You are the Lord that healeth me, You are the Lord my healer, You are send Your Word and healed my disease, You are the Lord my healer. Lord, You send Your Word and You healed my disease, You are the Lord my healer.// come and see the Lord is good. Come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, You are the Lord, my Healer.

Father, we declare that You are good, Excellent is Your Name, all power and all glory belongs to You. Thank You for another beautify day You have made and said we should rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You for making us part of plan to be everything You have made us to be, glory to be Your Name on high.

Blessed Redeemer we thank You, we honour You, we give You Praise, be Thou exalted forever in Jesus Name. Wonderful Redeemer, we come again to You to say Thank You for answers to prayers, for making us a wonder to our situation and circumstances, glory be to Your Name on high. who is like unto Thee.

Beloveth, did you pray as we were admonished to do yesterday. It should indeed be a lifestyle of every child of God. Some do not speak because they were not taught in the denomination but we have testimonies of those who spoke even when they do not understand and they Lord sent someone to them in the midst of that confusion to clarify it for them. God sent Ananias to Saul (Paul) when He went to send him on the mission. God is still in the business of sending season mean and women to His young children in faith.

In today’s faith clinic which is going to be the last for this month, we are going to consider other important tools that aid our faith to grow- “fear and doubt”. Ever imagine that?

Come along to see it yourself, I need to tell you:

2 Samuel 3:1-4:12, Psalm 68:15-19, Proverbs 14:31-32, John 8:42-9:7

Keeping Our Faith Trim

He is a liar and the father of liars.—John 8:44

There are many things in life that at first glance appear to have no point. Fear is one such thing; doubt is another. I have heard it argued that all fear is of the Devil and can serve no useful purpose in human life—but this is not true. Fear of being burned, for example, helps us avoid coming in contact with hot metals. Fear can have a positive purpose—and so can doubt.

Doubt, for one, can be used to help us detect error. We live in a world of which Satan is temporarily “prince,” and he tries his utmost to get us to believe his lies. Jesus was not merely being poetic when He described Satan as the “father of liars.” Half-truths and half-lies that masquerade as the whole truth are the Devil’s stock-in-trade. So because all things are not true, not everything should be believed. Some things clearly ought to be doubted.

One writer says: “The inescapable presence of doubt is a constant reminder of our responsibility to truth in a twilight world of truth and half-truth.” It acts like a spur to challenge us to find out the truth about a situation. It is precisely because all is not certain that we have to make certain.

Francis Bacon put it like this: “If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties.” Doubt can act as a sparring partner both to truth and error; it keeps faith trim and assists us in shedding the weight of false ideas.


Gracious and loving Father, thank You for reminding me yet again that I can take anything that comes and use it to positive ends—even doubt. Help me to use my doubts as a sparring partner to keep my faith trim. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Further Study

2Pt 2:1-10; Tit 1:9-11; 2Tm 4:1-5

What will come in the last days?

How did Paul exhort Timothy?

Beloveth, another eyes opener to what can hinder us from growing in the place of faith, oftentimes we chose to live in denial rather than facing the facts of what we cannot handle and asking God to help us else a little temptation will sweep us off our feet. May God help us as we run daily the race set before us in Jesus Name.

Let us trim our faith and be sure of what we believe in or going into, presumption we all know is a sin. May we put our trust in God believing Him for the best.

Here is a caution dearly beloved, do not doubt to a level that it will counted as sin against you (Phil 4:6). May the Holy Spirit be our companion as we journey through in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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