You are worthy O Lord! You are worthy Lord… You are worthy O Lord! O Lord Angels are singing Worthy are worthy O! Lord!!! You are worthy Lord You are worthy O Lord!!! You are worthy worthy Lord You are worthy Lord… You are worthy Lord Mighty God… You are worthy Lord… You are worthy Lord… You are worthy Lord… You are worthy Lord… El-Shaddai…// Come and see the Lord is Good… Come and see the Lord is Good… There is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is Good…
My Father My Father My Father …. Glory, Adoration, Honour be unto Thee… O Father of Great mercy… Thank You for manifesting Yourself in Power and Glory… Thank You for showing forth Your mercies that enduerth forever more… Alleluia Jesus…
All Glory! Glory! Glory! To the Lord!!!! Alleluia hosanna… Hosanna… Hosanna blessed be Thy Name of the Lord blessed Amen!!! Alleluia Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna blessed be Thy Name of the Lord..
Our Father we Thank You … We worship Your Holy Name… Thank You Father for manifesting Yourself strong on our behalf… Thank You for the secret battles you fought and won… O Lord glory be to Your Name forever and ever Amen!!! Alleluia… Amen
Beloveth… it has been an awesome week in God’s Presence… Glory be to His Name… Alleluia… Thank You Jesus for making Name for Yourself in our ministry… Glory be to Your Name forever more…
We are winners in the Lord…I stand in Awe of our God …He is Mighty to save and to deliver… He is more than what we call Him…Thank You for marking us a “Touch Not” Glory be to Your Name… Amen… Thank You for perfecting all that concerns us… Who can be compared with Thee… truly nobody.
Beloveth… This week has been absolute terrific… Praise the Name of the Lord… I am amazed at how God… He completely sweep me off my feet…by the His strange act… The Word that came… The deliverance that He wrought, healing that He did… Of the truth we are overcomers… We overcome through the Blood of Jesus…. through His Word that brought Peace to our world… Praise the Lord…. Alleluia.
Today… We will be wrapping up the week with this topic- I’m Not Responsible…
This is what is ravaging our societies today… people are looking for who to blame for their failure… their mistakes…. their wrong choices, their laxity, their inconsistency… their laziness… but shocking who do want to deceive… do you know that God knows the very intent of your heart… so He watch… and He sees… El-Roi- the God that sees me… are you are aware that He sees you…
If you know… why are you not aligning with His Word… He cannot be deceived neither will He be mocked… so please start taking responsibility for your actions, because the consequence cannot be transferred….
I’m Not Responsible…
- For my hot temper. I’m Irish.
- For my lifelong indulgence in sensual behavior. I was molested at age 12.
- For wallowing in self-pity and under-achievement. I come from a broken home.
Living as we do in a crybaby society that encourages blame-casting and personal irresponsibility, it is interesting to note that the Scriptures allow us no such luxury.
You don’t see Jesus, for example, saying to Peter, “Pete, your dad was a pretty harsh taskmaster, growing up as you did the son of a fisherman. When you get around to it, and are feeling better about yourself, perhaps you would consider tagging along with Me. Give Me a buzz when you think you are ready.“
Or to Nathaniel, “You know Nate, you have a pretty sensitive disposition. I‘d like you to trust and believe in Me, but your alcoholic father scarred you for life. Perhaps we can work on the ‘trust‘ thing, when of course you have the time… and the inclination.“
Today I had lunch with Sam and his lovely wife Kerry, and their three adorable children. Frankly, I was blown away because Sam is the product of multiple foster homes and irresponsible parenting. Women, who are loved and treated with respect, “glow.” Kerry “glows.” And the kids? Alert. Confident. Well mannered. Secure.
In his teens, Sam became a high priced con artist. In his mid-20’s he met Christ. At 40, he is a successful businessman who gives large portions of his income to God’s work. Sam also travels the world, meeting with heads of state, and sharing Christ in the most dangerous of environs. On the side, he raises millions of dollars for propagating the Gospel. In a word, Sam has assumed responsibility for his life.
While the Scriptures express compassion for human weakness:
“We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak… ” (Romans 15:1b; See Psalm 41:1-3)
They do not temper Christ’s call to discipleship:
“If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.”
RESOLVE: That whatever my background or situation, I assume responsibility for my life. I choose to trust Christ for the necessary grace and healing to conform me into His likeness. By His grace and enabling I purpose to follow Him as a true disciple. (2 Corinthians 12:9; 1 Corinthians 1:27)
Beloveth… Are you here with us… not even the disciples were excused … He will not excuse either … His grace is sufficient … did you read that in Paul’s letter to the Corinth….
So give no room and excuse to the works of darkness… accept Jesus… tell Him to help you where you are weak… stand in the Word of life and truth… and you shall see a new you… Peter’s life was transformed… in spite of his weakness Jesus commissioned him to take the gospel beyond Jerusalem, beyond Judea…. To the end of the whole…
We are adopted as son therefore we are also commissioned to do the same… will you do that when you are not living responsible… May God help us all in Jesus Name… Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
The Lord is coming back beloveth … will He meet you serving Him diligently or will He meet you partying and merrying… Rev.3:11, 1Thess.4:7.
Beloveth… we draw the curtain here… see you on Monday… by God’s grace…
Further Reading- Gal.5:1, Acts.4:31, Jn.15:5, Ps.7:9, Matt.24:13, Tit.2 (emphasis 11and 12). Heb3:13, Heb.2:9, Rev.3:8, 21, Acts.21:14 , Jas.1:12, Zeph.1:7, 1Pet.4:14, Dan.3:17, 1Thess.5:6.
Remain blessed in the Lord.