Alleluia rejoice, alleluia rejoice Jesus has risen O! rejoice 2x I am so glad Jesus has save me. He gave us power to rejoice, He give freedom to rejoice, He gave wisdom to rejoice I am so glad Jesus has save me.// I will sing unto the Lord a cheerful voice I will Praise His Name for my Lord is good. I will sing unto the Lord a cheerful song I will Praise His Name for my Lord is good.

Heavenly Father we thank You, we blest Your Holy Name, we give You Praise adoration and honour, thank You Lord for the gift of the month of April, wow! Is been a wonderful month to us, such a huge blessings to us characterized by so many blessings, miracles, deliverances, healings, restoration and up-lifting. Thank you Father, it was a month of love freedom from vices and darkness, it was a moment of reconciliation to our dear Father. what an awesome month.

We cannot thank You enough for saving us from all evil and moving us higher to sit with You at the heavenly places. Father, we bow and worship You. Gracious Father be glorify, You are a wonder to my soul Lord, Praise be to Your Name on high.

Beloved, are dancing with me, are you rejoice unto the Lord our Saviour whose death gave you assurance of the kingdom of God. it is a glorious month to me, Praise the Lord alleluia. it is a month our Lord Jesus defected and triumph over death and hell and establish His reign forever, and the goodnews is that we are going to reign with Him forever.

Therefore we are called to come out from amongst them and be yea separate, saith the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; and I will receive you (2 Cor 6:17). Beloved, the death of our Lord Jesus is meant to separate us from sin and darkness and restore salvation and righteousness to us. we are no longer going to conform with the world and its unrighteousness.

Beloved, we are called to liberty by the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, let it be an occasion to attain to the things of the flesh, rather let it draw us to love, charity and kindness which Christ has commanded us to do to our neighbour. We are to grow in the things of the Spirit not giving room to the things of this world but like a river planted at the stream we will not suffer drought rather we will always bear our fruits at it season. Glory be to God on high.

Arise let us exalt the Name of the Lord forever for the wonders He has done for us this month and yet beyond. We are to go forth unto Him without camp. Come along for more:

“Let us go forth therefore unto Him without the camp.” Hebrews 13:13


Jesus, bearing His cross, went forth to suffer without the gate. The Christian’s reason for leaving the camp of the world’s sin and religion is not because he loves to be singular, but because Jesus did so; and the disciple must follow his Master.

Christ was “not of the world:” His life and His testimony were a constant protest against conformity with the world. Never was such overflowing affection for men as you find in Him; but still He was separate from sinners. In like manner Christ’s people must “go forth unto Him.”

They must take their position “without the camp,” as witness-bearers for the truth. They must be prepared to tread the straight and narrow path. They must have bold, unflinching, lion-like hearts, loving Christ first, and His truth next, and Christ and His truth beyond all the world. Jesus would have His people “go forth without the camp” for their own sanctification.

You cannot grow in grace to any high degree while you are conformed to the world. The life of separation may be a path of sorrow, but it is the highway of safety; and though the separated life may cost you many pangs, and make every day a battle, yet it is a happy life after all.

No joy can excel that of the soldier of Christ: Jesus reveals Himself so graciously, and gives such sweet refreshment, that the warrior feels more calm and peace in his daily strife than others in their hours of rest. The highway of holiness is the highway of communion. It is thus we shall hope to win the crown if we are enabled by divine grace faithfully to follow Christ “without the camp.”

The crown of glory will follow the cross of separation. A moment’s shame will be well recompensed by eternal honour; a little while of witness-bearing will seem nothing when we are “for ever with the Lord.”

Beloved, a crown of glory we shall win if we faithful follow Jesus to the end. Eternal life will compensate us for every shame we have suffered here for the sake of Christ. Praise the Lord.

On this note we sign off for the month and we are looking forward by God’s grace another awesome moment with Him come next month. glory be God on high.

Alleluia rejoice Jesus has save us to rejoice , alleluia Amen!

Remain blessed in the Lord

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