In the morning early in the morning in the morning I will rise and Praise the Lord. I the morning, early in the morning in the morning I will rise and Praise the Lord.// I have seen the goodness, His mercies and compassion, I have seen the Lord goodness , alleluia Praise the Lord.

Excellent Jehovah, Wonderful Jehovah, You are the King of kings, the Lion of the tribe of Judea. The Great I Am. The Beginning and The End. Eternal True God. My Provider, My Rewarder, You are my Saviour, My Defender, You are my Healer, My Lifter. Receive all the Praise, all adorations, glory now and forever more.

Thank You for this week’s miracle and mercies. Thank You for exalting Your Name far above other gods. Thank You for being there indeed for us. Thank You, Thank You forever more. Indeed Your Word endureth forever.

Beloved, how has it been with you all through the week?  Beautiful, Excellent, Just okay, Is fine, Well pushing it, Not too bad, do I hear someone say Awful, Not fun at all, Stressful, Breaking down, the pressure was high.

The list is endless, I can list and write and will not still exhaust it as many peoples have different experience even on the same exposure. But the beautiful thing about this experiences is that it is not permanent and can change. Therefore is important we are careful how we react to issues especially when is not favourable.

Often time God uses a bad case to bring the best out of us. He uses the worst situation to show us the way out of it which shouldn’t have been all things being equal. So we have to ask God in such a moment how to navigate out of it. The beautiful thing about all this situations is that in all of it God changes not.

He remaineth the same. So if we can understand the nature of God it will be easy to deal with some unpleasant situations that you find yourself. The Spirit of God reminded me of Phil 4:6 as I woke up yesterday and I choose to obey Him since He knows the way and that ease of the care of that burden.

Beloved the bible has this to say “man that is born of a woman, is of few days, and full of trouble (Job 14:1). So is going to be trouble? No doubt, is there going to be tribulation? Jesus told His disciples.

What we should always try to find out in the midst of it all is that we must find a solution. We must ask God to show us the way out.  I therefore decree into someone’s life that miracle that will distinguish you in your moment of crisis and deliver you receive it now in Jesus Name.

Why do God allow us to go through crisis moment something in life? If you ask me I will say because we are not sufficient on our own but He is. To make us dependent on Him and rely solely on Him. Also to let us know how limited we are without Him.

However, is it the case with everyone? Some have it rough, some tough,  why some have it good, some may not be too rosy but it may not be smooth all the way.

I hope you know that we are in the PCL class and is nothing but a practical session of how we should live our lives as children of God.

Why so many we prefer to have it smooth all the way, but Providence knows the danger involves and will often times allow some difficulty our way to help us to be better, for un tried faith is a danger waiting to happen.

As many out of pride have claimed to be immortal, others by action have also display same but it so important we see some trials that comes our way as a means of making us better and in some cases place us on higher stride than where we are standing at the moment. I have a testimony to share on this but am waiting for the ripe time to share it with you.

Beloved, remember our aim and purpose of our ministration is to help us live a better Christian life and make heaven at the end.

The Holy Spirit took me to a scripture that is in Matt 5:21-22. Beloved, this heavenly business is no joke. I was so upset with recent happening but the Spirit of God guided my feet to avoid the pit of sin. (Am grateful, Lord). And after ward laid Phil 4: 6 in my heart and I tell you it was the best thing that has ever happen.

So let us be careful and learn to rely on God rather than men. Secondly to avoid Presumption sin. This has been on my lips for some time now, let us be guide again it.

Never make any manner of boast except in the Lord. Beloved, rather with humility let our heart trust the Almighty God Who is El-Shaddia. Praise the Name of the Lord.

Let us discover more below:

“In my prosperity I said I shall never be moved.” Psalm 30:6


“Moab settled on his lees, he hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel.” Give a man wealth; let his ships bring home continually rich freights; let the winds and waves appear to be his servants to bear his vessels across the bosom of the mighty deep; let his lands yield abundantly: let the weather be propitious to his crops; let uninterrupted success attend him; let him stand among men as a successful merchant; let him enjoy continued health; allow him with braced nerve and brilliant eye to march through the world, and live happily; give him the buoyant spirit; let him have the song perpetually on his lips; let his eye be ever sparkling with joy—and the natural consequence of such an easy state to any man, let him be the best Christian who ever breathed, will be presumption; even David said, “I shall never be moved;” and we are not better than David, nor half so good.

Brother, beware of the smooth places of the way; if you are treading them, or if the way be rough, thank God for it. If God should always rock us in the cradle of prosperity; if we were always dandled on the knees of fortune; if we had not some stain on the alabaster pillar; if there were not a few clouds in the sky; if we had not some bitter drops in the wine of this life, we should become intoxicated with pleasure, we should dream “we stand;” and stand we should, but it would be upon a pinnacle; like the man asleep upon the mast, each moment we should be in jeopardy.

We bless God, then, for our afflictions; we thank Him for our changes; we extol His name for losses of property; for we feel that had He not chastened us thus, we might have become too secure. Continued worldly prosperity is a fiery trial.

“Afflictions, though they seem severe,

In mercy oft are sent.”

That is the danger of untried faith. When is all smooth, there is danger of haughtiness, so let us beware. But when we are clothed with humility it is easier to access and obey the voice of the Lord. The level of your vision will determine how humane you should be. Jesus was humbly while under taking His task (salvation) and He was higher exalted by God when He accomplished His mission. Is your life drive by pride or by humility, let’s read to discover more:



  • Not easy to apply while competing in a fast-paced, profit-driven business environment:
  • If implemented, can easily be interpreted by competitors as a sign of weakness: A surefire formula for disaster!


Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Peter 5:5)

How do I know if my life is laced with PRIDE or graced with HUMILITY:


  • Egotistical (masking a sense of insecurity).
  • Unable to respond graciously to criticism.


  • Are so sure of themselves that they feel no need to draw attention to themselves or their status.
  • Revel in the accomplishments and potential of others.
  • Have a capacity for self-criticism.
  • Allow, enable, and empower others to shine.

Moses, considered by many to be the greatest leader of all time:

“… was very humble, more than any man who was on the face of the earth.” (Numbers 12:3)

As Christ’s followers we choose to embrace Moses’ example rather than emulate prevailing market-driven values. Right?

 Praise the Lord for His mercies and outstanding goodness in our lives. May the Lord continue to help us all the way.

Have a wonderful weekend. See you next week by God’s grace.

Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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