Come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. Come and see the Lord, come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good.// Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good. Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good.
Let the living Praise the Lord for He is good and His mercies enduerth from all generation. Glory and honour we give unto You Lord receive Our Praise O! Lord. Thank Father for another beautiful day in Your presence, glory be to on high. We give You all the praises adoration to Your Holy Name.
Who is like unto Thee Lord! There is no one to be compared with You. The heaven is full of Your glory Lord! Thank You for Your faithfulness all through the ages, You are a wonder to my soul, glory be to Your Name on high.
David say “the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want,”……, what King David was saying in such a moment is what we are going to read later in the message proper of today.
I don’t know where you are today in the affairs your life but I know that our God is too faithful to fail us. We may not be seeing what we planned for our life or children or even career today but I want you to know that God holds the future, He will never fail us. His Mighty Hand will uphold you and give you an expected end even as His mouth Has promised us in Jesus Name.
Beloved, where is our God who give us song in the night someone may be asking. Dearly beloved, I want you to know that even in that valley of death He is with us. he will prepare you a table before your enemies. He will anoint your head with oil and your cup will run over. Surely His goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and in His dwelling place will be your abode at the end in Jesus Name.
Come along for more revelation:
Joshua 22:1-23:16, Psalm 52:1-9, Proverbs 12:15-16, Luke 19:1-27
No Matter What …
But I am like a flourishing olive tree in the house of God; I trust in God’s faithful love forever and ever.—Psalm 52:8
As he encourages himself in God, David utters: “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack” (Ps 23:1). What a bold and positive statement to make! At first glance, however, the words seem quite absurd. Here is David in the midst of intense privation, hunted and hounded by hostile enemy forces, deserted by many of his former supporters—yet quietly affirming, “there is nothing I lack.” In the past I have known many Christians who have had great difficulty in understanding this phrase. They have said, “How can I recite this verse with any meaning when I want so many things? I want a happy family, better living conditions, an adequate supply of money, employment, a wife, a husband” and so on.
David’s meaning becomes clear when we dig a little deeper into the original Hebrew words that are used. Our translation says: “There is nothing I lack.” Another puts it like this: “I shall not lack any good thing.” “The main thought,” says one commentator, “is that of not lacking—not being deficient—in proper care, management or husbandry.”
So what David is really saying is this: no matter what hardships or privations come my way, I am confident of this one thing—that I shall not lack the expert care and tender supervision of my Master and my Shepherd. There were many things that David lacked—he lacked the comforts of life, family affection, physical security, and so on. What he did not lack, however, was the assurance that God was with him in his difficulties, managing his affairs and turning all his stumbling blocks into stepping-stones.
Dear Lord Jesus, You who took everything that men threw at You and made it work toward Your ends—teach me how to do the same. Impress this truth deeply upon my spirit: that it is not what happens to me, but what I do with it, that determines the result. Amen.
Further Study
Isa 40:11; 41:1-10; Dt 33:27; Ps 18:35-36
What was God’s assurance to the children of Israel?
What was the psalmist’s affirmation?
Beloved, it takes hope in God to build up our faith in God. What are those dreams that you have that is starring your heart up and should have been attended to by now but it is still in the dream stage. I want to encourage you not give up put your trust in God, hold firmly to Him and you will see His goodness in the land of the living.
We can never be defeated by satan and his agents. Their plows are all in vain, their roaring are also empty because one angel from God will put all of them to flight. The Lord will protect us from all evil and will fulfill His promises to us if we are willing and obedient.(Ps 34:7; Isa 1:19).
Hope you enjoyed this session of the faith clinic, always keep a date with us and you will not fail God because His Word has something new for you each moment. Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord!