Come let’s praise the Lord !(Come let’s praise the Lord) Come let’s praise the Lord! (Come let’s praise the Lord)He is Jehovah (Tell the world of His faithfulness) He is El-Shaddai (Tell the world of His salvation) Spread the news around (Tell the world of his praise) Come lets praise the Lord (Praise the Lord) Forever and ever my God He is the same. He’ll never Change, From eternity to eternity, He’ll be my God!  Praise Him!! Jehovah, Praise Him!!
Jehovah, Praise Him!!

Children of God Praise the Lord! the Lord is good all the time! Praise the living Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!! eternal Rock of Ages, Ancient of day! The I AM that I AM! Excellent God, we worship You, thank You Father for great and mighty things You have done for us. You are Worthy, be Thou Magnify in jesu Name!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloved, how are doing? Hope you are doing great, lift up your hand and magnify the Name of the Lord! By His great mercies we are not consumed. He is excellent in all He does. His Name is Yahweh, let us sing a song and appreciate our Father Who art in heaven!

You are Yahweh eeee! You are Yahweh! You are Yahweh eeee! You are Yahweh! You are Yahweh! Alpha! Omega! You are Yahweh! You are Yahweh! Alpha! Omega!

Beloveth, as you have given God what He cannot give to Himself, He will go ahead to give You what you cannot give to yourself! Praise the Lord! Can I hear a believeing Amen!

We have an interesting topic before us today, it was an eye opener to me and am sure your experience will not short of mine too. My prayer is that you will not be readers alone but also a beneficial, Praise the Name of the Lord!

Do you believe that Your Father owns the whole world? Do you believe He can do all things? Do you believe that He is more than able to deliver and to make whole? Do you believe that your expectation of Him can still be fulfilled before the end of this year!

Beloveth, this Father is Jehovah over-do! (Jer 29:11). He is so faithful. Faithful is His Name!  let offer another songs of Praise!

Faithful are You Lord! Faithful are You Lord! Faithful are You Lord! You are so faithful!

Our Father is a Father to all who fear Him. Do your fear the Lord! if you fear Him; you will serve Him! You will honour Him! You will worship Him! You will obey Him! You will be sold out for Him and you will never be ashamed. Praise the Lord!

What are standing in for that before the end of the end? What are those things you are calling God and believing Him for? List them one after the other and table it before Him, then you will see the angels of God descending and ascending  from heaven (Gen 28:12) .

Come and see why you are still having outstanding or some carry-over in the issue life”

Come on for more:

“Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe.” Mark 9:23


A certain man had a demoniac son, who was afflicted with a dumb spirit. The father, having seen the futility of the endeavours of the disciples to heal his child, had little or no faith in Christ, and therefore, when he was bidden to bring his son to Him, he said to Jesus, “If Thou cast do anything, have compassion on us, and help us.”

Now there was an “if” in the question, but the poor trembling father had put the “if” in the wrong place: Jesus Christ, therefore, without commanding him to retract the “if,” kindly puts it in its legitimate position. “Nay, verily,” He seemed to say, “there should be no ‘if’ about My power, nor concerning My willingness, the ‘if’ lies somewhere else.” “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”

The man’s trust was strengthened, he offered a humble prayer for an increase of faith, and instantly Jesus spoke the word, and the devil was cast out, with an injunction never to return. There is a lesson here which we need to learn.

We, like this man, often see that there is an “if” somewhere, but we are perpetually blundering by putting it in the wrong place. “If” Jesus can help me—”if” He can give me grace to overcome temptation—”if” He can give me pardon—”if” He can make me successful?

Nay, “if” you can believe, He both can and will. You have misplaced your “if.” If you can confidently trust, even as all things are possible to Christ, so shall all things be possible to you.

Faith standeth in God’s power, and is robed in God’s majesty; it weareth the royal apparel, and rideth on the King’s horse, for it is the grace which the King delighteth to honour. Girding itself with the glorious might of the all-working Spirit, it becomes, in the omnipotence of God, mighty to do, to dare, and to suffer.

All things, without limit, are possible to him that believeth. My soul, canst thou believe thy Lord to-night?

Beloveth are you here with us? Can you identify if you belong here? if your faith strong enough to carry you through?  Is possible why you have not yet received from the Lord is because you do not believe enough that He can do it,

Even Jesus rebuked the disciples when their faith could not cast out the dumb spirit (Mk 9:19)

Beloveth are you among the faithless generation? Why don’t just humbly yourself before God and ask Jesus to increase your faith today and as you do, the Lord will arise for you and bless you, He will attend to that need. Praise the Lord!

Ask Jesus to increase your faith and as He does; you will be the next in line to testify in Jesus Name!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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