O Lord my God, how excellent is Your Name… in all the earth… how wonderful is Your Name… x2… You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify… You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify…we give You Glory.. all honour… You the Lord… Let Your Name be glorify….

Our Father we bless Your Name … We worship and glorify Your Holy Name… Hallow be Thy Name… Jesus we bow before Your Holy Name, We magnify Jesus… Eternal Rock of Ages… Who is like unto Thee… receive all Glory Lord… receive all Honour Lord… receive all Glory Lord… alleluia Amen!!!

We worship Thee Excellent Jehovah… Thank You for miracles only You can do…. Thank You for Healings, Deliverances, Provisions, Protections, Safety, O my God … Thank You for Awesome Wonders Manifestations of Your Presence … You are too much…. You are more than what we call You…  Father with twenty-four elders in heaven we bow at Your Feet and worship You ….

Song- Only You I will serve…only Jehovah …only You I will serve … I will have no other God…

Thank You Everlasting King of glory… Come and have Your way again and again in Jesus Name…

Beloveth, this is last Friday in April… someone shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!! What a glorious month of Awesome manifestations of God’s Love, Kindness and Mercy… I will shout…I will scream, I will jump, Ohh I will rejoice in the Holy Ghost…. O Lord Thank You and Thank You and Thank You and Thank You Father in Jesus Name…. Praise the Name of the Lord Alleluia.

Beloveth is Friday… is TGIF…. Is PCL… Is someone celebrating Jesus…. Okay, we are having it double today…is also the last Friday of this month…Celebrate Jesus…. You made it through April… Our God is Good… shout a thunderous alleluia!!!!!!!!!!

My Lord is Good… My Lord is Good, My Lord is Good… He is so good… My Lord is Good… my Lord is Good…My Lord is Good… He is so Good… My Lord is Good… He is so Good… My Lord is good… He is so good…My Lord is good.. He is so good my Lord is Good…. He is so good… Shout alleluia!!!!!!!

Beloveth our Lord is good; all the time… He is so good…. Praise the Name of Jesus….

Am so excited today because of God’s goodness and kindness to me/us as a ministry and I cannot but celebrate Him… alleluia somebody.

We have gone through the month of April and here we are at the last working day… and we are still standing firm in God… I am so excited because so many slept in the Lord and some others backslide and none was our portion rather our God visited us with Awesome Wonders … I cannot but celebrate Him and I am asking you to join us to celebrate the King of kings… the Lord of lords… The Beginning and The End… The One Who is and forever shall be… Celebrate the Lord….

Beloveth… I believe you have an outstanding testimonies of the Lord’s doing in your life simply by engaging in the theme of the month… My prayer for you is that God will come through for you as you labour to rescue souls from hell fire… Praise the Name of the Lord…. somebody….

Having been learning at feet of Jesus all through the month… we have this one crucial important question to ask you… “Is it Possible to Integrate Biblical Values Into Your Professional Life?”

My answers is yes… what about you my dear… Is it doable?

Join us below for more in-depth teaching:

Is It Possible To Integrate Biblical Values Into Your Professional Life?

Yes! Jesus did it. And so can you!

As a young man, Jesus Christ was in the carpentry business. Can you imagine Him delivering an inferior piece of furniture to a customer?

  • Or deceiving people through an advertising campaign?
  • Or inflating sale prices beyond reasonable profit margins?
  • Or failing to give top notch service after the sale?
  • Or underpaying the employees in His carpentry shop?

Can you conceive of Jesus telling the local rabbi, “Well, times are tough. Its unrealistic to literally apply Biblical principles to business, given the realities of todays business climate. We have to bend the rules here and there to survive“? Hardly.

The fact is that Jesus lived a life of total integrity… and He expects the same of us:

(He) has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin… ” (Hebrews 4:15)

Dr. Laura Nash, suggests five questions we might ask ourselves as we seek to apply Biblical ethics to business:

  1. Am I hiding something?
  1. Am I hurting anyone?
  1. How does it look from the other person’s point of view?
  1. Have I discussed this face-to-face?
  1. What would I tell my child to do?

If we are unable to integrate Biblical values into our business or profession, perhaps we need to reevaluate our vocation or calling.

Beloveth… if truly we are unable to apply Biblical values in our business then our calling needs to be reevaluated… and am sure nobody that is reading this pieces fall into this category… However if you do… is so simple …ask the Holy Spirit to help you….yes… The Holy Spirit is your Advocate and He is more than Able to do exceeding and abundantly what you can ever ask or require… Praise the Name of the Lord……..

Beloveth… this God is too much… Follow Jesus and it shall be well with you… Don’t fall into the trap of deception of satan … Our God is Able to do all things… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!

Once again we covet your prayers… pray for the new month that the power of God will manifest mighty in our midst… that God will help us… to get to where He has proposed for us to be… Praise the Lord somebody….

Finally in this month we want to appreciate you for making it to the end.. Thank You for keep God’s in view of your daily activities… He is a Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him… He will reward you… adequately…

Have a fantastic weekend… see you on Monday… Amen!!!

Further Reading- Roms.8:31, Eph.1:5-11, 1Cor.3:8, Rom12:10, Heb.10:35-39, Rom.1:16, Jas.2:26.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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