Heavenly Father, eternal Rock of Ages, Everlasting King of kings, Immortal, Invisible God only Wise, We bow before your Throne and with everything in us we acknowledge Your Supremacy and Sovereignty over all You have created.
Thank You for calming the storms of life and lifting our heads above the raging storms in the seas of life. O that everything that has breathe may praise the Name of the Lord both now and forever. Praise the Name of the Lord!
His body was broken and His blood was shed that made me a child of God. Beloved, have you ever seen anyone with whom you can compare with Lord Jesus Christ. I have searcheth from the North – South; from the East – West, I found no one like Him.
Eternal Rock of Ages, the One Who is and Who is yet to come – our Lord Jesus. Who left the throne to reconcile us with His Father since that is what is pleasing unto Him. He said “ No man taketh it from but I lay it down of myself… for this what my Father has commanded (Jn 10:18).”
The only true and genuine love ever shown ever is the love of the “Trinity”. After the fall of the first Adam, God plan of salvation came to be and Christ having gone to the cross to die, secured eternal lives for us. When He was about to go back to His Father, He send to us another comforter, in the person of the Holy Spirit. Whom up until now is ever willing to show us what to do. Can any wisdom bit these?
Beloved, is so important that we know the only true “love” Jesus Christ, who will not reject you but always have His arms outstretches to welcome you home anytime, midnight, noonday, in the mornings. He is ever ready not only to welcome you, He is also set to change your robe (sinful nature) and set a table before you (provision). What a complete package we have here.
Come along with me as we read what more the text before us have for us:
Jesus Christ Bids Us, “Abide In My Love”
A lot easier said than done!
Remember the story about the guy who falls over the cliff, grabs a branch and cries out, “Help, is there anyone up there?” God calls down, “It’s Me, God. What do you want?” To which the man replies, “Help me out of here!” God: “Let Go… Trust Me.” And the man responds, “Is there anyone else up there?”
Obedience, the prerequisite to ABIDING IN HIS LOVE, is simply “letting go” of our choices and adhering to His, just as Jesus obeyed the Father and thereby ABODE IN HIS LOVE:
“If you keep My commandments, you will ABIDE IN MY LOVE, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments, and ABIDE IN HIS LOVE.” (John 15:10)
The more insidious sins that we resist “letting go” of are usually the ones that reside in that private domain of our lives slightly beneath the surface; subtle sins which still allow us the luxury of maintaining the facade of Christian respectability:
• A smug sense of superiority amidst our worldly successes.
• Mentally writing people off who no longer matter in furthering our career or status.
• Greedy control over our resources.
• Satisfaction over beating out the other guy in a competitive bid.
• Secretly harboring sins that pander to our lusts.
Christ’s example of obedience toward His Father was immediate, unequivocal and enduring, and cut to the very core of the Lordship issue. It is this standard to which He is calling us:
“My Father, if it is possible, let this cup (the cross) pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” (Matthew 26:39) With this surrender He went to the cross.
Obedience, the “letting go” of our will, means giving God TOTAL ACCESS to that private domain of our lives where those secret sins reside.
To continue pandering covert sins while maintaining a facade of Christian respectability is a high price to pay for missing HIS ABIDING LOVE.
Beloved, having read about His selfless love, are you willing to abide in Him? If so click here to accept Jesus into your live now if you are yet to receive Him or you were once save but you backslidden and having tasted the world and Word, you want to come back to your first love Jesus Christ, also do the same by clicking on it also (1 Tim 1:15; Isa 44:22).
Welcome into the folds of the first born, the chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; show forth the praise Him Who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Come, let us see more of a true and genuine love of Christ:
The Cross, The Resurrection… And Eternity
“I saw… a Lamb standing, as if slain… ” (Revelation 5:6)
Thomas doubted.
Judas double-crossed.
Peter denied.
And the other nine ran away in fear.
… Until the reality of the CROSS and the RESURRECTION dawned upon them.
They (Judas excepted) then became men POSSESSED by Jesus… men OBSESSED with Christ:
“The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world… who takes away the sin of the world” (Revelation 13:8; John 1:29)
As you embark upon this week’s challenges, ask yourself:
The resurrected Lamb of God?
• Which rung of the corporate ladder I am on?
• How to bolster this quarter’s sales?
• Whether I should get the BMW or the Benz?
Unless and until we are obsessed and possessed by the CRUCIFIED and RESURRECTED
Lamb of God, we will continue to live in the self-imposed prison of:
Doubt, denial, and fear… Like Thomas, Judas, Peter, and the other nine that ran away.
Let’s concentrate on making a living… but keep the effort in the perspective of the cross, the resurrection… and eternity.
This week is declared blessed in the Name of Jesus. Go in the peace of the Lord and return with testimonies in the Name of Jesus. Every evil programmed in your life this week will not prosper as the Lord will frustrate their negatives efforts toward you, your household, your career, business and ministries in the Name of Jesus.
Is there any sick among us, that the power that quicketh Christ from death quickens your mortal bodies and restore it back to health and vitality in Jesus Name. receive your healing from the love and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.