When I come into Your Presence Lord am happy, when I come into Your Presence Lord am glad, in Your Presence there is anointing, Your Spirit will surround me in Your Presence anointing break the yokes, in Your Presence anointing breaks the yokes.// You are the most High, You are the Most High God, Jehovah You are the Most High, Jehovah You are the Most High God.// the Lord reigneth let the earth tremble, He reigneth let the earth tremble. The Lord reigneth let the earth tremble He reigneth let the earth tremble. Jesus reigneth let the earth tremble, He reigneth let the earth tremble,
Yes! Lord, Yes! Lord, Yes Yes Lord, Father we thank You, we bless the Name of the Lord Who reigneth forever. How great is my God, sing with me how Great is our God. I don’t know what to say that will be good enough to worship and adore You Father. You are more what we call You. Heaven and earth are full of Your glory, the earth remaineth Your footstool blessed be Thy Name forever and ever.
Beloved, I believe we had an excellent week, full of great teachingS with heavenly revelation. Our God is indeed a good God, doing marvelous things in the lives of those that fear Him. The month is gradually taken off and if you ask me a lot has been achieved in this first week and I believe that by God’s grace more wonders awaits us as the day go by. Praise the Lord.
Considering the topic before us is such that you and I desires, satan knew this and he continual put you and I in place of anguish, stealing our joy, our peace. Therefore we must arise and withstand him with the word of God daily as we are get up from our bed, we must learn to speak peace to every situation that is making itself mightier than our God. We must be deliberate to be joyful irrespective what is happening around us.
By the way this ministration in case you have loss your joy to satan, to the cares of this world, dearly beloved be deliberate and take it back. Yes! Be deliberate and take it back. Speak life into the dead situations, to that career, job, business and command it in Jesus Name to come alive. Speak joy overflowing joy upon it and being to take what belongs to you.
Take back your marriage, take back your home, take back your children/spouse, take back your business,, job, career satan has stolen from you, speak life into it and take back the blessings of God that satan turned to chaos in your life.
Beloved, I see you becoming “Whole” again. Jesus is speaking wholeness into your life and situation now in Jesus Name. You are taking back your Health, you are taking back your Joy, you are taking back your Peace and I see Joy overflowing in your life from this time onward in Jesus Name.
Be blessed and rejoice forever more. Come along with me for more revelation:
2 Samuel 18:1-19:23, Psalm 69:19-28, Proverbs 15:12-13, John 11:45-12:11
Joy—Always There
A joyful heart makes a face cheerful, but a sad heart produces a broken spirit.—Proverbs 15:13
Joy is a central characteristic of the Christian—and yet so many know nothing of it. They are under the lash of duty and not unabashed delight. They are artificial, not artesian. Someone once described such Christians as “creaking in body and soul as they limp along the highway toward glory.” They walk the road to glory, but they are certainly not walking the glory road.
The word “joy” (Greek: chara) is a strong and robust word. It is not resignation wearing a wan smile. It means a joy that is exuberant and overflowing. The summons to rejoice is sounded no less than seventy times in the New Testament, and the word chara occurs close to sixty times. The New Testament is a book of joy. Dr. William Barclay says that joy is the distinguishing atmosphere of the Christian life. He wrote: “We may put it this way—whatever the ingredients of Christian experience and in whatever proportions they are mixed together, joy is one of them.”
Even in the first year after the death of my wife, I was wonderfully conscious of Christ’s joy quietly breaking through the layers of my sadness and grief. Joy is always present in the heart of a Christian. It may not always be felt or recognized—but it is always there. And eventually it will break the surface, no matter what our situation or our circumstances. I have always maintained that joy is an inevitable part of the Christian life. Now I am sure. Oh, so very sure.
Father, thank You for reminding me that when joy has its roots in You, then its fruits will eventually appear—no matter what happens. Eternal honor and praise be to Your wonderful name. Amen.
Further Study
Ps 16:11; 30:1-12; 126:1-6; Neh 8:10
What does joy bring to our beings?
How are tears linked with joy?
Beloved, join me as we sing this song together as we rap up this week, may the joy of the Lord never cease in our life in Jesus Name.
Let sing- joy overflows in my life, sing a new song to the Lord 2x, I will Praise Lord, I will worship You, glory alleluia, sing a new song unto the Lord.
Beloved, I have joy overflowing in my heart not because my bank account is millions but because I have Jesus in whom all things is possible and can pay all bills. Praise the Lord.
Have a joy overflowing weekend and see you next week by God’s grace.
Remain blessed in the Lord