Holy One of Israel, here we are before Your Throne of Grace and Mercy. We cannot do without You O! Infinite One, in heaven You are Great; on earth there’s none like Thee. Blessed be Thy Name forever and ever.
Beloved, who can say a thing when the Lord have not said it. Who can nullify a thing or Word spoken by the Almighty? Rom 8:31-34. Than what can separate us from the love of God v35-38.
In Psalms 8:1-5, the heathen boost outside the Lord and the Lord laugh them to scorn. For they undermine the power of the Almighty and widen their mouth to speak ill of God and His anointed ones. The Lord will show them that He is the Mighty One. He owns the heavens and the earth.
The message before us is timing with the promise of the month theme “Our Month of Glory”. Beloved, you cannot access “glory” in bondage. Your glory lies in your freedom and that is the exact package the Lord is set to delivery unto Thee now. Are you ready to experience the “freedom” that come from the Lord?
Come along with me and see what the hand of the Lord will do this day, in Jesus Name.
“For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder.” Nahum 1:13
The Assyrian was allowed for a season to oppress the Lord’s people, but there came a time for his power to be broken. So, many a heart is held in bondage by Satan, and frets sorely under the yoke. Oh, that to such prisoners of hope the word of the Lord may come at once, according to the text, “Now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder”!
See! the Lord promises a present deliverance: “Now will I break his yoke from off thee.” Believe for immediate freedom, and according to thy faith SO shall it be unto thee at this very hour. When God saith “now,” let no man say “tomorrow.
See how complete the rescue is to be; for the yoke is not to be removed, but broken; and the bonds are not to be untied, but burst asunder. Here is a display of divine force which guarantees that the oppressor shall not return. His yoke is broken, we cannot again be bowed down by its weight. His bonds are burst asunder, they can no longer hold us.
Oh, to believe in Jesus for complete and everlasting emancipation! “If the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” Come, Lord, and set free thy captives, according to thy word.
Do you know and believe that our God is able to give you an immediate freedom this very moment.
Child of God you are coming out NOW not tomorrow, not when it pleases the Lord as I hear some people say in their prayer or conversations. Jesus told the man at the poolside, pick your mat and go.
The Lord is telling someone Now, raise up from that sick bed now, someone is coming out of the financial mess, your way ward child is coming home now. That unfaithful spouse is delivered from the spirit of adultery in Jesus Name. Woman, carry your babies now in Jesus Name. Listen child of God, today, you are nobody from this moment, your name will be heard in the upper most part of the world in Jesus Name.
Whatever represent a yoke in your live, the Lord is putting it asunder for your sake in Jesus Name. You are coming out right now, in the Name of Jesus.
Beloved, it so important to note that you can only access this freedom in Christ Jesus. If you are yet to give your life to Jesus, access will deny. Why? Someone is asking. The promise made above can only be access by the Kingdom children. Click here to accept Jesus NOW!
Do you know that “If” is not a heavenly language? The children of the kingdom knows and believe in their Father and as such success will always be guaranteed. More from below:
“If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” 1Peter 2:3
If:—then, this is not a matter to be taken for granted concerning every one of the human race. “If:”—then there is a possibility and a probability that some may not have tasted that the Lord is gracious. “If:”—then this is not a general but a special mercy; and it is needful to enquire whether we know the grace of God by inward experience. There is no spiritual favour which may not be a matter for heart-searching.
But while this should be a matter of earnest and prayerful inquiry, no one ought to be content whilst there is any such thing as an “if” about his having tasted that the Lord is gracious. A jealous and holy distrust of self may give rise to the question even in the believer’s heart, but the continuance of such a doubt would be an evil indeed. We must not rest without a desperate struggle to clasp the Saviour in the arms of faith, and say, “I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him.”
Do not rest, O believer, till thou hast a full assurance of thine interest in Jesus. Let nothing satisfy thee till, by the infallible witness of the Holy Spirit bearing witness with thy spirit, thou art certified that thou art a child of God. Oh, trifle not here; let no “perhaps” and “peradventure” and “if” and “maybe” satisfy thy soul. Build on eternal verities, and verily build upon them. Get the sure mercies of David, and surely get them.
Let thine anchor be cast into that which is within the veil, and see to it that thy soul be linked to the anchor by a cable that will not break. Advance beyond these dreary “ifs;” abide no more in the wilderness of doubts and fears; cross the Jordan of distrust, and enter the Canaan of peace, where the Canaanite still lingers, but where the land ceaseth not to flow with milk and honey.
The grace to stand still before God and allow Him to be God receive NOW in Jesus Name. Amen! The Lord told the children of Israel “….In quietness and in trust shall be your strength. (Isa 30:15; 32:17; Zep 3:17) and He is saying the same to you.
Beloved, don’t be unwilling, He will prefect all that concerns you in Jesus Name. Amen.
Remain blessed in the Lord.