On the way to Calvary He went for me, He went for me, He went for me, on the way to Calvary He went for me, He died to set me free. //Because He lives; I can face tomorrow. My Saviour lives; all fear is gone, because I know ooo He holds my future, my life is worthy a living, because He lives.
Faithful Father we bow before You we reverence you we adore You for who You are, worthy is Thy Name O Lord, You are worthy to be Praise. Forever O Lord You Word is settled in our life in Jesus Name. Thank You Father, thank You most gracious Father, Thank You yet for another week you brought our way, be Thou exalted forever in Jesus. Glory be to Your holy Name be exalted, be magnify in Jesus Name.
You are God, you are bigger than what we call You, You are larger and greater than what we call You, glory be to Your Holy Name forever in Jesus Name. For You God, forever O God we worship You, we exalt You, we adore You be Thou magnify forever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, welcome to the Holy week 2020, glory be to God on high, they couldn’t stop Him therefore we triumphant against every vices of the satan against the children of God. Thank God for the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem for if men have refused to shout hosanna, the stones would have cried out. Beloved, may we not keep quite when we ought to speak in Jesus Name. Praise the Name of the Lord.
Beloved our text of the day show forth what our God can do in the face of danger and evil. “In the Name of the Lord I will destroy them,” can you stand on today’s promise and know that the Lord is with you no matter what may come your way.
Look steadily on the one Who was crucified so that you will be delivered from death and hell. He didn’t know, he will not have crucified him but the scripture must be fulfilled, therefore they handed him over to be crucified and His resurrection brought about the fulfillment of God’s mind from the very beginning. Glory be to God on high.
Indeed great is the mystery of godliness God made manifest in the flesh that you and I will be reconciled back to God and be set free from the hell that awaits us at the end, for no man who have been able to make it to heaven at the end but thanks be to Jesus Who uphold and never allow us to be destroyed, glory be to God on high in Jesus Name. (1Tim 3:16)
Therefore, we rejoice and we glorify His Name forever and ever for He is God forever in Jesus Name. A solemn week in Christiandom, beloved be available for this week’s teaching, it will surely help you in your Christian race. the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth according to the Word of god to us Alleluia Amen.
Come along with us for more for God is love, Praise the Name of the Lord, alleluia:
“In the name of the Lord I will destroy them.” Psalm 118:12
Our Lord Jesus, by His death, did not purchase a right to a part of us only, but to the entire man. He contemplated in His passion the sanctification of us wholly, spirit, soul, and body; that in this triple kingdom He Himself might reign supreme without a rival. It is the business of the newborn nature which God has given to the regenerate to assert the rights of the Lord Jesus Christ.
My soul, so far as thou art a child of God, thou must conquer all the rest of thyself which yet remains unblest; thou must subdue all thy powers and passions to the silver sceptre of Jesus’ gracious reign, and thou must never be satisfied till He who is King by purchase becomes also King by gracious coronation, and reigns in thee supreme.
Seeing, then, that sin has no right to any part of us, we go about a good and lawful warfare when we seek, in the name of God, to drive it out. O my body, thou art a member of Christ: shall I tolerate thy subjection to the prince of darkness? O my soul, Christ has suffered for thy sins, and redeemed thee with His most precious blood: shall I suffer thy memory to become a storehouse of evil, or thy passions to be firebrands of iniquity? Shall I surrender my judgment to be perverted by error, or my will to be led in fetters of iniquity? No, my soul, thou art Christ’s, and sin hath no right to thee.
Be courageous concerning this, O Christian! be not dispirited, as though your spiritual enemies could never be destroyed. You are able to overcome them—not in your own strength—the weakest of them would be too much for you in that; but you can and shall overcome them through the blood of the Lamb.
Do not ask, “How shall I dispossess them, for they are greater and mightier than I?” but go to the strong for strength, wait humbly upon God, and the mighty God of Jacob will surely come to the rescue, and you shall sing of victory through His grace.
Yes! the Mighty God of Jacob will do it and you will stand in the victory won, Praise the Name of the Lord. Glory be to Him on high. Our God is more than able to deliver and to make whole. Blessed be Thy Holy Name Father for not leaving my soul in abyss but by Your Mighty Hand deliver me into the dear kingdom in Jesus Name.
Beloved, Jesus went all the way to Calvary for you; what have you done for Him? Don’t be cut unaware? Don’t lose your soul to satan, stand on the finish work of Calvary and be save forever in Jesus name (Isa 43:25, Ps 139:17, Deut 11:18).
Don’t be afraid of this season, it will soon be over and our God will perform all that concerns you (Phil 4:19, Ps 9:18, Gal 5:13, Jer 33:3. 1Jn 2:8)
On this note we declare this week open and by God’s grace we will return at the end with testimonies to the glory of God’s Name in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.