Everlasting Father, we thank You this great day You Have Made and said we should rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You for Your Divine protection all through the week. We are grateful to You for all the supernatural supplies and good health granted Your children.
Who have done this great things except You, Lord? You are Great and Mighty amongst Your people, with Thou stretched Hand have Thy delivered Your children from their oppressor that they were not consumed. Be glorified for Thy grace is sufficient to conquer all the assaults of the evil one in the lives of Your children. Is the Lord not able to deliver nor His arm too short to save?
Thank You Jesus for Thy grace that keepeth us lest we profound the Name of the Lord and the Lord get angry at us and destroy us, and cause us not enter into our heritance. For when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him and so shall the Lord delivered us from his accusation (Isa 59:19).
Beloved, oftentimes we reject God’s directive out of fear. The vision given to you by the Lord seem so big that looking at where you are standing right now you don’t know how it will come to past. Then you get worried and fret before your Maker and sin against Him for you doubt what He can do. Is God not the Maker of the whole universe? Is not by the Word of mouth created Him the whole world? Why then do you fear when He sent you on a mission?
Remember the children of Israelite tested Him in the wilderness about what they shall eat. Was He not able to spread a table in the wilderness? He fed them for forty years. Beloved, you need not fear when the Lord is one sending you. The journey might look tough but if you will abide and be diligent to harken to the voice of your Lord, so shall the journey will be easy, for you will be instruct by the Lord and He will lead you in the paths thou shall go.
Is so important to mention to you that everyone will not agree with you when you come saying what the Lord said. In fact, be ready to lose all your friends and relations especially if you have curse to depend on them to live just but awhile. You will no longer be the “choicest bride”, so many will despise you. Be careful at this point because you might give up the vision.
I have come to this point on several occasions where I have to ask myself “are mine sure it is the Lord? Are you sure I did not hear myself? Beloved, do know that as soon as I found myself in that state, the Lord will send an encourager to encourage me to keep on for it is the Lords.
Until you get to this point will then understand why the children of Israelite rebel against God despite all the miracles He did amongst them. You are permitted to question God but you are permitted to doubt Him. God vowed to destroy all the Israelite that doubted Him in the wilderness, God said “I will give to their children to the land which their father have despised (Num 14:28-32) and the Lord fulfilled His promise (Josh 24:13).
Beloved, let us walk circumspect before the Lord lest we provoke Him to angry. Stand where He ask you to stand and you will see His hand manifest in your situation. Glory be to God.
Beloved, when is the Lord leading, stand firm for the Egyptian you see today, you will see no more:
But the Lord told him, “Listen to the people and everything they say to you. They have rejected you; they have rejected Me as their king.”—1 Samuel 8:7
The Israelites were to be a nation unlike any other. Every other nation had a king or ruler, but Israel’s king was to be God Himself! Still, the Israelites complained that they wanted to be like other nations and have an earthly ruler! As we read about the Israelites, we marvel at their foolishness. Yet we are prone to make the same mistake, choosing our human wisdom over God’s leadership.
There is much discussion these days about leaders and managers. According to popular teaching, leaders have the vision and set goals for people or organizations to follow. Managers handle the day-to-day marshaling of resources under their charge. In the Christian life, God is the leader of our lives, our families, and our churches. God sets the direction; He establishes the priorities; He provides the resources. We are the managers. We take what He gives us and do with it as He directs.
The biblical term for leader is Lord. As our Lord, Christ has the authority to reveal the direction for our lives. As Lord, He chooses our careers, leads us to our marriage partners, and helps us set our daily priorities. We are to be good managers of the mind, body, and spiritual life He gives. He is the Lord of our families. He knows what is best for our children. He knows how to make marriages strong. Our responsibility is to obey Him as He leads our families to Christlikeness. Christ is the Lord of our church. He takes responsibility for expanding it (Matt. 16:18; 1 Cor. 12:18). Only He knows what is best for our church. Our task is to faithfully perform the role He assigns us.
Do not foolishly trust in human wisdom and leadership as the Israelite did. Follow your Lord and trust Him alone.
Woe be tied them that will not harken to the voice of the Lord. Who think their hands have earned them the good things of life, for the Lord will utterly destroy them when their cup is full, for they do not take pity upon them that the Lord had afflicted (Num 20: 17-21; 21:22-26) and so shall the Lord deal with them at the appointed time. Neither did they showed pity on the poor among them, so will the Lord not show them pity when His judgment come upon them.
Beloved, how do you know or get to know when the Lord is the one leading you? You must learn to spend time before Him, ask the Lord to sanctify your eyes and your ears. That they will not be dull but hear when the Lord speaketh. You must be spiritual prepared; read more to unveil the mystery therein:
“When they had gone to buy some, the groom arrived. Then those who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet, and the door was shut.”—Matthew 25:10
There is no substitute for spiritual preparation. Spiritual preparation equips you for unforeseen crises or opportunities. However, if you are unprepared you will be vulnerable in life’s unexpected events.
Jesus told a parable that teaches this truth. Ten virgins were awaiting the arrival of the bridegroom so that they could celebrate with him and his bride. Five of them prepared in advance and brought an adequate supply of oil for their lamps. The other five were not prepared, so they rushed out to buy additional lamp oil. While they were gone, the bridegroom arrived. The five who had planned ahead entered into the house with him, but the door was closed against the five who were not ready, and they missed the celebration.
If you are spiritually prepared when a crisis comes, you will not have to try to develop instantly the quality of relationship with Christ that can sustain you. If you suddenly have an opportunity to share your faith with an unbeliever, you will be equipped to do so. If you enter a time of worship spiritually prepared, you will not miss an encounter with God. If you are spiritually filled when you meet a person in sorrow, you will have much to offer. If you have established safeguards in your life in advance, you will not give in to temptation.
Christians lose many opportunities to experience God’s activity because they have not devoted enough time to their relationship with God. If you have not yet developed the habit of daily prayer and Bible study, why not begin now, so that you will be equipped for whatever life brings?
This was the topic we considered this week, Wednesday (click to read); take heed therefore that you don’t rush in and out of the Lord’s presence.
Remain blessed in the Lord.