Everlasting Father everlasting Son, Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify! Everlasting Father everlasting Son, Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify! // Thank You Jesus You are owner of my soul, Alpha and Omega You are worthy to be Praise in all generation there is no one like you, Alpha and Omega You are worthy to be Praise!

Faithful Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, hallow be Thy Name, let Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it in heaven, Father give us the day our daily. Alleluia to Your Holy Name. Faithful Father we bless Your Holy Name! thank You for the gift of a new month and we glorify in advance in all battles and war thay you will fight for us, Your blessings and deliverance, Your protections and safety that we will receive from above in Jesus  Name!

Beloved, peace of the Lord be upon you. How are doing? Hope all is well with you? To the glory of God, the month of September has come and gone and it also pleased God to make part of this month and we believe Him that we will see the end also in Jesus Name.

We therefore enjoin us all to rise up and glorify the Name of the Lord by being responsible and accountable of this special privilege by the live and engage ourselves to kingdom and personal work. Our Father is a worker therefore we must also work.

This is our first PCL in the month and we will use it to charge ourselves for the month by recalling all the goodness of God from the beginning of this year, to appreciate Him and then ask for His help to run the remaining race that is set before us before the end of the year.

Has God been faithful? Has He been gracious unto you? Has He up hold you with His everlasting love? Has He been Kind to you? Has He fought your battles and granted you victory? Has He delivered you from your enemies is too strong for you? Has He filled your mouth with laughter? Or He has not done anything that you can think of to warranty any appreciation from you?

Whatever be your case, come along with us to see what endeared David to the heart of God and learn of him, may the Lord grant us grace to honour Him all the days of our live in Jesus Name:

“Let Israel rejoice in him.” Psalm 149:2

Be glad of heart, O believer, but take care that thy gladness has its spring in the Lord. Thou hast much cause for gladness in thy God, for thou canst sing with David, “God, my exceeding joy.” Be glad that the Lord reigneth, that Jehovah is King! Rejoice that He sits upon the throne, and ruleth all things! Every attribute of God should become a fresh ray in the sunlight of our gladness.

That He is wise should make us glad, knowing as we do our own foolishness. That He is mighty, should cause us to rejoice who tremble at our weakness. That he is everlasting, should always be a theme of joy when we know that we wither as the grass. That He is unchanging, should perpetually yield us a song, since we change every hour. That He is full of grace, that He is overflowing with it, and that this grace in covenant He has given to us; that it is ours to cleanse us, ours to keep us, ours to sanctify us, ours to perfect us, ours to bring us to glory—all this should tend to make us glad in Him.

This gladness in God is as a deep river; we have only as yet touched its brink, we know a little of its clear sweet, heavenly streams, but onward the depth is greater, and the current more impetuous in its joy. The Christian feels that he may delight himself not only in what God is, but also in all that God has done in the past. The Psalms show us that God’s people in olden times were wont to think much of God’s actions, and to have a song concerning each of them.

So let God’s people now rehearse the deeds of the Lord! Let them tell of His mighty acts, and “sing unto the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously.” Nor let them ever cease to sing, for as new mercies flow to them day by day, so should their gladness in the Lord’s loving acts in providence and in grace show itself in continued thanksgiving. Be glad ye children of Zion and rejoice in the Lord your God.

Beloved, have you seen how King David endeared himself to our dear Father, He is always full of appreciation, spending time to sing melody to God for what He bestowed on him, deliverance and provision he receive from Him, victory won and above all making him King over His people.

We ought live in same way, recounting what you have received and giving Him Praise. We also know that is not all the time that David receive his prayers that even when he did not receive or he is overpower by his enemies he still go to God to pour out his heart before Him.

So let us learn from him and as we spend time recounting the good deeds of God towards you, remember also to recount that of your entire household than you will know how to look unto God for his help and salvation for the remaining part of the year.

May God help us and lead us as we go through the way in Jesus Name. Have a splendid weekend and by the grace of God we will return on Monday refresh and poise for the week ahead in Jesus Name.


Remain blessed in the Lord

Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu

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