Thank you thank Your Lord, Father thank You Lord! Thank You Lord for everything You have done in my life. Thank You thank You Lord! Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord for everything You have done. O! Lord we lift Your Name higher! we lift Your Name higher! we lift Your Name higher, we lift Your Name higher. shout alleluia, alleluia, allelu, alleluia, shout allelu, alleluia shout a allelu, alleluia!!!!!!!!
You are worthy O! Lord! Thou Lamb of Calvary to receive glory and adorations. You are worthy O! Lord Thou Lamb of Calvary to receive glory now and forever more!
Thank You Jesus, thank You Lord! thank You ancient of days, Thank You lion of tribe of Judea, glory be to Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name. Father You are worthy to be glorify! You are worthy Lord Jesus, You are worthy to be glorify You are worthy Lord!
Lord You are faithful, faithful faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful are You Lord! Lord You are faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful are You are Lord! Ancient of days how old are You Lord! how old are You Lord! You will never fail! Ancient of Days how old are You Lord, how old are You Lord! You will never fail!!!!!! I am thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done in my life Lord! I am thank You Lord for who You are what You have done Dan sakari Baba.
Yes Father we come to thank You on this last prayer meeting of this wonderful month. a month with remarkable imprint in our lives. A month we can feel You practically amongst us, walking in the midst of us, touching every home, healing the sick, reliving every soul, restoring all lost hopes. Father You are too. My Jehovah Over-do, glory be to Your Holy Name in Jesus Name we pray.
Beloved, how are today? hope you are basking in the love of your heavenly Father? his love is unequal and unmatchable. No man nor gods can love life our God. He is wearing love as a robe. Glory be Him on high!
We are here to offer prayers of “Thanksgiving” to our God who it pleases to keep us alive as we study yesterday – for His own pleasure. It is His desire that you joyous and blessed, therefore He showers His unfathomable love upon you, isn’t that wonderful. I felt love after yesterday ministration. I had this reassurance that I am loved of my Father, I have this feeling that I cannot be move with God’s love backing and protecting me or do I say surrounding me. Did you feel that same way?
You and I just have to enter into this love, we just have to accept it and cherish it dearly, did you read the part where God said I am jeasoul of you?O my God! I felt loved, and it also made me realize that I maut not joke with my relation with Him. he pour out such a love upon me, therefore I must be careful how I love, knowing that God will not want to share me with anything, body or concerns. Praise the Lord!
You are going to see another aspect of God today! Ever wanting to satisfy your desires. He promised to satisfy the desires of our heart when we delight ourselves in Him. Someone may be wondering how do I delight myself in God?
How often do you shun out other activities to be with Him alone in your closet. How often do you desire to hear Him? How often do you desire Him to lead and guide your words and action? Beloveth, you need create time to read and study His Word. You must mediate on His Word. You must spend time in praying pleading for your nation, the church, families and friends. Pray for those that are sick in the hospital even those that cannot afford medical bills. How often do you spend your time or resources on the needy around you? Beloved, how often do stop to check and listen to what the Spirit of God is saying to you?
I saw something in the Word of God that we will like to share with you. In gospel of John chapter 6 verse 35- “And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst” (KJV). Wow! They Lord caught my attention to it this morning as I was about to minister and I was a bit disturb because when it comes like this I know that He has something to say and he wants me to tow that way. when I need the message for the day it is also emphasizing on the satisfaction of our needs if only we will let Him in.
They have been a worldwide fear and concerns over lost of jobs, investments and what have you. and God is saying something to you and I in the verse we just projected – “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
Can you read the verse 31-33, what is it saying? I don’t know who this ministration is for but I believe when you read it you will know that is the answer you have been seeking before now.
Before now you have been feeding on this bread but still hunger because it will not satisfy you as the “true Bread” which the Father will give you satisfy, but when you come to me and feed on me, Jesus said, “ you will hungry no more and you will thirst no more. Praise the Lord!
The only barrier here is that you are yet to make up your mind to come, however, if you come, He said “ you will not hungry again and your thirst will be quench. Are you willing to do that.
If you have giving your life to Jesus and you are sensing turbulent in your Job or work place or even in your business, the Lord is saying to you- fear not “ as long as you are abiding and you keep on abiding, He said “ you will not hunger nor thirst. Praise Jesus!!!!!!!!
Don’t allow fear to take you. Remember perfect love cast out fear and God’s love is a perfect love. Hold on to this Word and brood on it, when you eat it and shew it, the Holy Spirit will begin His work in your life and you will that the Word of standeth sure. Remember that God can not lie and there is no shifting of shadows in Him. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!
Don’t forget that whole earth belongs to Him. He will either sustain your Job or make a way for you in either way you will never hunger nor thirst that is the Word of God to us at this time of uncertainty, fear and rumors fill the air. So be still and know that your God is the owner of the world and in Him you will find peace, restorations and power to become all that He plans for you to be. So be strong and faint not in the altar of prayer. continually make your fire glow and the Lord will glorify Himself in your life and my life in Jesus Name!!!!
Come and discover more:
“If any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.” Revelation 3:20
What is your desire this evening? Is it set upon heavenly things? Do you long to enjoy the high doctrine of eternal love? Do you desire liberty in very close communion with God? Do you aspire to know the heights, and depths, and lengths, and breadths? Then you must draw near to Jesus; you must get a clear sight of Him in His preciousness and completeness: you must view Him in His work, in His offices, in His person. He who understands Christ, receives an anointing from the Holy One, by which He knows all things.
Christ is the great master-key of all the chambers of God: there is no treasure-house of God which will not open and yield up all its wealth to the soul that lives near to Jesus. Are you saying, “O that He would dwell in my bosom”? “Would that He would make my heart His dwelling-place for ever”?
Open the door, beloved, and He will come into your souls. He has long been knocking, and all with this object, that He may sup with you, and you with Him. He sups with you because you find the house or the heart, and you with Him because He brings the provision. He could not sup with you if it were not in your heart, you finding the house; nor could you sup with Him, for you have a bare cupboard, if He did not bring provision with Him.
Fling wide, then, the portals of your soul. He will come with that love which you long to feel; He will come with that joy into which you cannot work your poor depressed spirit; He will bring the peace which now you have not; He will come with His flagons of wine and sweet apples of love, and cheer you till you have no other sickness but that of “love o’erpowering, love divine.”
Only open the door to Him, drive out His enemies, give Him the keys of your heart, and He will dwell there for ever. Oh, wondrous love, that brings such a guest to dwell in such a heart!
Beloved, this God love me too much ooo, too much ooo, too much excess love ooo! This God love me too much ooo, too much ooo, too much excess love ooo!
I don’t know about you, but for me I know that God loves me and all that surrounds me that including you. Praise the Lord!
Come to His throne of grace with Thanksgiving in your mouth and in your hands and bless His Holy Name, Praise the Name of the Lord! Make a joyful noise unto Him Who has preserved your life and your family up till this hour. Magnify His Name forever. Worship Him with your substance and glorify His Name for ever and ever in Jesus Name.
Worship Him like never before, put your trust in Him as you Praise, He will not fail you because He has spoken and all His Word will come to pass. None will fall to the ground. Hold Him diligently also work diligently, never be slothful in the place of work and the Lord will reward you according to your labour (1 Cor 3:8, Phil 4:19). Not forgetting to pray for the coming month, ask God to reveal Himself afresh to us through His handmaiden.
Father, hear us as we worship, praise and pray today; may it come to as a sweet smelling sacrifices (Jas 5:11) in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!
Sing along with us. Read Psalms 96 , Jude. 21
Beloved. come let us worship and bow down …..
Come, let us worship and bow down
And kneel before the Lord, our Maker
Come, let us worship and bow down
And kneel before the Lord, our Maker
He is our God, He is our God
We are the people of His pasture
He is our God, He is our God
We are the sheep of His hand
Come, let us worship and bow down
And kneel before the Lord, our Maker
Come, let us worship and bow down
Remain blessed in the Lord.