Glory glory alleluia! Glory, glory Praise the Lord! Glory glory alleluia! Glory, glory Praise the Lord! Glory glory Lord! we give You glory Lord! We give You glory Lord! Glory glory Lord! You are Mighty God! I keep on shouting, I will keep on Praising!!!!!!!!!// Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful Jehovah, Your Name is Wonderful, wonderful Jesus, Excellent Baba, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Your Name is Excellent, Excellent Jesus!

We give you all the glory, we give all the honour, we give You all adoration, we come to honour You. Thank You Father for Who are, You are the Mighty Man in battle El-shaddai, be Thou glorify in Jesus Name!

Let the living water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my mind all my care and burden unto Thee I come! Jesus! Jesus!! Jesus!!! Calling Father,….

Father, we bow at Your feet and worship You, we give Praise adoration to Your Holy Name! Receive our praises Lord! Be Thou exalted in Jesus Name!!!!!!!

Beloveth, how are doing today? Hope you are bouncing in the Lord! Yes! You just have to keep bouncing in the Lord Your Saviour. Why, because Your Father; my Father is the Owner of the whole world! His Son is the Saviour of the world and His Spirit superintend over that He has made! Glory alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

It is prayer time!!!!!!!!!!! Is someone happy? I am always excited to pray, do you know why? The answer is found in Ps 27 verse 4. Please search it out! Now that you know does that encourage you to be excited for prayer?

Beloveth, our God is unsearchable, you can never know Him enough to say “This is Who He is” neither will you be able to say “I know this what He is going to do now.” You only know Him to the extent He chose to reveal Himself to you. You cannot know Him beyond the revelation He gives you and it is interesting to know that this revelation is per time.

If you agree with me your knowledge of God this year cannot be compared with your knowledge of Him before this year. Again your knowledge of Him at the beginning of this year is never the same as at the moment of this reading. True or false, except you not a growing spiritual.

Therefore each meeting with the God is another opportunity to see another side of Him. So I get excited any time I have the privilege to meet with Him because I know I will never go back the same way I came. I know I must have a encounter that will lift me to the next level of my walk with Him. My eyes of understanding will be enlightened and I will get a revelation of a life time.

So I encourage you to always jump at every opportunity that will help you pray, don’t forget you are meeting an ordinary man, you are meeting with your Father the very rein/ source of your being and he will have something for you to take away. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!

In our yesterday teaching, we received teaching on the mystery. And we said that instead of struggling to unravel mysteries which God has not reveal to you it will be better to spend your time in His service and loving one another as commanded us by the Lord Jesus.

We also learnt that these mysteries are reveal by God to those that loves Him.

Today again you will discover more on this as it only the empowerment given by God to man that enthrones a man. Our greatness does not come from knowledge or certificate though it helps you but what makes you reign in your domain is the  revelation given to you by God in a given circumstances. Praise the Lord!

And the only place to gain such an insight is in the place of prayer. that is why Jesus told us “men ought to pray and not faint (Lk 18:1), because He knew that when you pray the angels are sent the angels minister to you (Matt 4:11). Do forget your teaching on the type of oil that keeps the fire on your altar glowing. Praise the Lord!

If you are ready to discover more join us as we take the ride together, come on:

“I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.” Jeremiah 33:3

There are different translations of these words. One version renders it, “I will shew thee great and fortified things.” Another, “Great and reserved things.” Now, there are reserved and special things in Christian experience: all the developments of spiritual life are not alike easy of attainment.

There are the common frames and feelings of repentance, and faith, and joy, and hope, which are enjoyed by the entire family; but there is an upper realm of rapture, of communion, and conscious union with Christ, which is far from being the common dwelling-place of believers.

We have not all the high privilege of John, to lean upon Jesus’ bosom; nor of Paul, to be caught up into the third heaven. There are heights in experimental knowledge of the things of God which the eagle’s eye of acumen and philosophic thought hath never seen: God alone can bear us there; but the chariot in which He takes us up, and the fiery steeds with which that chariot is dragged, are prevailing prayers.

Prevailing prayer is victorious over the God of mercy, “By his strength he had power with God: yea, he had power over the angel, and prevailed: he wept, and made supplication unto Him: he found Him in Beth-el, and there He spake with us.” Prevailing prayer takes the Christian to Carmel, and enables him to cover heaven with clouds of blessing, and earth with floods of mercy.

Prevailing prayer bears the Christian aloft to Pisgah, and shows him the inheritance reserved; it elevates us to Tabor and transfigures us, till in the likeness of his Lord, as He is, so are we also in this world. If you would reach to something higher than ordinary grovelling experience, look to the Rock that is higher than you, and gaze with the eye of faith through the window of importunate prayer.

When you open the window on your side, it will not be bolted on the other.

Beloveth, did you read that “prevailing prayer” is the key to discoveries that will settle your destiny forever. Why because God chose to reveal mysteries over your life and destiny in the place of prayer. Praise the living Jesus!

Now that you know my little secret, can you pray for the same grace to fall upon you and pray for those things that you believe God for your great turn-around.

Father in heaven O God! Come and take control in my life, reveal to me those things that will enthrone me and make me mastery over my destiny, arise and cause a great turn around in my life and destiny according to Your Word in Jesus Name.

Beloved, let us pray!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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