Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia! // How Excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How Excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! 2x How Excellent is Thy Name! 2x How Excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How Excellent is Thy Name! How Excellent is Thy Name! How Excellent is Thy Name O! Lord!
Our Father in heaven indeed Excellence is Thy Name! Who can be compare with our Father, thank You gracious Redeemer, let they kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven, thank You for answers to prayers, may Your Name alone be glorify in Jesus Name.
Is is good to Praise the Lord alleluia 3x Praise the Lord alleluia x2
Wonderful, Wonderful, Your Name is Wonderful! Wonderful Jesus!!! Excellent, Excellent, Your Name is Excellent! Excellent Jesus! Glorious, Glorious, Your Name is Glorious, Glorious Jesus!!!!!!
Arise O God, let Thy enemies be scattered, Arise O God, let Thy enemies be scattered, Arise O God, let Thy enemies be scattered, O Lord my God arise!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our Father we Praise Your Holy Name, receive our worship in Jesus Name!
Beloveth good morning, how are doing today? Is our faith clinic today and am sure you are glad.
The Word of the Lord said “without faith in it impossible to please God” (Heb 11:6) and am sure you done want to displease God shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again by the grace of God we will learn at Jesus’s feet and positioned always to please God because He distastes unbelief and it is a great sin before Him. That is why you and I must endeavour to build our faith even to the impossible for in God “nothing is impossible (Lk 1:37), Praise the Lord!
When God speak to us and we are certain that it is God, we can take it to the bank because it will vouch out that which we are standing in for except the Lord has not spoken but if He does, beloveth it is a Sure Promise. i don’t know what you are standing in for bit I know that our God can do all things according to His Word to us this month, He will surely do a great thing and it is only those who believe will position themselves to receive, are you one of them.
The Lord has been dealing kindly with me and my household and am sure there is a witness in the house. Still counting on the promises that stands sure forever – believe that which you desire of Him according to His Will, beloveth there shall be a performance… shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our faith anchors in Christ and in Him is our salvation, do you believe that? Praise the Lord. Without Christ we are nothing and aside Him we can do nothing. This is an anthem I sing to myself and it has help me thus far.
Whenever I am confronted with the impossible, I will simple remind myself “It’s been God along and it will continue to Him and no other, so relax He will yet do it again and make Name for Himself.” I will keep repeating it to myself while looking/watching out for His direction (my part in it) and sooner than I can ever imagine it will fell through. Again and again He has done it and I will be careful to return all His glory to Him because I have no hand in it. Praise the Lord.
In the teaching below is a classical example of when the Trinity is backing you up, beloveth the result is excellent, outstanding and awesome, You will stand in Awe of Who God is, Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come on for more:
“Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” Luke 5:4
We learn from this narrative, the necessity of human agency. The draught of fishes was miraculous, yet neither the fisherman nor his boat, nor his fishing tackle were ignored; but all were used to take the fishes.
So in the saving of souls, God worketh by means; and while the present economy of grace shall stand, God will be pleased by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. When God worketh without instruments, doubtless He is glorified; but He hath Himself selected the plan of instrumentality as being that by which He is most magnified in the earth.
Means of themselves are utterly unavailing. “Master, we have toiled all the night and have taken nothing.” What was the reason of this? Were they not fishermen plying their special calling? Verily, they were no raw hands; they understood the work. Had they gone about the toil unskillfully? No. Had they lacked industry? No, they had toiled.
Had they lacked perseverance? No, they had toiled all the night. Was there a deficiency of fish in the sea? Certainly not, for as soon as the Master came, they swam to the net in shoals. What, then, is the reason? Is it because there is no power in the means of themselves apart from the presence of Jesus? “Without Him we can do nothing.” But with Christ we can do all things.
Christ’s presence confers success. Jesus sat in Peter’s boat, and His will, by a mysterious influence, drew the fish to the net. When Jesus is lifted up in His Church, His presence is the Church’s power—the shout of a king is in the midst of her. “I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.”
Let us go out this morning on our work of soul fishing, looking up in faith, and around us in solemn anxiety. Let us toil till night comes, and we shall not labour in vain, for He who bids us let down the net, will fill it with fishes.
Beloveth, we must be our Father’s business as we were in ours. we must desire to sinners turn to Christ, we must display His goodness to us before men so that they will glorify out Father in heaven. We must be in our Father’s business like we are in ours.
Be intention in soul winning. Be prayerful and the draught of fish came Jesus just by the Master’s presence. Elisha told the widow, do my own first. Beloveth as go along this day doing the Master’s business, you will experience draught of success in your own business. The business of soul winning is urgent, so be part of it and as you partake of it, God will show up for you. Peter gave his boat to Jesus, what can you lend to the Lord? Your tithe, time or talent, He is waiting and He will multiply it afterward in thousand folds..
Always remember “Jesus is the Master planner,” He is still in the business of doing good; yours will not be an exception, be still and know that He is God, He will perfect all that condereth you if you believe (Matt 9:28, 37).
Praise your way into your desire miracles; God is still doing good to as many as placed their trust in Him and fear Him (Ps 25:12-14).
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu