I will exalt You Lord for He has lifted me above my enemies, His banner over me is love. I will exalt Father, for thou has lifted me above my enemies, His banner over is love.// I will lift up You Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, (I will lift up Your Name) I will lift up Your Name above every other Name.

Thank You Father for the privilege to lift up your Name. Great are works and You are greatly to be Praise. What manner of man is Jesus? Alleluia. He walketh upon the sea, He rose the death. The sick is restored. The backsliders are restore in Jesus Name every lost years eaten by the locust, the palmer worms and the caterpillars are restored in Jesus Name.

Beloved, the God that answereth prayer that is my God. Hope you prayed as were instructed to do yesterday. Satan and his angels have positioned to discourage, distract, and mislead you, but thanks be Jesus whose shed blood will not be in vain.

For in vain the plan and plot daily but the Hand of the Lord will scatter in seven ways. Praise God.

When the king of kings step into our situation Satan, failure, sickness, poverty will give way. Every impossible will surrender to the King of kings in Jesus Name.

Beloved, I don’t know what is still creating doubt in your heart but hear me, God is above all. Will you keep your gaze on Jesus and never be distracted in Jesus Name.

Today’s topic is a very interesting one. A must read for every child of God. Jesus is in the boat of our life to calm every troubled sea we will encounter as we journey through life. Praise God.

Calmness is a sign of confidence not necessary that you have an answer or solution to a need or a problem but because you know you have someone who can help you where you are unable to solve the challenge at hand.

Beloved, I want to introduce you to something that will help you over the distress of life. The story of David and Goliath is a very interesting one. Beloved, for forty days Goliath come out daily to challenge the Israelite. For forty days they live in fear. In order word they were besieged and could not get out the situation, but a day came and the captivity was over. A day came every of their fear took to its heel. That day came because someone realize that there is someone who has the power that is above all and that someone is His God.

David was so vexed on what Goliath was saying. So He ran to pick up five smooth stones from the brook and went against Goliath. Beloved, were we usually miss it when confronting our enemies is in the area of preparation. What are you confronting that situation before with? Do you study your bible to get the right Word that will set you free from the challenges that befell you? Where are you five smooth stone dearly beloved?

Where are the bible verses you are fighting with? Where are the/your testimonies that you are standing on? Have you settled the issue with God in the place of prayer? What is God saying concerning the situation? What Divine instructions are backing you up?

In the place of preparation we often miss it. David did not go against Goliath with bare hands; he went up to meet him with the knowledge of who His God is and what his God has done it in the time past.

Now having counted all that God did in the past for him, he then asked a question “who is these uncircumcised Philistine that is defying the armies of the Most High God?

Beloved, having done all in the situation that is confronting you, please dare to ask this question also. “Who is these uncircumcised Philistine that is defying the armies of the Most High God?”

Surprised at my statement? Are you not among the armies of the Most High God? Are you not enlisted in the Lord’s army? If not, then you have to so, that this question will be valid when you say it against any situation confronting you. Praise God.

That will boost our confidence and we should learn to be clam in the face of trials and temptations if we know who is backing us up. We need not fear or got distressed because God will always back us up. Praise God.

Let the peace and confidence in God help us to overcome every undesirable situation in our live in Jesus Name. Let’s’ discover more:


“He that believeth shall not make haste.” Isa. 28:16


He shall make haste to keep the Lord’s commandments; but he shall not make haste in any impatient or improper sense.

He shall not haste to run away, for he shall not be overcome with the fear which causes panic. When others are flying hither and thither as if their wits had failed them, the believer shall be quiet, calm, and deliberate, and so shall be able to act wisely in the hour of trial.

He shall not haste in his expectations, craving his good things at once and on the spot; but he will wait God’s time. Some are in a desperate hurry to have the bird in the hand; for they regard the Lord’s promise as a bird in the bush, not likely to be theirs. Believers know how to wait.

He shall not haste by plunging into wrong or questionable action. Unbelief must be doing something, and thus it works its own undoing; but faith makes no more haste than good speed, and thus it is not forced to go back sorrowfully by the way which it followed heedlessly.

How is it with me? Am I believing, and am I therefore keeping to the believer’s pace, which is walking with God? Peace, fluttering spirit! Oh, rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him! Heart, see that thou do this at once!


“Behold, all is vanity.” Ecclesiastes 1:14


Nothing can satisfy the entire man but the Lord’s love and the Lord’s own self. Saints have tried to anchor in other roadsteads, but they have been driven out of such fatal refuges. Solomon, the wisest of men, was permitted to make experiments for us all, and to do for us what we must not dare to do for ourselves.

Here is his testimony in his own words: “So I was great, and increased more than all that were before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom remained with me. And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: and this was my portion of all my labour.

Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.” “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”

What! the whole of it vanity? O favoured monarch, is there nothing in all thy wealth? Nothing in that wide dominion reaching from the river even to the sea? Nothing in Palmyra’s glorious palaces? Nothing in the house of the forest of Lebanon? In all thy music and dancing, and wine and luxury, is there nothing? “Nothing,” he says, “but weariness of spirit.” This was his verdict when he had trodden the whole round of pleasure. To embrace our Lord Jesus, to dwell in His love, and be fully assured of union with Him—this is all in all.

Dear reader, you need not try other forms of life in order to see whether they are better than the Christian’s: if you roam the world around, you will see no sights like a sight of the Saviour’s face; if you could have all the comforts of life, if you lost your Saviour, you would be wretched; but if you win Christ, then should you rot in a dungeon, you would find it a paradise; should you live in obscurity, or die with famine, you will yet be satisfied with favour and full of the goodness of the Lord.

Yes! You will yet be satisfies with the goodness the Lord promised His children. Praise God. All is vanity and vexation of Spirit said King Solomon. What else do you want to know? Watch the way you live and know that God is above all and when you have Jesus you have everything. Praise God.

Grow in faith dearly beloved, do not let anything bulge more than necessary. Put your confident in God. Keep trusting Him, He will yet visit you and turn that ugly situation to be beautiful. Read our theme text for the month. He that promise will do it. Praise God!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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