Your Name is Yahweh, Your Name is Yahweh, You are miracle working God, Your Name is Yahweh. Destiny Helper, You are my Destiny Helper, O Lord, come and help my Destiny, (my destiny) today. You will help my destiny (my destiny) today. Your Name is Yahweh, Your Name is Yahweh, You are miracle working God Your Name is Yahweh 2x // All the way to Calvary He went for me Jesus went for me Saviour went for me, All the way to Calvary He went for me He die to set me free. Alleluia, All the way to Calvary He went for me Jesus went for me Jesus went for me, All the way to Carry He went for me He die to set me free.
Heavenly Father we thank You we bless your Name, we worship You we adore we give you Praise, what wonder You are. O mighty Father in heaven hallow be Thy Name. Your kingdom come; Your will be done now and forever more.
Your will be done O Lord, Jesus went to the cross and die that we might live. O! Jesus thank You for accepting to open the book, to save mankind from eternal destruction. Thank You Jesus for the price of Calvary- Your Life. You laid it down so as to free us from all sickness and maladies of life. Glory be to You on high.
O! God we thank You, we bless Your Name forever O! For Your Word is settle forever. We thank You for the month of march our month of “Greater Lifting through the blood of Jesus Christ.” it was indeed a month of lifting for as many as believed, trusted and confess that Your Word will come to pass in their life and situation.
Thank You for being there for us and making every crooked path to be straight, increasing our joy and peace. Making the impossible to be possible, opening ways that power was able to shut, give us unlimited joy and blessing from on high, taking away diseases and hindrances that obstruct our ways, releasing those held in captivity by Satan and his cohorts. Calming all our troubled sea.
Father you gave Your Word and You perform all the works and give miracles where it was need and necessary, we bow before the Throne and we give You Praise.
We bow down and worship Yahweh, O! We bow down and worship Yahweh. Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh, we bow down and worship Yahweh. Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh.
Thank God that none of His Word fall to the ground concerning us as a ministry, Father we worship You with everything in us, thank You and thank You and thank You Lord.
Your Hand performed every Word as spoke by Your Spirit to us. I was in awe of your promises and never in doubt about it, because I must never second guess your doings because like a worm I am before you, You promised of total cleansing by the blood and that I patiently waiting upon and here as the month was wrapping up Lord, You were there doing your things, working out our salvation and deliverance timely, none of Your spoken Word failed.
Lord, You broke the gate of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder. You said it and You did it, glory be to Your Name (Eccl 9:11, Heb 9:11-28. Ps 107:10-16) glory be to Your Name on high.
Father we come to say thank You today for leading us and we follow you. Yes we follow You through, glory be You on high.
O Lord thank You for the blood of Jesus shed on the cross for the salvation of mankind and purging away of our sins and the sins of the whole world.
Beloved, I may not be dwelling on the events of the Good Friday rather we should consider ways we have responded to the command of Jesus as instructed us to do all these things in the memory of Him.
How have been responding to that call? You will read in the piece some ways many have responded to it before now then you try and see if your picture was painted, if not, you paint yours. Praise the Lord.
Like the Jews of old we all carry nails in our pocket except we do not have His physical body to crucify as they did in the days of old. Beloved, do you carry nails? How have you been using it?
Let us review our ways and turn to righteousness and the Lord will bless us and honour us. Praise the Lord.
“The Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail.” Deut. 28:13
If we obey the Lord, He will compel our adversaries to see that His blessing rests upon us. Though this be a promise of the law, yet it stands good to the people of God; for Jesus has removed the curse, but He has established the blessing.
It is for saints to lead the way among men by holy influence: they are not to be the tail, to be dragged hither and thither by others. We must not yield to the spirit of the age, but compel the age to do homage to Christ. If the Lord be with us, we shall not crave toleration for religion, but we shall seek to seat it on the throne of society.
Has not the Lord Jesus made His people priests? Surely they are to teach, and must not be learners from the philosophies of unbelievers. Are we not in Christ made kings to reign upon the earth? How, then, can we be the servants of custom, the slaves of human opinion?
Have you, dear friend, taken up your true position for Jesus? Too many are silent become diffident, if not cowardly. Should we allow the name of the Lord Jesus to be kept in the background? Should our religion drag along as a tail? Should it not rather lead the way and be the ruling force with ourselves and others?
Beloved, did you read that? let the deliverance we receive from the Lord lead us and make for the gospel of our Jesus Christ, let discovery more:
The Nails Of The Cross
“All of us carry the nails of the cross in our pocket,” wrote Martin Luther.
How easily we crucify Him!
- By subtly moving Him to the peripheral of our conversation when it is embarrassing to be identified with Christ.
- By compromising His principles in business when it is to our advantage to hedge the truth.
- By smugly taking credit for accomplishments that would have been impossible without His help.
While enjoying a warm and secure evening with Christ and the other disciples the night before the cross, Peter declares, “Lord, I will lay down my life for you.” In a matter of hours however, Peter distances himself from any association with Christ: Personal survival winning over telling and identifying with the Truth.
It is easy to promise Christ the moon when we are among His friends. The true test comes amidst times of guerrilla warfare in hostile enemy territory.
We would never physically crucify Christ. Of course. But how often do we subtly abandon Him when identifying with Him would jeopardize our peace, prosperity, or social standing?
Yes… we, like Peter, “carry the nails of the cross in our pocket.”
“Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 10:32-33)
Beloved, having read through, now is time for us to think again how are we have been crucifying Jesus the second some third and others fourth time to the cross. Praise God!
Glory be to God on high whose MIGHTY HAND has delivered us and is leading us to our victorious living package as promise us this year. Thank God because of the POTENT in the Blood of Jesus, glory be to God on high.
On this note dearly beloved, we sign off for the month as we all go to Golgotha to witness the death of Jesus through an in depth meditation of our present life style. See you on the resurrection week by grace of God.
Have a pleasant, fun filled Easter celebration from allofus@ overcomersfaith-com. Pray for the Word in season concerning the new month and God will yet visit us afresh. The month will deliver fully in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord