I am thanking You Lord for Who You are, what You have done in my life Lord… I am thanking You Lord for Who You are! What You have done… Dan Sakari Baba…// Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, Thou mercy fail not; As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.
Indeed our Father is faithful… He is Marvelous… He is Wonderful… He Changeth not… there is no turning of shadows with Him… Praise be the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia!!!!!!!!! our Father we thank You for the gift of a brand new week… it can only be You Father… alleluia to Your Holy Name… Arise O Lord we pray Thee again this week and defend our course… do something great in our midst… For Your Name sake Lord, lead us through the valleys of the shadows of death… set our table before our foes… anoint us with Your oil of Grace and Honour… let Your Goodness and Mercy abide with us till the end in Jesus Name….Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Beloveth welcome to another glorious moment in God’s Presence… Wow! Last week was great… this week is gonna be greater in Jesus Name…… The power of the Most High God will do that which no one will do in Jesus Name… Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Alleluia……
“I will Rejoice” says Habakkuk … beloveth… let us reason this together… how easy is it with you to rejoice beloveth when you are in a state the writer was… everything fail! Everything is at halt… everything seems hopeless… I have been there… so I can tell … and I know that if you have ever been Thee two… you can as well have a testimony or one or two experiences to share with us or those around you…
Beloveth… this level of confession or attitude can only come when you are truly in love with God Your Maker… it is not for the babies in faith or those in the beginners class in the Kingdom race… is those who are chewing bones… those who have seen God pass them through waters and fire and they were not consumed… (Isa 43:2).
Like Abraham the strength of the faith had been tested and still found standing… Noah was committed to the course and that save His family from God’s wrath… it might not easy but we must ask Jesus to help us by strengthen our faith in Him so that we will trust Him and only Him… irrespective of what is failing in our hands… irrespective of what is befalling You stand firm in the Lord…
Come along for more:
Though the fig tree does not bud and there is no fruit on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will triumph in the Lord; I will rejoice in the God of my salvation!—Habakkuk 3:17–18
At times it seems that everything around you is collapsing. Endeavors you invested in may fail. People to whom you minister may disappoint you. The business or career you worked hard to build may crumble. These times, as difficult as they are, are opportunities to stop and examine what is truly important to you.
Habakkuk witnessed the collapse of most of what mattered to him. Yet through the loss, failure, and disappointment, he was able to distinguish between what was precious to him and what was transitory and empty. He came to the point where he could sincerely say that even if everything around him failed, he still would rejoice in God.
If the fig tree bore no fruit; if the vine produced no grapes; if the flocks and herds stopped reproducing; he would still praise God. His praise might not come easily, as he watched everything fall short of his expectations, but he would praise God nonetheless. Habakkuk could not make fig trees produce figs. He could not control the productivity of the flocks and herds, but he could control his own response to God. He chose to praise the Lord.
Do things seem to be falling apart around you? You can still praise God. Your praise for Him does not depend on the success of your endeavors but on God’s nature and His love and faithfulness to you. Ask God to help you look past worldly concerns to understand the reasons you have to praise Him.
This is our more Ease Accomplishment… how easy has it been with you? … But can we learn from the prophet to choose to rejoice in your pain… to choose to celebrate Jesus in your tears…
God will come; He will delay not… He will show you mercy and rebuke the devourer for your sake… and for His Name sake He will wipe away your tears in Jesus Name…. He will strength us and give us reasons to rejoice about … yes we will count our blessings and Name them one by one and you will rejoice because the Lord is with you Amen!!!
Further Reading: Ps 23:1-3, Isa.43:2, Gen.6:8, Gen 22:11-12.
On this note we declared this week open and blessed in Jesus Name… We will return at the end to testify to the goodness of God in Jesus Name….
Remain blessed in the Lord.