Alleluia Amen Amen Alleluia Amen Amen sing Alleluia Amen Amen Alleluia Amen Amen, Sing Alleluia Amen Amen Alleluia Amen Amen Sing Alleluia Amen Amen Alleluia Amen Amen, Sing Alleluia Amen Amen// Glory, honour, power and Majesty belong to Christ our Lord!!! Glory, honour, power and Majesty belong to Christ our Lord!!!
Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we exalt You, we give You Praise, Adoration to Your Holy Name, receive our Praise, receive all adoration in Jesus Name. thank You Father for today, thank You Ancient of Days for Your mercies that enduerth forever, How Excellent, how Wonderful, how Precious are You Father, we worship You, we give You Praise, glory alleluia in Jesus Name!
Beloved, we are here again to worship and adore our Father Who art in heaven, hope you are ready to pray. This is our first prayer meeting in this month and I know that God is here with us and the Holy Spirit we help to pray and get answers to our prayers in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, Jesus admonished us to pray and not to faint. In today’s topic we see how diligence leads to blessing. In the story where the topic of today was taken we see Ruth telling the mother-in-law that she was going the farm to glean in the field of whom she will find grace in his sight.
From this story you will discover that Roth and her mother-in-law returned during the barely harvest, the planting season was over and these women has to survive till it is another planting season. She did not go lamenting and probably blaming herself for the foolish decision she took to come along with her mother-in-law. She told her mother-in-law that she is going to glean in the field of whom she will find favour to glean.
God bless Ruth in her going and not in her complaining and lamenting. Who is being addressed today? Are you there complaining and throwing blames on everybody except yourself? This message is to encourage you, get up and put your hands in what you are doing and God will meet you there. She went gleaning from her husband’s kinsman Boaz unknowing to her what God has in stock for her. Beloved, God is set to favour you, what are doing at this moment?
In that story Boaz met Ruth in his field gleaning grains after the reapers, his servants told him more about her, how she was been diligent in her coming and Boaz told her not to go to any other field but to stay and glen from his. He even grant her further favour to drink water from his vessel when she is thirsty (Ruth 2:2-9).
She fell down and thank him for find favour in his sight. Then Boaz told her all that had been said about her and he pronounce blessings upon her for taking care of her mother-in-law, he told her that God will recompense her for putting her trust in Him. (Vs 10)
Beloved, two things I saw in this story- God’s favour awaits us in that place we are called to function. Secondly, the acts of kindness towards those that seek help from us as we see in Boaz to Ruth.
God has His plan for her but she needed to be at the point where her favour (Blessing) will connect with her.
Beloveth the Lord has given us His Word this month as a month of favour, it is not for you to go and sit down inside your house and wait for God to grant you favour. As you can see, Ruth has no farm of her own neither did her mother-in-law but they trusted God who promised them daily meal and she went to work and there God provided not only her daily meal but also settle her forever.
God provided Boaz as a husband for her and the field she can to glen from became hers after all.
A lesson for the singles and also for everyone trusting God for provisions, Make effort, equip yourself, gain the knowledge that will help your career, don’t sit around waiting for promotion in your mediocrity because God will not do such thing. He will not drag His Name to the mud.
Are waiting for a lifting? Make sure you are equipping yourself for it. Are waiting to gain admission into school beloved make sure that you are reading and study hard for it.
The favour of God waits and come to people who are prepared and ready for the elevation only. May be they are hindered by one powers or forces beyond them. Then when God’s favour comes, it will take them from the place of obscurity to a place of elevation or their desired heaven. Alleluia. So let get it right ooo.
Again this gleaning can liken to the reading and studying the Word of God. How diligent are you in the studying and mediating on the Word. Do you have your wait time? Do have time set aside to seek God’s face concerning any issues in your life or you are waiting for prophets that will tell you what is wrong with you or in your family, your career.
Settle down with your Bible and read through to discover as many promises the Lord has for us in His Word. They are so many promises in Bible for our edifications. There must be one, two or three promises of God that will settle any issue you will encounter in your life. So don’t panic whenever you are confronted with issues that you cannot handle, take to the Lord and see Him sort you out.
Pray and trust Him and you will see the Living Word of God spring-forth in your heart as fountain of a Living water to quench your thirst. May God help us all in Jesus Name.
May God help us and guide us in the path that will lead us to His favour in Jesus Name!
Come along let us discover more:
“Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn.” Ruth 2:2
Downcast and troubled Christian, come and glean today in the broad field of promise. Here are abundance of precious promises, which exactly meet thy wants. Take this one: “He will not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax.” Doth not that suit thy case? A reed, helpless, insignificant, and weak, a bruised reed, out of which no music can come; weaker than weakness itself; a reed, and that reed bruised, yet, He will not break thee; but on the contrary, will restore and strengthen thee.
Thou art like the smoking flax: no light, no warmth, can come from thee; but He will not quench thee; He will blow with His sweet breath of mercy till He fans thee to a flame.
Wouldst thou glean another ear? “Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” What soft words! Thy heart is tender, and the Master knows it, and therefore He speaketh so gently to thee. Wilt thou not obey Him, and come to Him even now?
Take another ear of corn: “Fear not, thou worm Jacob, I will help thee, saith the Lord and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.” How canst thou fear with such a wonderful assurance as this? Thou mayest gather ten thousand such golden ears as these! “I have blotted out thy sins like a cloud, and like a thick cloud thy transgressions.” Or this, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Or this, “The Spirit and the Bride say, Come, and let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely.”
Our Master’s field is very rich; behold the handfuls. See, there they lie before thee, poor timid believer! Gather them up, make them thine own, for Jesus bids thee take them. Be not afraid, only believe!
Grasp these sweet promises, thresh them out by meditation and feed on them with joy.
Are you ready to pray now? It is so important we know how and why we must pray always. Yes! We must not give up but we must always look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.
God will hear when we pray, He will answer us when we call, so keep on knocking, calling and seeking and you will sing alleluia all the way in Jesus Name.
Father hear your children as the call on your Name, led them in the path of righteousness, arise and favour your children according to Your Word to us, for we know you are more than Able to do that which You have promised. Alleluia to Your Holy Name!
Remain blessed in the Lord.