Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Thy Throne! 2x We bow before the Throne, we worship at Thy Feet, we before the Throne, You are a Glorious God// Take glory Father, Take glory Son, Take glory Holy Spirit now and forever more!

Our Father receive our glory, receive all honour, receive all adorations, alleluia to Your Name Jesus . thank You for another opportunity to be everything You have made us to be, receive our Praise Father, receive our all honour, thank You and thank You in Jesus Name.

Let the living water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my mind, all cares and burden unto Thee I come! Jesus! Jesus!! Jesus!!!. sing to the Father, Father! Father!! Father!!!, sing to Spirit Spirit!, Spirit!! Holy Spirit!!!

Beloveth, we owe it all to God our Father, we owe Him all our praises, and we owe Him all our adoration. Open your mouth in worship, sing praises to the King of kings, the Lord of lords, satan and his cohorts had planned our end but God said no, He arose in His Majesty to show forth His Praise in our lives, He confuse their tongues and confound them that they are completely confused. Beloveth sing praises to our God who spare us in this month of February and show us great and mighty things which we knoweth not, sing praises to Him now and for ever more alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is last wed in the glorious month and we have to pray this prayer to protect us in the remaining month of this year and beyond we pray “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil.”

This is one of the content of our Lord’s Prayer taught by Jesus to His disciples. If our Lord Jesus will deem it necessary to teach this prayer to His disciples then we ought to prayer it more fervently. When Peter was tempted despite his being close to Jesus, he fell but thank God because prayer has gone ahead of him and his restoration was secured by Christ Himself through His shed blood on the Cross.

Beloveth, with what is going on in our society, amongst the children of God and the society at large, you and I have pray that prayer with every sense of responsibility. We ought to ask God by the help of the Holy Spirit to uphold us and lead us not into temptation, whatever be it from small lies and church and national embezzlement, ask God to lead you not into temptation.

A lot are happening, I don’t even know where to start but I know that there is nothing that difficult for God to do if you can open your mouth and talk to Him through prayer. Remember that prayer is our dependency on God, showing our helplessness and dependency on Him alone.

Beloveth, pray at this time that you will fail God, you will not betray the Kingdom of God, You will not grieve the Holy Spirit through your action and inaction. May God have mercy on us and make us strong against the vices of the enemies in Jesus Name. Pray that you will live with eternity in view.

No matter how frivolous it may seems, no matter how inconsequential it might look, ask God to help you so that you flee from all appearance of evil in Jesus Name.

Come let us discovery more:

“Lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil [or, the evil one].” Luke 11:4

What we are taught to seek or shun in prayer, we should equally pursue or avoid in action. Very earnestly, therefore, should we avoid temptation, seeking to walk so guardedly in the path of obedience, that we may never tempt the devil to tempt us.

We are not to enter the thicket in search of the lion. Dearly might we pay for such presumption. This lion may cross our path or leap upon us from the thicket, but we have nothing to do with hunting him. He that meeteth with him, even though he winneth the day, will find it a stern struggle.

Let the Christian pray that he may be spared the encounter. Our Saviour, who had experience of what temptation meant, thus earnestly admonished His disciples—”Pray that ye enter not into temptation.”

But let us do as we will, we shall be tempted; hence the prayer “deliver us from evil.” God had one Son without sin; but He has no son without temptation. The natural man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upwards, and the Christian man is born to temptation just as certainly.

We must be always on our watch against Satan, because, like a thief, he gives no intimation of his approach. Believers who have had experience of the ways of Satan, know that there are certain seasons when he will most probably make an attack, just as at certain seasons bleak winds may be expected; thus the Christian is put on a double guard by fear of danger, and the danger is averted by preparing to meet it.

Prevention is better than cure: it is better to be so well armed that the devil will not attack you, than to endure the perils of the fight, even though you come off a conqueror. Pray this day first that you may not be tempted, and next that if temptation be permitted, you may be delivered from the evil one.

Is someone ready to pray? is someone praying already? If Jesus will tempted by satan even though he knew that Jesus is the Son of God, beloveth what about you and I? Pray earnestly that you enter not into temptation and peradventure you entered unknowing that God should deliver you from all evil in Jesus Name.

Are praying beloveth? Pray that all through this year that you not fall into temptation that smears our Christian faith. Pray that you will not bring shame to the body of Christ and the Kingdom of God. Pray that none related to you will blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. Pray that the Spirit of God will uphold and keep you till the end in Jesus Name.

Remember you are to go looking for temptation (how) someone wants to know. Engaging in those things prohibited by God and commanded by Him that we should stay off.

Father, we pray that You help us, guide us and lead us not into temptation we pray this day and beyond in Jesus Name!

Beloveth, open your mouth and pray that God in His infinite mercy will show your unusual kindness that save a sinner and make him a righteous man (Paul). Pray that God will save from all forms of evil manipulations that make man to disregard God commandments and wants to satisfy self only to discover at the end that he has only destroyed himself. Pray that the Spirit of God that unveil temptations will be imprinted in your spirit, that your eyes of understanding will be open towards evil manipulations by men and satan in Jesus Name.

As you round-up your pray don’t forget to pray for the ministry that God will continue to show mercy upon his Hand-maiden, uphold her and her family against all evil in Jesus Name. Pray for the coming month, that the Spirit of God will lead us right that we will be light on the Mountain- Top leading many to Christ in Jesus Name.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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