Everlasting Father we thank You for all You have done us. For the life and the strength You gave us, we thank You Lord. For in You O God is our trust. Glory be unto You forever in Jesus Name.
Father, forgive us all our sin and give us grace to live above sin we prayed Thee.
Beloved, we are here again by the special grace of God to look into the book of liberty. To discover more truth in the book of life (1 Thess 5:6).
How well do you know your Creator, the Maker of heaven and Earth? They that know their God shall be strong, and do exploits (Dan 11:32). We know that our God whom we serve is able to delivery us…(Dan 3:17).
Sometimes we place our confident in man, our career or possession but it ought not to be so. Our help comes from the Lord Who made heaven and earth.
Knowing our God well places us on the same stand with the three Hebrew boys “ for we know ….” Beloved it so important that we take out time to actually know your God.
Knowing your God includes all but are not limited to knowing when He is one speaking to you, directing you or instructing you. We are expected to obey all not pick and choose what to do or what not to do. It also include knowing the mind of God on issues concerning you, family and career.
May God help us to know Him better each day, Amen! Let read on:
This is eternal life:
that they may know You, the only true God,
and the One You have sent—Jesus Christ.—John 17:3
Knowing God through experience is radically different than knowing about God from a theology textbook. According to the Bible, you cannot say you know God unless you have experienced Him (Phil. 3:8, 10). Biblical knowledge always involves experience. You may become discouraged because the truths you read about in the Bible are much richer than the reality of your own experience.
If you have not experienced God’s power at work in and through your life, do not settle for a secondhand knowledge of God’s power, rejoicing in what He has done in others. Jesus’ prayer was that you would come to know God and His presence in your life and experience. Don’t discount the power of God as described in Scripture simply because you have not experienced it.
Bring your experience up to the standard of Scripture, never reduce Scripture to the level of your experience. Don’t settle for a head knowledge of God’s love. Jesus prayed that you would experience the depth and width and height of His love and that you would enjoy God’s full and unending love in the day-to-day experiences of your life.
If you sense there are biblical truths that you are not experiencing, keep that truth before you and ask God to bring it into your everyday experience. Ask God if there are any adjustments you need to make in order to receive His promise. Don’t give up on the promises of God, stay with them until you are fully experiencing them.
Often times we fall into an erroneous thinking that we truly know God having experienced Him in one or the other. One thing is certain you cannot know God too well to be familiar with the ways He does His things. Most of our father’s in the faith fell at it. This is a caution to us to beware so that we will not fail God. The message below is likely to shock you if you think that you have come to know God better. Read on:
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways.” [This is] the Lord’s declaration. “For as heaven is higher than earth, so My ways are higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”—Isaiah 55:8–9
Rarely does God do something exactly as we think He will. Our problem is that we try to second-guess God, saying, “Oh, now I know what God is planning to do!” Moses experienced this as he learned how God was going to deliver the Hebrews out of Egypt. God told him He would harden Pharaoh’s heart. Yet, the result was not what Moses anticipated. Rather than allowing the Hebrews to leave, Pharaoh increased their hardship. Rather than becoming a hero among the Hebrews, Moses was despised by them for bringing greater suffering.
Moses returned to the Lord and asked, “Lord, why have You brought trouble on this people? Why is it You have sent me?”(Exod. 5:22). Much of the frustration we experience as Christians has nothing to do with what God does or doesn’t do. It has everything to do, rather, with the false assumptions we make about how we think God will and should act.
Have you ever done the will of God and then things seemed to become worse? Moses completely misunderstood what the results of His obedience to God would be. When things did not turn out as he anticipated, Moses became discouraged. God had told Moses what to do, but He had not told Moses what the consequences would be.
It is foolish to attempt to do God’s work using your own “common sense.” God does not eliminate your common sense, He consecrates it. He gives you His wisdom so you can understand His ways.
As you look back on God’s activity in your life, you will recognize the supreme wisdom in how He has led you. As you look forward to what God may do, be careful you do not try to predict what He will do next. You may find yourself completely off the mark.
I believe this message ministered to someone and peradventure you have ran into troubles water just ask God to direct you and follow Him daily as He leads you. Don’t run ahead of Him and then you will make good success according to His Word.
Remain blessed in the Lord.