Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Thy throne. We bow before the throne, we worship at Your feet, You bow before Your throne, You are the glorious God.// How excellent is Thy Name O God! How excellent is Thy Name O God! How Excellent is Thy Name! O God! How Excellent is Thy Name O! God, How excellent is Thy Name O God. How Excellent is Thy Name o! God! How Excellent is Thy Name O! God! 2x
Our Father we thank You we blessed Your Holy Name! Halleluiah to the King of kings, the Lord of lords! The Ancient of Days, the Lion of the tribe of Judea, You are the Beginning; You are End, You are the Lion of the tribe of Judea, Father we magnify Your Holy Name! Be Thou exalted forever in Jesus Name.
Everlasting Father, immortal Holy Ghost Be Thou glorify, have Your way again today and do that which only can do in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, good morning! How are doing, is Thursday another power session, can somebody shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!! The way you came is actually your business but the way you will go is God’s own business in Jesus Name!
Jesus journeyed to Calvary was victory over sin, sickness and sorrow. The sweat of blood that hit the ground when He was praying in the garden over came for us the curse that God pronounced at the garden of Eden, not only that the Blood that came out from His pierced Hands and legs and the water and blood that gushed out from His side made us joint heir of the kingdom. Can I hear a believing Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!
Yes! The Blood of Calvary sets us free from all curses and seals our faith contract with God. it also made us princes and princess of heaven. Is someone rejoicing?
As amazing as the comparison is between the physical blood and Jesus’s shed blood, the spiritual benefits go far beyond anything in the natural realm. The shed blood is actually the sign of God’s covenant or contract with us; its importance goes all the way back to Adam and Eve!
The first reference to shed blood in the bible is hidden in the passage where, after man’s fall, God clothed Adam and Eve with animal skins (Genesis 3:21). Blood was shed to provide Adam and Eve with a covering. In so doing, God made atonement, or a “covering,” for their sin. From that time forward, God always required the shedding of innocent blood to cover man’s sin.
The second reference to blood is the sacrifice to God made by Abel, the son of Adam and Eve. Abel, a Shepherd, offered God the sacrifice of a Lamb. Cain, his brother and tiller of soil, offered fruits and vegetables that he had grown. God accepted Abel’s sacrifice but rejected Cain’s (Gen 4:3-5).
In the past reading of that account, I have argued, “God, that was unfair! Cain was a farmer and Abel raised animals. Doesn’t it seem only right that the farmer should bring what he had raised/”
One day while reading Hebrew 11, I realized why God rejected Cain’s sacrifice. Thos passage says that “by faith” Abel offered a better sacrifice than Cain. And Romans 10:17 says that “….faith comes by hearing…” Abel had heard God’s Word and therefore knew that only a blood sacrifices was acceptable to God. If Abel knew that, then so did Cain: but he ignored what he was told by offering the fruit of the ground- the very ground that had been cursed by God.
Cain’s offering displeased God because it was a sacrifice produced from human effort rather that complete faith in God’s provision.
Mankind will always hit a dead end when it tries to do everything by human effort. Unfortunately, we often carry this over into the Spirit-filled walk.
Have ever tried to help God? God doesn’t need your help: He wants your complete faith in the shed blood of his Son to meet your every need.
A friend of mine led a man to Christ. He was thrilled about having received the Lord, but afterward he said, “This is just too good to be true. I have been an evil and immoral person: I need to do something to make things right.”
“There is nothing you can do to please God,” he was told, “except believe in the finished work of Christ on the cross. Faith in Jesus shed blood is all that rerquies in order for you to receive forgiveness!”
Beloveth come on for more:
“In the name of the Lord I will destroy them.” Psalm 118:12
Our Lord Jesus, by His death, did not purchase a right to a part of us only, but to the entire man. He contemplated in His passion the sanctification of us wholly, spirit, soul, and body; that in this triple kingdom He Himself might reign supreme without a rival.
It is the business of the newborn nature which God has given to the regenerate to assert the rights of the Lord Jesus Christ. My soul, so far as thou art a child of God, thou must conquer all the rest of thyself which yet remains unblest; thou must subdue all thy powers and passions to the silver sceptre of Jesus’ gracious reign, and thou must never be satisfied till He who is King by purchase becomes also King by gracious coronation, and reigns in thee supreme.
Seeing, then, that sin has no right to any part of us, we go about a good and lawful warfare when we seek, in the name of God, to drive it out. O my body, thou art a member of Christ: shall I tolerate thy subjection to the prince of darkness? O my soul, Christ has suffered for thy sins, and redeemed thee with His most precious blood: shall I suffer thy memory to become a storehouse of evil, or thy passions to be firebrands of iniquity? Shall I surrender my judgment to be perverted by error, or my will to be led in fetters of iniquity? No, my soul, thou art Christ’s, and sin hath no right to thee.
Be courageous concerning this, O Christian! be not dispirited, as though your spiritual enemies could never be destroyed. You are able to overcome them—not in your own strength—the weakest of them would be too much for you in that; but you can and shall overcome them through the blood of the Lamb.
Do not ask, “How shall I dispossess them, for they are greater and mightier than I?” but go to the strong for strength, wait humbly upon God, and the mighty God of Jacob will surely come to the rescue, and you shall sing of victory through His grace.
Amen and through the shed blood of Jesus. All vices are destroyed and victory established through the Blood of Jesus Name shed on the Cross. He bore all our curses and unites us to His Father in heaven. Beloveth hold on this truth and let you’re your heart troubles not in Jesus Name.
Remind blessed in the Lord.