You are the Lord that is Your Name. You will never share Your glory with anyone…You will never share glory with anybody, You are the Lord that is Your Name…// Who is like unto Thee O Lord Who is like unto Thee..O Lord among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia!
Thank You Father for Who You are, Your Love and Purity is Great to behold…Father You are great…You remaineth Great…above all Father, we bow down to worship and Praise Your Name from generation to generation glory be to You alone Father we adore You forever and ever in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… the resurrection power that raised Jesus from death is very much available to raise us from everywhere you need the Miracle… family, spiritual life, career, ministry, even from the grave…our Lord Jesus defected death and marched through the gates of Hades, death has been defeated… He claimed decisive victory over death and we share in His victory. Praise the Lord somebody!
The truth you know sets you free Jesus admonished those who believed in Him. do you know the truth? the truth is Christ. Read March 31, 2022 ministration for more) our Lord Jesus is the truth…therefore whatever Jesus said concerning your situation so it is…
Beloveth, do you know Jesus Christ? What do you know about Him…when Peter discover that He is the Son of the Living God, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord (Lk 5:8). Peter experienced a net breaking miracle …having toiled all through the night without a catch…and now with a draught of fishes when it was uncommon to caught fish…with James and John in His company Jesus declared his intention to them… fear not; from henceforth thou shall catch men… they forsook their all and followed Him…
Beloveth, this possible only when you know Jesus… knowing Jesus as we can see later discover in our discussion today is beyond what you and I engaged in… Philip saith to Nathanael “come and see.”
Are you ready to know more of Jesus than what you know already… you need to come and see… beloveth is no longer business as usual…Jesus demands from us a closer relationship beyond our Bible study attendance and knowledge of scriptures. HE wants an intimate relationship with Him….do you care to know how to cultivate then join us to discover more:
“You pore over the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them, yet they testify about Me.
And you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.”—John 5:39–40
Bible study will not give you eternal life. You could memorize the entire Bible and be able to discuss minute issues of biblical scholarship and yet fail to experience the truths found in its pages. It is a subtle temptation to prefer the book to the Author. A book will not confront you about your sin, the Author will. Books can be ignored; it is much harder to avoid the Author when He is seeking a relationship with you.
The Pharisees in Jesus’ day thought God would be pleased with their knowledge of His Word. They could quote long, complicated passages of Scripture. They loved to recite and study God’s Law for hours on end. Yet Jesus condemned them because, although they knew the Scriptures, they did not know God. They were proud of their Bible knowledge, but they rejected the invitation to know God’s Son.
Can you imagine yourself knowing all that God has promised to do in your life but then turning to something else instead? You may be tempted to turn to substitutes. These substitutes aren’t necessarily bad things. They might include serving in the church, doing good deeds, or reading Christian books.
No amount of Christian activity will ever replace your relationship with Jesus. The apostle Paul considered every “good” thing he had ever done to be “rubbish” when compared to the surpassing value of knowing Christ (Phil. 3:8). Never become satisfied with religious activity rather than a personal, vibrant, and growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Beloveth, are you will to come and see… who truly Jesus is? Nathanael said “can anything good come out from Nazareth?” Jesus is a fulfillment of the promise of God of salvation to mankind..knowing Him will make a lot of difference in your life…don’t toy with this unique opportunity of knowing the Risen Christ…the grave could not hold captive but He defeated death and claimed decisive victory over death and we share in His victory….
Is possible that they have also ask you will anything good come out from you? not to worry Jesus will give you a resounding victory…the Power that raised Jesus from death is brooding that situation and you will come through with a victory shout as did Jesus did (1 Cor.15:55).
I hear the shout of rejoicing in your court! Alleluia somebody!!! Another is being lifted shout Amen that swallows doubt Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Further Reading: Phil 4:4-5, Phil 3:8,
Remain blessed in the Lord.