You are the Lord that is Your Name, You will never share Your glory with a anyone, You will never share Your glory with anybody, Almighty God that is Your Name.// Move on, move on don’t be tried, my Jesus understand, He died You 2x.
Heavenly Father, we come to say Thank You for the price of redemption so costly a price that saved a wretched like me. Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus for Your kindness towards us. You know what hell means therefore You moved ahead to stop its power over us. Thank You Holy Spirit of God for standing in the gap ever since ensuring that we did not miss the way ever again. O God my Father Thank You and Thank You forever and ever, Amen!
Beloved, faithful is our God. Our God is Holy, those who will worship Him must worship Him in truth and in Spirit. There is no half measure in our Father’s business, you must be true and true, you must be strong in worship, your prayer altar must be on fire, and its light must not be put off by prayerlessness. We must also guide against the Spirit of buying and selling when we are in God’s presence, it does not honour God at all.
Talking about prayer is not same as praying. We must pray and keep praying until something happens. However, God have a standard for His place of worship and that is what we are going to consider today in our teaching. So tight Your belt while we take off smoothly.
Beloveth, the entrance of the Word of God giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple (Ps 119: 130). Let us pray as Jacob prayed, “I will never leave you unless you bless me.” If you are willing to do same come with me to discover how to pray a prayer that must be answered. what you must do for heaven to look down on you as you pray. Praise the lord.
“If thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.” Exodus 20:25
God’s altar was to be built of unhewn stones, that no trace of human skill or labour might be seen upon it. Human wisdom delights to trim and arrange the doctrines of the cross into a system more artificial and more congenial with the depraved tastes of fallen nature; instead, however, of improving the gospel carnal wisdom pollutes it, until it becomes another gospel, and not the truth of God at all.
All alterations and amendments of the Lord’s own Word are defilements and pollutions. The proud heart of man is very anxious to have a hand in the justification of the soul before God; preparations for Christ are dreamed of, humblings and repentings are trusted in, good works are cried up, natural ability is much vaunted, and by all means the attempt is made to lift up human tools upon the divine altar.
It were well if sinners would remember that so far from perfecting the Saviour’s work, their carnal confidences only pollute and dishonour it. The Lord alone must be exalted in the work of atonement, and not a single mark of man’s chisel or hammer will be endured. There is an inherent blasphemy in seeking to add to what Christ Jesus in His dying moments declared to be finished, or to improve that in which the Lord Jehovah finds perfect satisfaction.
Trembling sinner, away with thy tools, and fall upon thy knees in humble supplication; and accept the Lord Jesus to be the altar of thine atonement, and rest in Him alone.
Many professors may take warning from this morning’s text as to the doctrines which they believe. There is among Christians far too much inclination to square and reconcile the truths of revelation; this is a form of irreverence and unbelief, let us strive against it, and receive truth as we find it; rejoicing that the doctrines of the Word are unhewn stones, and so are all the more fit to build an altar for the Lord.
Apostle Paul in 1 Cor 1:23 said “but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles.” What gospel are you are writing as we studied few days back? Always remember that prayer is legal entity that allows you to get into the holies of Holy. If your fire is going down brethren, this is the time to rekindle it.
“As it began to dawn, came Magdalene, to see the sepulchre.” Matthew 28:1
Let us learn from Mary Magdalene how to obtain fellowship with the Lord Jesus. Notice how she sought. She sought the Saviour very early in the morning. If thou canst wait for Christ, and be patient in the hope of having fellowship with Him at some distant season, thou wilt never have fellowship at all; for the heart that is fitted for communion is a hungering and a thirsting heart. She sought Him also with very great boldness.
Other disciples fled from the sepulchre, for they trembled and were amazed; but Mary, it is said, “stood” at the sepulchre. If you would have Christ with you, seek Him boldly. Let nothing hold you back. Defy the world. Press on where others flee. She sought Christ faithfully—she stood at the sepulchre.
Some find it hard to stand by a living Saviour, but she stood by a dead one. Let us seek Christ after this mode, cleaving to the very least thing that has to do with Him, remaining faithful though all others should forsake Him. Note further, she sought Jesus earnestly—she stood “weeping.”
Those tear-droppings were as spells that led the Saviour captive, and made Him come forth and show Himself to her. If you desire Jesus’ presence, weep after it! If you cannot be happy unless He come and say to you, “Thou art My beloved,” you will soon hear His voice. Lastly, she sought the Saviour only. What cared she for angels, she turned herself back from them; her search was only for her Lord.
If Christ be your one and only love, if your heart has cast out all rivals, you will not long lack the comfort of His presence. Mary Magdalene sought thus because she loved much. Let us arouse ourselves to the same intensity of affection; let our heart, like Mary’s, be full of Christ, and our love, like hers, will be satisfied with nothing short of Himself. O Lord, reveal Thyself to us this evening!
Beloved, if Mary Magdalene sought Jesus with so much love and was found by Him, bestir yourself to seek Him and be find by Him. Do not lay on the altar any weapon that will pollute it. Pray fervently until you receive answers to your prayers. Keep the fire burning dear beloved.
Devil will fight you with every weapon including members of your household, but listen to what the Spirit of God is saying to you “do not be dismay, for He that is you is greater than the legions of satan. They cannot stand before the Loin of the tribe of Judah and so they cannot stand before either because of who your Father is. Praise the living Jesus.
In the Name of Jesus the enemies of our souls must be defeated and we pray without ceasing.
Remain blessed in the Lord.