Worthy worthy is the Lamb 3x that was slain. Praise Him alleluia 3x, Praise the Lord.// It is my turn to shine 2x, it is my turn 2x, I will arise and shine.

Precious Redeemer, we come to You, and we worship You, we adore You for You are good, and Your mercies endureth forever. Thank You Father for the miracle of sleeping and waking up. Thank You for the Your manifold blessings that are those who trust in You. Thank You for bring us out from a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and setting our feet my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.

Thank You for putting a new song in our mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. Thank You for helping us thus far in the Name of Jesus.

Beloved, this is the day the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it. Thank God for His faithfulness endureth forever. Thank Him for His goodness that knows no bound. Great is His lovingkindness to all His children of which I hope you are one?

Goodness is the same as well-doing. However what does ‘good’ means. God is kindhearted, gracious, good- natured and benevolent in intention, go is also cordial. We only think we believe, really. We are believers in a sense, and I trust that we believe sufficiently to be saved and justified before the grace. But we don’t believe as intensely and as intimately as we should. If we did, we would believe that God is a cordial God, that He is gracious and that His intention are kind and benevolent.

We would believe that God never thinks bad thoughts about anybody, and He never had any bad thought about anybody. Now all this I have said means that God is good. Having said this, it means also that God is infinitely. Why? Infinitude is an attribute of God.  It is possible for a mountain to be large but not infinitely large. It is possible for an angel to be good but not infinitely good. Only God can claim infinitude.

When I say that God is good, that God has a kind heart, I mean that He has a heart infinitely kind and that there is no boundary to it. When I say that is good- natured, good and kindly of nature, I mean that He is infinitely so.

If God is not all that we have said our case would have been any better. The word of God instruct us not to provoke God to wrath. Else we are destroy. What are those things that can make an infinitely Good God to wrath? Beloved God is not only good; God is sever. Rom 11:22 tells us about the severity of God. Is very important I set the record straight from onset. That is talking about balance gospel.

Therefore let us not be carried away by the goodness of God and forget that God is also severe.  We will discuss more on this but for now we are stopping here to continue another day.

Beloved we have in teachings for today the two sides of God mentioned “God goodness and God severe.”

Come along with me as you discover more:

“I smote you with blasting and with mildew and with hail in all the labours of your hands.” Haggai 2:17

How destructive is the hail to the standing crops, beating out the precious grain upon the ground! How grateful ought we to be when the corn is spared so terrible a ruin! Let us offer unto the Lord thanksgiving. Even more to be dreaded are those mysterious destroyers—smut, bunt, rust, and mildew.

These turn the ear into a mass of soot, or render it putrid, or dry up the grain, and all in a manner so beyond all human control that the farmer is compelled to cry, “This is the finger of God.” Innumerable minute fungi cause the mischief, and were it not for the goodness of God, the rider on the black horse would soon scatter famine over the land.

Infinite mercy spares the food of men, but in view of the active agents which are ready to destroy the harvest, right wisely are we taught to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” The curse is abroad; we have constant need of the blessing. When blight and mildew come they are chastisements from heaven, and men must learn to hear the rod, and Him that hath appointed it.

Spiritually, mildew is no uncommon evil. When our work is most promising this blight appears. We hoped for many conversions, and lo! a general apathy, an abounding worldliness, or a cruel hardness of heart! There may be no open sin in those for whom we are labouring, but there is a deficiency of sincerity and decision sadly disappointing our desires.

We learn from this our dependence upon the Lord, and the need of prayer that no blight may fall upon our work. Spiritual pride or sloth will soon bring upon us the dreadful evil, and only the Lord of the harvest can remove it. Mildew may even attack our own hearts, and shrivel our prayers and religious exercises.

May it please the great Husbandman to avert so serious a calamity. Shine, blessed Sun of Righteousness, and drive the blights away.

Because of God’s mercy we are not consumed dear beloved, not of works nor of righteousness less we boost. There is pride in everyman’s life but it only the humbling hand of God that places a man where he belongs (Ps 19:13-14).

Come along to behold His goodness as promised us this month. I will not receive short and am sure same is your confession. Let keep going:

“Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness.” Psalm 65:11


All the year round, every hour of every day, God is richly blessing us; both when we sleep and when we wake His mercy waits upon us. The sun may leave us a legacy of darkness, but our God never ceases to shine upon His children with beams of love. Like a river, His lovingkindness is always flowing, with a fulness inexhaustible as His own nature.

Like the atmosphere which constantly surrounds the earth, and is always ready to support the life of man, the benevolence of God surrounds all His creatures; in it, as in their element, they live, and move, and have their being. Yet as the sun on summer days gladdens us with beams more warm and bright than at other times, and as rivers are at certain seasons swollen by the rain, and as the atmosphere itself is sometimes fraught with more fresh, more bracing, or more balmy influences than heretofore, so is it with the mercy of God; it hath its golden hours; its days of overflow, when the Lord magnifieth His grace before the sons of men.

Amongst the blessings of the nether springs, the joyous days of harvest are a special season of excessive favour. It is the glory of autumn that the ripe gifts of providence are then abundantly bestowed; it is the mellow season of realization, whereas all before was but hope and expectation. Great is the joy of harvest.

Happy are the reapers who fill their arms with the liberality of heaven. The Psalmist tells us that the harvest is the crowning of the year. Surely these crowning mercies call for crowning thanksgiving! Let us render it by the inward emotions of gratitude. Let our hearts be warmed; let our spirits remember, meditate, and think upon this goodness of the Lord.

Then let us praise Him with our lips, and laud and magnify His name from whose bounty all this goodness flows. Let us glorify God by yielding our gifts to His cause. A practical proof of our gratitude is a special thank-offering to the Lord of the harvest.

For the goodness of God preserve us. The harvest will be plenty, no more mildew; no more blight therefore no more ruts neither will there be ruin in our farmland again. Beloved, the harvest indeed will be plenteous – our barns will be full with wheat, wine, oil, and our farm with flock and herd. Our spiritual life will not be left out, for our soul will be like a watered garden and there will be no more sorrows. Both our virgin, the young men and old will be glad for their weeping turned into joy, in place of sorrow, I will give comfort. The priest are left out thus says the Lord.

Be at the Lord’s side beloved, so that His promises will manifest in your life as the day go by. As His goodness overflows to you make sure you let the conduit pipe flow through else…. (Jas 4:7)

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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