Abide with me fast fall the evening tide… The darkness deepen; Lord is with me abide… When all other helpers fail and comfort flee… Help of the helpless soul abide with me// I am Thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done in my life Lord… I am thanking You Lord for Who You are what You have done Dan Sakari Baba…

O! Lord we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… Thank You Jesus for Who You..what You are doing in our lives… You are a wonder to behold…matchless Jesus hallow be Thy Name… Your kingdom come and You will be done on earth… Who is like unto my Father… There is no one to be compared with You… Faithful  is Your Name… Wonderful is Your Name… Ancient of Days… we glorify Your Holy Name… Thank You Father for being my Ever- Present Help…. We bow and to say Thank You…

Just wanna Thank You for answers to prayers… You are Awesome Father…. You are Beautiful for all situation… Excellent is Your Name… Wonderful… that’s Who You are…

I just wanna Thank You Lord… Thank You Lord… All I have to say is Thank You Lord…. Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia!

Beloveth…. welcome to another session of our faith clinic …. is so good to know that we serve a Loving Father… The Great I AM… He is the Beginning and the End… He is the Who is and is yet to come…. Make a shout-out to the Everlasting King of Glory… honour and glorify His Name forever and ever in Jesus Name…

This year started very well but looks like satan is up to his game of truncating everything God says “Is good”… but you know what… I have some joy in my spirit because I serve a Miracle Working God… Yes His Name is Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Light in the Darkness… He always has the Final Joker…

So the message this morning to us from the Throne of mercy… is the very Word of our Lord and Personal Saviour Jesus Christ… where He said “Abide in my Love” (Jn 15:9).

To abide in Christ kind of love… will never permit us to go on living our lives the way we use to… is not gonna permit us to be doing business as usual… no, no, no… abiding in Jesus kind of love is total obedience to God’s commandments… which might hit us in some places … and the sad thing is that if you are not obeying… then you are not abiding… and will never obey… that means total disobedience which will take you off from God’s love…

So if you want to be a child of God… you must live in the love of Christ… totally leaving behind the life of sin… and embracing the life of Christ Who abides in His Father’s love through total obedience to His commandment…. Alleluia!

Come along with us for more:

Jesus Christ Bids Us, “Abide In My Love”

A lot easier said than done!

Remember the story about the guy who falls over the cliff, grabs a branch and cries out, “Help, is there anyone up there?” God calls down, “It’s Me, God. What do you want?” To which the man replies, “Help me out of here!” God: “Let Go… Trust Me.” And the man responds, “Is there anyone else up there?”

Obedience, the prerequisite to ABIDING IN HIS LOVE, is simply “letting go” of our choices and adhering to His, just as Jesus obeyed the Father and thereby ABODE IN HIS LOVE:

If you keep My commandments, you will ABIDE IN MY LOVE, just as I have kept My Fathers commandments, and ABIDE IN HIS LOVE.” (John 15:10)

The more insidious sins that we resist “letting go” of are usually the ones that reside in that private domain of our lives slightly beneath the surface; subtle sins which still allow us the luxury of maintaining the facade of Christian respectability:

  • A smug sense of superiority amidst our worldly successes.
  • Mentally writing people off who no longer matter in furthering our career or status.
  • Greedy control over our
  • Satisfaction over beating out the other guy in a competitive bid.
  • Secretly harboring sins that pander to our

Christ’s example of obedience toward His Father was immediate, unequivocal and enduring, and cut to the very core of the Lordship issue. It is this standard to which He is calling us:

My Father, if it is possible, let this cup (the cross) pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” (Matthew 26:39) With this surrender He went to the cross.

Obedience, the “letting go” of our will, means giving God TOTAL ACCESS to that private domain of our lives where those secret sins reside.

To continue pandering covert sins while maintaining a facade of Christian respectability is a high price to pay for missing HIS ABIDING LOVE..

Do you ever wants to abide in Jesus love beloveth… God said obey my commandments… in addition obey every other instructions the Spirit of God will be leading you to obey and as you do all this … you will easily and naturally abide in Christ love… Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember also to keep trusting and believing in Christ Jesus as He is the Way that leads to His Father… Alleluia somebody!!!

Further Reading- Rom.8:35, Job.35:10, Ps.139:17, 1Cor.2:12. 2Cor.9:6… 2Chr.6:41, Jon.2:9

Remain blessed in Lord.

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