February 17
Internal father, hallow be Thy Name. Thank You for the love You bestowed unto us. Thank You, Father for everything You have done for us to Your glory, Lord! Let all honour, adoration, praise be ascribe unto You alone, Who is Worthy to be magnified.
Beloved, hope we had a wonderful weekend, with love in air, my pray is that our home be blessed by the unfailing love of God in Jesus Name. Incidentally, many have also miss it because they shared their love in the wrong places with the wrong persons and wrong motives. Unfortunately, when people are in lust; they think they are in love but our mission is to depopulate hell and populate the kingdom of God by His divine help.
I was somewhere last Friday, the supposedly day of celebration of “love” and right in front of me were two gentlemen, who engaged themselves in a fight. I felt bad, I told a friend who was with me, how can these two choose to die on the day caved out for the celebrate “love”. Just for you to see the society we are in and the spirit ruling the people living in it but you can chose to be different. How? Someone is asking. Let’s look at the scripture before us to read and know the right and acceptable thing to do with the help of Holy Spirit of God:
And may the Lord cause you to increase and overflow with love for one another and for everyone, just as we also do for you. . . About brotherly love: you don’t need me to write you because you yourselves are taught by God to love one another.1 Thessalonians 3:12; 4:9
God is love (1 John 4:16). His very nature is perfect love, but because of sin love does not always come freely and naturally to His children. You may have been raised in a home where love was not expressed. Perhaps you were hurt by someone you loved, and your heart became hardened as a defense against further pain. You may love others but not know how to express your love in words or actions. You may feel frustrated because you have been called by God to love, yet you do not understand how to love others.
Paul wrote to the Christians in Thessalonica to encourage them not to become disheartened as they learned to love each other (1 Thess. 3:7). They did not need Paul to explain to them how to love, for God Himself would teach them how to love one another. God would give them His love, and as they followed Him, He would cause that love to multiply. If they found someone who was difficult to love, God would enable them to love through His Holy Spirit.
God in His grace has made provision for our human weakness, and He is prepared to teach us how to love one another. There are no exceptions. God can teach us to love even that especially difficult person.
Are you struggling to love someone? God will help you. He will enable you to love your parents, your spouse, your children, your friends, or your enemy in a deeper way than you could ever love them on your own. If you do not know how to express your love in a meaningful way, God will teach you how to do this. God is the authority on love. As you relate to others, ask God to make His love overflow to them through your life.
I mentioned this in the last episode “of allowing God to love through you” to that difficult spouse, brother-in- law, sister-in-law, that colleague, boss, neighbor. God will make His grace sufficient for you and I in Jesus Name.
There is a reader of this devotional, you been disappointed in the past by someone you not only love but respect, and because of that you are intentionally building a wall around yourself to avoid anyone hurting you again, the Lord said I should tell you “To let go, and let God. Forgive this person and see how I will beautify your life. Worship me with all your heart in your closet and see the Spirit of God lifting up that burden from your heart and beautifying you in exchange” thus said The Spirit of The Most High.
The love of God is immeasurable and cannot be compare with anything. I was stunned the first time I came across this passage of the bible, this is to show us how deep the love of God is and how He can go to any length just for you. He gave up His only begotten Son just to bring us home. Are you still in doubt of God’s love for you, please come with me to discover how relentless God is in His love pursuit for His dear children:
Then the Lord said to me, “Go again; show love to a woman who is loved by another man and is an adulteress, just as the Lord loves the Israelites though they turn to other gods and love raisin cakes.”—Hosea 3:1
No human can comprehend God’s love for His children! Our limited experience of human love hinders us from understanding God’s unconditional love for us. We can see a picture of this love in the life of Hosea.
Hosea was a righteous man, but God told him to marry a sinful woman. Hosea obeyed and took Gomer as his wife. He cherished her and treated her with dignity and respect. Never before had Gomer experienced this kind of love, but she soon grew dissatisfied. She began giving her affections to other men. She became so involved in adulterous pursuits that finally she abandoned Hosea altogether. Other men used her until she had nothing left to give. Then they sold her into slavery. After this, God gave Hosea an amazing command: “Go and buy her back.” Despite the intense pain and hurt that Gomer had inflicted on him, God told Hosea to forgive her and to pay any price to bring her back into his home.
God’s message is clear: When we reject Him and turn our devotion elsewhere, our rejection carries the same pain as an adulterous betrayal. After all God has done for us, it is incomprehensible that we should reject Him. It is even harder to fathom that God could love us even after we have rejected, ignored, and disobeyed Him. Yet God’s love is completely different from ours. His love follows us to the depths of our sinfulness until He has reclaimed us. His love is undaunted when we run from Him, and He continues to pursue us. What incredible love He has demonstrated to us!
I pray for you, child of God that you will experience the love of God in a unique way this week that will deliver to you, your divine greatness in Jesus name.
May His love dwell richly in us, so as share it aboard in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu