I am Thanking You Lord for Who You are, what You have done in my life Lord… I am Thanking You Lord for Who You are, what You have done Dan Sakari Baba…. in my life… O! Lord…// You are the Lord that is Your Name… You will never share Your glory with anyone… You will never share Your glory with anybody… Almighty God that is Your Name….

Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… Almighty God receive all the Glory… King of Glory.. receive all the Honour… Jesus receive all the Glory…. forever more!!! O Lord we thank You again and again for Who You are in Jesus Name…

Thank God for Your protection all through this week…Lord You are indeed Mighty… Everlasting Father! Immortal Holy Ghost! Be Thy Glorify….

(Song) Come and see the Lord is Good… O! Come and see the Lord is Good… There is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is Good…

Beloveth… is TGIF… Is PCL… Praise the Name of the Lord… Somebody shout Alleluia!!! What a Wonder our Father is….

Beloveth is PCL today… am so excited… am so happy… Join us to rejoice and give worship to our Father Who art in heaven… Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia…. Today’s PCL…. Is to going to  take you farther than you ever imagine…. Yes… it will help your Christian race… and your walk with God… Is someone excited as I am… Praise the Name of the Lord somebody…. Alleluia…

Beloveth do you know that God your Father love to take delight in you…(Ps.149:4) Yes… His desire is to see you glow…. But often times things happen that gives you no joy… that darkens your mind and thought… that makes you feel that God has abandoned you…. but listen… our God can never leave you either will He forsake you because He delights to take pleasure in you… He delights to see you happy and rejoicing…

Beloveth… do you know that we are saved to save others… and the only way you can bring someone to God’s kingdom is when you have testimonies that show case God’s Kindness and Love… that is why the devil always move around like a roaring lion seeking whom to consume… or destroy… our God made a promise to us… and when I read it again this morning … I was very exciting… it lightens my burden and makes me joyous… my face was lighten… beloveth… listen… God’s Word will never fall to the ground… so when you hear God’s Word… that address your situation… please hold on to it… beloveth… read Ps.1:6

What was it saying… it says… “For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to ruin…”

O my God…. beloveth God watches over you to do you good… He watches over you so that no evil shall befall you…. He watches over you so that you will not hit your leg against the stone… that is the God we serve… so if you are fine with all these promises let’s get down to the business of the day…

Impact!….what is IMPACT?… This is just the reason why you are here… to make IMPACT… Be God extended arms and legs… His mouthpieces beloveth that is what God wants you to be…

If you interested in this Job description come let’s go for more discoveries… Alleluia somebody!!!!              


I live 14 stories above two busy crossroads. From time-to-time I will hear the screech of tires… silence… and then IMPACT!

IMPACT! Isn’t that the effect we are to have with the Gospel upon our lost friends. But the IMPACT is to be primarily through the power of example: Salt that penetrates, and light that illuminates from our life to theirs. (Matthew 5:13, 16)

Paul told the Philippians, “I have given you a pattern” by which to live. (Philippians 3:17) That is, he had left an impression, a stamp, or imprint upon them. He had IMPACTED their lives by the power of his godly example.

I am reminded of missionary martyr Jim Elliot’s prayer, “Lord, make my life a crossroads in the life of every person I meet.

Years ago I played racquetball each week with a professional man who had given scant attention to spiritual matters. He did however pride himself on his self-control. Yet, occasionally in the course of a heated contest he would “lose it” by cursing or throwing his racquet across the court.

I can remember praying on numerous occasions during those intense moments of competition, Lord, help me to exhibit your love and character on this court. Help me to keep my cool.”

One day, after six months of intense competition, he asked if we might study the Scriptures together. Today he is a committed follower of Christ. Again, the power of example. IMPACT.

QUESTION: If it is true that the non-verbals do in fact speak more loudly than the verbals, what messages are you sending to your lost friends? To your children?

  • Messages of anger… greed… pride… and self-centeredness?
  • Or of brokenness… kindness, humility, servanthood, and dependence upon God?

How you answer that question spells the difference as to whether you are penetrating and illuminating them with the Gospel, or impeding them from the Gospel.

Beloveth… may God help us to exhibit good virtues to those around us… to influence them positively and not the other way round in Jesus Name…

Yes I heard in my spirit … someone is lamenting this is difficult for me… another is saying but I am doing that but it not working…

Beloveth… ask for GRACE from the giver of grace… He will supply you Great Grace and you will live above your natural self… the Holy Spirit will take hold of you and make you an instrument of honour in Jesus Name… make yourself available for God’s use and He will make you better than you ever imagine… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!

Beloveth… if you want to enlist in the Lord’s army… ask God to help you… the truth about serving God or walking with Him… is that He will transform you to a New You… Alleluia Somebody!!!

I will tell you even Jesus confirmed it … when he emptied Himself and suffered death on the Cross… so that He will open door of salvation unto us and close the door of hell … God honoured Him… Amen… Phil.2:9-11.

So let us go out there and “IMPACT” our world… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!! Did I tell you there is a reward for your labour… Plenty… of it beloveth… but right now Read 1 Cor.15:58, Ps.1:6, Ps.25:13-15.

Further Reading: Phil.4:4, Neh.13:31, Ps.77:11, 2Cor.5:7, Ps.119:105, Ps.37:5, Isa.65:17, Isa.26:4, 2Cor.7:1

Have a blessed weekend…An IMPACTFUL weekend rather….see you on Monday by God’s grace…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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