remedy? So what is the remedy? How do we live a life filled with purpose and meaning? How do we make our lives count?
Solomon at the end of Ecclesiastes comes to the ultimate conclusion that life apart from God is meaningless. This stands true for us today as well (Eccl 2:17-23, Ps 119:37).
Success and awards wont matter when we stand before in eternity. What gives our life purpose is our relationship with Christ and living a life for Him. Col 3:23-23 shows us how we can live our lives for the Lord, achieve true success and avoid coming to the end of our lives with regret.
Our Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is our constant, Our Rock, the beautiful thing about trials is that it is in the midst of suffering; our foundations are tested and see what remains standing. In the Psalms, we see the vulnerability of David – a King, who in spite his victories and mighty confidence, still faced defeat and trials. He knew what it felt like to have no control over his circumstance and feel surrounded by his enemies, but he also knew exactly who t turn to as his source of hope, as his mighty Rock, and as his firm foundation.
May we also not forget that our King Jesus, also knew what it was like to walk in the midst of a broken world, facing temptations, and needing His own bail=out. But He defeated death so we wouldn’t have to. He bailed us out.
This year has come with abundance of new challenges. We have all felts in our own ways as if we were drowning. But as citizens of heaven, we know the one who truly fight each battle for us. we do not suffer without hope. May we be those who are willing to surrender all of our strength and all of our efforts to the one Who goes before us, trends the waters, and leads us into complete victory and complete wholeness (Ps 144:2-8, 40:1-5). Praise the Lord.
Let us discover more below:
“I sleep, but my heart waketh.” Song 5:2
Paradoxes abound in Christian experience, and here is one—the spouse was asleep, and yet she was awake. He only can read the believer’s riddle who has ploughed with the heifer of his experience. The two points in this evening’s text are—a mournful sleepiness and a hopeful wakefulness.
I sleep. Through sin that dwelleth in us we may become lax in holy duties, slothful in religious exercises, dull in spiritual joys, and altogether supine and careless. This is a shameful state for one in whom the quickening Spirit dwells; and it is dangerous to the highest degree. Even wise virgins sometimes slumber, but it is high time for all to shake off the bands of sloth.
It is to be feared that many believers lose their strength as Samson lost his locks, while sleeping on the lap of carnal security. With a perishing world around us, to sleep is cruel; with eternity so near at hand, it is madness. Yet we are none of us so much awake as we should be; a few thunder-claps would do us all good, and it may be, unless we soon bestir ourselves, we shall have them in the form of war, or pestilence, or personal bereavements and losses.
O that we may leave for ever the couch of fleshly ease, and go forth with flaming torches to meet the coming Bridegroom! My heart waketh. This is a happy sign. Life is not extinct, though sadly smothered. When our renewed heart struggles against our natural heaviness, we should be grateful to sovereign grace for keeping a little vitality within the body of this death.
Jesus will hear our hearts, will help our hearts, will visit our hearts; for the voice of the wakeful heart is really the voice of our Beloved, saying, “Open to me.” Holy zeal will surely unbar the door.
“Oh lovely attitude! He stands
With melting heart and laden hands;
My soul forsakes her every sin;
And lets the heavenly stranger in.”
Beloveth, may never be slothful rather with fervency serving the Lord our Saviour. the world is passing, let therefore lay treasure where thieves nor moth will not operate wisdom to apply the teachings we receive may the Lord grant unto us now in Jesus Name.
Have a loving weekend; see you on Monday by the grace of God.
Remain blessed in the Lord.