You are the Lord that is Your Name.. You will never share glory with anyone… You will never share Your glory with anybody… Almighty God that is your Name…// You are the reason I am happy.. You are the reason am happy… You are the reason am happy… You are the reason am happy…
Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee… we give You Praise… we give You honour… Everlasting King of glory… Who is like unto Thee…Thank You for the gift of a brand new week… Thank You for protecting and providing for us… Thank You for safety and blessings… glory be to You forever and ever Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth… how are doing today… great is our God… He is worthy of our Praise…. Alleluia to the King of glory… Thank You Jesus…Thank You the Beginning and the End… Who is like unto Thee Jehovah… Worth are You Lord…. Praise the Lord…somebody!!!!!!!
God is love… how do you react to statement beloveth? Do you agree with it or do you have some resentment or reservation to it?
To some they will jump up at the statement …to some others they can be mute… and to some others… they mighty be an outright outburst to it… all depending on which side of life we are lying…
To me… I am always excited at this statement… Yes even if I am in great pain… to know that God loves me always gladdens my heart… I will simple tell God my pain but I will also remind Him that I know that His plan and thought towards me are good and not evil… to give me an expected end… (Jer.29:11)
Sincerely… is not always easy to acknowledge this especially when you are in pain, loss or danger… but at that time too it is better to accept God’s Word as it is not adding…not subtracting… no sooner than you ever think… God will come through for you… Yes He will not stop in loving you…because He first love us… and here is our Lord Jesus tells us Abide In My Love… beloveth are ready to abide?
Come along with us for more:
Jesus Said: “Abide In My Love.”
Easier said than done when you are:
- Fighting time pressures.
- Facing unrealistic expectations from clients…
- Struggling with gnarled traffic and self-serving fellow-workers.
So, how is it possible to abide in His love? Let’s take it a step at a time: Jesus said, “Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.” (John 15:9)
The love of the Father for the Son is unconditional, all-encompassing, unchanging and eternal. Christ has always lived in the Father’s love.
In like manner, Christ’s love for us is of the same quality as the Father’s love for His Son. Whether we “perform” or not, His love is there! Whether we “feel” close to Him or not His love is there! Whether we have spent time with Him or not His love is there: Encircling us, unconditional… unceasing.
Jesus extends Himself to us by saying in effect, “My love for you is available now. You don‘t have to work or beg for it. Just accept it and rest in it. Because I have already paid the price for your sin, I offer My love to you freely. Simply live in it. Freely drink of it.“
To abide in His love, we need to understand two truths: First, Christ’s love for us is unconditional. Second, experiencing His love is predicated upon obedience to His Word:
“If you obey My commands, you will remain in My love, just as I have obeyed My Father‘s commands and remain in His love.” (John 15:10 )
As Jesus experienced the Father’s love through obedience to His will, so we experience Jesus’ love through uncompromising obedience to His Word.
“Abide in My love“. This is Jesus’ gracious invitation to you today. Take Him at His Word and enjoy what He died to give you: His loving friendship.
Jesus saved us from eternal damnation just by obeying His Father Will… Father help us to be in Your Will always… never allowing us to fail or faultier in Jesus Name… Help us to abide in Your love never looking at our present situation or condition… let Your peace enable us to still in the face of storm looking steady on Jesus love in Jesus Name we pray… Amen!!!
Further Reading:- 1Cor.1:4-9, Prov.22:17-19,Isa 35: 3-10, 2Pet.3:9
On this note beloveth… we declare this week open and blessed in Jesus Name… and by the grace of God we will return at the with net-breaking miracles in Jesus Name…
Remain blessed in the Lord.