We are gathering together unto Thee…we are gathering together unto Thee…Unto the Lord shall gathering of His people be, we are gather together unto Thee…unto the Lord!!!// I will sing unto the Lord a joyful song, I will Praise the Lord for the Lord is good….i will sing unto the Lord a joyful song I will praise the Lord for the Lord is good…
Yes Lord! Yes Lord! Yes Yes Lord! Yes Lord! Yes Lord! Yes Yes Lord! Yes Lord! Yes Lord! Yes Yes Lord! Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our in heaven hallow be Thy Name, let Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth…Father we worship and adore Thee! We give you Praise…Let You Name be magnify forever in Jesus Name. O Lord Who is like unto Thee, Who can be compared with Thee, in heaven You are God, on earth You reigneth forever… Thank You for the gift of a new week…The last week of this wonderful month…filled with God’s Presence and Your Perpetual Help… Thank You Father, blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name Amen.
Beloveth, how are you doing today? Hope you feeling great? Glory be to Jesus! we are in the last lap of this month and I see God showing up for you in that situation you need His intervention…yesterday God did an awesome surgery in my life never knew that it was there but God knows and yesterday after service I had a meeting with one of my pastor and he gave a word of knowledge on what God wants me to do first before we go into the reason for the schedule prayer meeting and after he prayed with me I felf a lifting of this angry and bitterness off my shoulder I felt better and He also confirmed what God told me even when I took the matter to Him prayer
Beloveth God is a God of principle and order. I was hurt and He knew I was I havd been trying to rid of it but I was overwhelmed and couldn’t help myself when He sent forth His Word I surrender to Him to help me and He did. I have never felt so good as I was since yesterday…I cannot believe it the Spirit of God gave me a Word and this verse when I was trying to comprehend His message to me… He gave Me Heb 13:8 – Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today, and forever…. What He did before now He is still able to do…I was shocked…He said why are limiting God? why do you think He has forgotten? Why are you looking back rather than looking forward?
I was shocked… beloveth I don’t know who is sharing in this message with me, who has believe the liars of satan rather than the truth in the Word of God. The Spirit of God is here to help you and deliver you from the chains of captivity that has held you bound just like I did and surrendered myself to Him, I encourage you to let go and let God. ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life and help you because you cannot help yourself and He will surely do and as do you will has a different disposition as I feel when He touch me….
Don’t let this month pass you by to get connected or let God help you in that which you cannot help yourself…stop believing the lies of satan from the pit of hell, remember God made the earth with a spoken Word….nothing really is difficult for Him to do…
God placed you an infinite treasure in you…don’t waste it, put it to use to His own glory in Jesus Name….
Come along with us for more discoverers:
Now we have this treasure in clay jars, so that this extraordinary power may be from God and not from us.—2 Corinthians 4:7
Knowing God and having Him reside within you is a treasure of infinite value. Jesus likened this value to that of a perfect pearl. The collector would readily sell everything he had in order to possess this one matchless pearl (Matt. 13:45–46). Your relationship with God places an immeasurable value on your life.
The treasures of God’s wisdom and knowledge are available to you through Christ (Col. 2:2–3). His love now fills you. His incomprehensible peace surrounds your heart and mind (Phil. 4:7). When Jesus dwells in your life, everything available to Christ dwells within you (Eph. 3:19).
Paul was comparing our lives with the clay pots commonly used in his day. The contents of the earthen vessels, not the containers themselves, were of great value. The jars would become chipped and broken and would deteriorate over time, but nobody thought of the jar—they were interested in its contents.
Paul noted that our great possession is that which God has placed within us. When people focus on us they see a frail, imperfect, and deteriorating vessel. Nothing that comes from our flesh is worthy of praise. Our bodies are aging and losing strength (2 Cor. 4:16). Only as we allow God to fill us and renew our inner self will people see a treasure of immeasurable worth.
Don’t focus on outward appearances and physical strength, for these deteriorate. Rather, allow the Holy Spirit to convince you of the infinite treasure that is within you because of God’s presence.
Beloveth, this is the plan of God concerning you, to Himself in you but you are hindering Him by allowing sin to dwell inside of you…by allowing the works of darkness to fill your heart…by allowing unforgiveness to rule your thoughts and mind… can you surrender those pains to Him now by looking unto Jesus who died for you in spite of your sins… He went to the Cross for you and set you free and reconcile you back to His Father…if you are doing that right away…you see His peace flowing down from the Cross into your heart and just like I felt good yesterday…you will also…
Let the Hand of the Perpetual Helper of Jesus touch you now…reach you now to do the desirable in Jesus Name… Amen….
Beloveth on this note we declare this week open and by the grace of God we will return with greater testimonies in Jesus Name…………..praise the Lord somebody………..Alleluia
Further Reading: Isa 65:17- 1Pet. 3:7, 1 Pet 1:25, Ps 11:1, 50:3, 37:5, Heb 10:36, Jas 2:13.
Join us to sing this song if you are moved to do so
I have made You too small in my eyes
O Lord, forgive me
I have believed in a lie
That You were unable to help me
But now, O Lord, I see my wrong
Heal my heart and show Yourself strong
And in my eyes and with my song
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
Be magnified, O Lord
You are highly exalted
And there is nothing You can’t do
O Lord, my eyes are on You
Be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
Be magnified, O Lord
You are highly exalted
And there is nothing You can’t do
O Lord, my eyes are on You
Be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
Be magnified, O Lord
You are highly exalted
And there is nothing You can’t do
O Lord, my eyes are on You
Be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified
Remain blessed in the Lord.