You are the Lord that healeth me You are the Lord my healer, You send Your word and heal my disease You are the Lord my healer. Who is like unto Thee O Lord, Who is like untp Thee, O Lord! among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in praising doing wonders alleluia.
Father, we thank you we bless Your Holy Name, thank You Father for Your goodness and for Your wonderful works glory be to Your Name on high. Thank You for the gift of the first week of the year, thank You for wonderful promises and prophesies that has gone ahead of us to perfect all that concerneth us. we bow in worship Lord, thank You thank You and thank You Lord.
Beloved, hope you are doing well? The year might look young but it will interest you to know that this the best time to decisions that will settle us both spiritual, physical, emotional etc. we must make decisions that will advance us and help us to useful both to the body of Christ, society, family and self.
Beloved, we cannot run this year without focus and what you focus on directs your decision and actions, Praise the Lord! Remember what Jesus said “I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your prospereth.”3Jn 1:2.
So might be wondering what is evangelist talking about, this is our first PCL and I am here to tell you that in addition to the our spiritual growth we must also make sure that we grow in career and businesses. How? Someone wants to know we look out for training that we improve our skills or knowledge in what we do or engaged in. we must pick up books that will sharpen our knowledge too.
Remember, training can be formal or informal, just make sure you are floating along but that you gainfully engaging your time and Spirit and it shall be well with you. Don’t be a lazy Christian only look for miracles. What we don’t know that God uses willing vessels and knowledge seeking vessels too.
How did God arrest Moses attention? Ex 3:2-3. Miracles are meant to be when all things you can do has failed to yield the desired result or opportunity then you surrender it to God and expect Him to move in that situation. Is not when you left undone what you are to do and you will asking God to move, if I may ask you “move to where”.
We need to set the right tune so that we Christian should stop being the mockery of unbelievers, we should be people of sound knowledge and wisdom in everything we engaged to do and where we are not commanding respect we must seek to earn it by doing everything possible to see it happen. Praise the Lord.
Beloved, what am saying in essences is that we must seen being the best of what we do and where we are not we must seek for help from people God placed around us and wisdom and help also from God.
Let us be strategic in our moves this year and not sitting around making wishes. I use to amuse at some prayer point some people use to pray, “God, remove my boss and make me one if that is the only one to climb up.” now here comes my question to you, “Are you capable as the person you are asking God to remove? Which institution will do that? And I know neither will God do that. So if you want to advance in your area of specialization please dearly beloved, improve and sharpen your skills and earn more knowledge and God will orchestra a way for you where there is seem to be no way.
Put it in aother way, when the miracle happens you will be ready to occupy the place. The Moses I just mentioned was trained in the Palace before God prepare him for the task ahead. Or how do thing he would have the boldness to go up to Pharaoh as we read in many accounts in bible to deliver God’s message to him. so let us be guided.\
Coming to the topic before us beloved, I will strongly recommend that you read the attached bible passages to help your further understanding of the discussion. In this year devotional our bible will be our companion not under the pillow or somewhere on the shelf. We must have it in our bags or better still move around with a bible apps in your phone. So reading bible are getting smarter daily. Praise the Lord!
Devil has been a deceive right from the beginning, if he was bold enough to engage Jesus in discussion, who are then, don’t be deceive, the accuser of the brethren is always moving to and fro seeking for who to devoir. By the grace of God You and I will be far from Him. we must engage ourselves in studying the Word of God and we daily plea for mercies to live each day victoriously. Our victoriously living did not end with the year but rather it is place God has brought us and will continue to sustain us by His Mighty power, can I hear you say “alleluia”.
May God help us as we study his Word and also be doers in Jesus Name Amen!!!!!
Come on for more discover:
Genesis 7:1-9:7, Psalm 3:1-8, Proverbs 1:8-9, Matthew 4:1-20
Influence or Intelligence?
Jesus told him, “Go away, Satan! For it is written …”—Matthew 4:10
Some of the names given to the Devil in Scripture show him to be a real personality. In the passage that is before us today, Jesus is seen in direct confrontation with the Devil, even engaging in conversation with him. Some liberal theologians explain this in these terms: Christ was having a conversation with the dark thoughts that arose within His nature, so any “devil” that was present was subjective, not objective.
If we allow the notion that Christ had dark thoughts within His nature, then the whole scheme of redemption tumbles like a pack of cards, for a Savior who is not perfect could never fully atone for our sins. As Dr. Handley Moule puts it: “A Savior who is not perfect is like a bridge broken at one end and is not a reliable passage of access.” Once we try to get around Scripture, create endless difficulties for ourselves and end up looking foolish. Far better to accept the Bible as it stands and believe its testimony on everything.
It is actually to Satan’s advantage to get us to believe that he is not a personal being, for if there is no personal devil, there can be no personal resistance. Don’t allow yourself to be deceived into thinking that the term devil is a synonym for the evil influence that is in the world. The Devil is more than an evil influence; he is an evil intelligence. Only when we recognize this fact will we be motivated to take effective steps to resist him.
Father, help me see that the first step in spiritual warfare is to “know the enemy.” For until I know and understand my enemy, I will not be able to defeat him. Deepen my knowledge of these important truths, I pray. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
1Jn 3:1-8; Heb 2:14; Jn 12:30-31
Why was Jesus made manifest?
What did He declare?
Do not be deceived, satan is who God said he is read Jn 8:44 and be guided. May God deliver us from all evil in Jesus Name. may we also endeavor to position ourselves for the many glory that will locating us this year in Jesus Name. beloved, position yourself so that when God is passing your way, He will not pass you by.
Have a pleasant weekend and by the grace of God we ill be partakers of God’s blessings next week in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord