I Praise You Lord You are Holy… and forever You are God… and forever You are God… I Praise You Lord You are Holy… and forever You are Lord … // Lord I Praise You, I Praise O Lord … in my life I see what You are doing…one more time Lord… I lift my voice to you… in my life Lord… I lift my voice to you ….
Our Father we bow before Your Presence… we worship and adore Your Holy Name… glory be to Your Name on high… Thank You for another privilege You granted us Your children …O Lord we worship You… we give You Praise … we adore You Matchless Jesus… be Thou exalted O Lord forever and ever in Jesus Name….
Beloveth… good morning, how are doing today… Our God is Faithful to fail us… a lot is going on in our world today … it can make the weak heart to faint…
But hear thee the Word of the Lord… “but the people that know their God shall be strong, and do exploits … (Dan.11:32) Also note that “those Who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint…(Isa 40:31).”
Do you know your God… or how well do you know your God! Is so important we ask ourselves this question… else we might be over taken by events… yes we might get overwhelmed with various challenges of life and being to make God No.2 rather making Him No.1 in our lives… we might mistake of making money and things to be master other than putting them where they belong after God…..
Beloveth Jesus understood this and make it a point of duty to fellowship with His Father anytime He is not attending to people… or very early before it is dawn… likewise we are called to do the same… To fellowship with Christ through prayer… through Praise and worship… through studying of the word of God.. Through sharing the gospel with others especially those in darkness…
Beloveth, you will agree with us that man is nothing outside God … the money we are pursuing today is nothing but paper… if the value placed on it is withdrawn; it worthy nothing…. It can be use to wrap beans ball or groundnut….
So we must make God our priority all the time and always…. How.. someone just asked…
Come along with us for more discovery

Jesus Christ Earnestly Desires Intimacy
Jesus Christ earnestly desires intimacy with you throughout this day.

Hours before His betrayal, Jesus knew full well that the twelve disciples would soon slink away like cowards in their denial of Him. Yet it was to them He said, “I have earnestly desired to eat… with you.” (Luke 22:15)

And this is His desire with you today: Intimacy… Communion.

As you progress through this day the most significant task before you will not be:
• Clinching a “deal”
• Picking up another client
• Resolving another personnel problem
As important as these challenges may be, they pale in comparison to your calling of intimate communion with Christ:

“God is faithful through whom you were called into the fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 1:9)
Here is how Jesus put it:
“It is the man who shares my life and in whose life I share who proves fruitful, for the plain fact is that apart from me you can do nothing at all.” (John 15:5 Phillips)
God’s singular objective at the cross was to make our fellowship with the Lord Jesus a continual, moment by moment reality.
Today, let us resolve that nothing in which we are engaged will rob us of that inner relationship with him. After all, that is our calling.
Beloveth that is our calling… to have intimacy with Jesus… anything short of that is nothing at all… beloveth… let us continual make our fellowship or communion with Christ our priority… Praise the living Jesus…
So let us seek Jesus all through the day as we go through our daily chores… call on Him all the time… make short prayers as you move through your chores …alleluia somebody
Our Father in heaven… Ignite the fire of fellowship in our lives so that we will continual be in Your Presence always…(1Jn1:1-4) and be save…. (Prov.20:22) and be in health (3Jn2) and satisfy our longings (Ps.107:9)
Let us pray beloveth…. as we pray may we reap the reward of fellowship with Christ- may we enlightened in Jesus Name… (1Jn.1:5-7).
Further Reading- 1Chr.28:9, 2Tim.2:1, Jer.50:5, Dan,3:17, Rom.12:11, Rom.8:26, Jer.6:16, Heb.5:8, Jer.32:41, Rev.15:3, Ps.71:16, Heb. 13:8

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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