You are Might God, The Great I Am, Alleluia! Alleluia! You are Might God, The Great I Am, Alleluia! Alleluia!…What a Might God we serve x2 Heaven and earth adore Thee, angels bow before Thee what a Might God we serve!!!

Our God in heaven, what a Wonder You are! Great are You Lord! You are greatly to be Praise, glory be to Your Name, Thank You for answers to prayers….Faithful are You Lord…Blessed Redeemer we worship and adore Your Holy Name, For You are God forever and ever….

Great are You Lord…You are greatly to Praise…Greatly to be Praise Father You reign…  Great are You Lord…You are greatly to Praise…Greatly to be Praise Father You reign… Great are You Lord!!! Great are You Lord!!!  Great are You Lord!!!  Great are You Lord!!!

Thank You Father answers to prayers…You are alone are Mighty…You are more Able to do what You say You will do…our help is in the Name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth Praise the Lord somebody!!!!!!

Beloveth, our heart belongs to God…He searcheth it and knoweth the inner most thought of our heart… He knows our very need though He asked us to ask…to call on Him, and to pray… He knows it all and can do things but the glory of His Name  as we saw in our yesterday ministration…

We are serving a God of Abundance, in whom nothing is impossible…He call forth and so it…His Word is fire …His word is like hammer…His word is like a Sword that cut asunder     beloveth a Word from God can restore several years of wasted labour… several years eaten by locust, caterpillars, and canker worms…just a Word from the Lord will settle you today and forever…He restored Job, He will not forsake you…the Psalmist had his share of it…

A life with the Shepherd  is all you need and your case will be settle forever…. As He did to all who believe and trust in Him.

Come and discover more below:

The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.—Psalm 23:1–2

Living like a sheep can bring you incredible peace of mind! The biblical shepherd knew everything about his sheep. He understood what foods were best for them and what would harm them. He knew when they should eat and when they needed their thirst quenched. The shepherd was an expert of the terrain and was aware of the best places for food and water. As long as the sheep trusted and followed their shepherd, they would always have their needs met at the right time. Their shepherd would give them the best that he had.

Do you have absolute trust in your Good Shepherd? Do you value the nourishment that comes from Him more than any you might obtain from the world? Do you ever worry that God might be withholding from you something that you need? The Psalmist was convinced that he would “want” for nothing. By His very nature, the Good Shepherd cares for His sheep and would lay down His life for them (John 10:11).

Have you allowed your focus to shift from the Shepherd to what the Shepherd gives you? If you find yourself “wanting,” it is not that your Shepherd is unable or unwilling to perfectly meet your needs. It may be that you lack the faith to receive all that He has to give. Could it be that you have become dissatisfied with what your Shepherd has been providing? Are you missing the joy that comes from having a Shepherd who cares for you? Return to Him and trust Him to meet the needs in your life that only He can.

Yes only Him can…we need to trust that He is Able…. Life with a shepherd take away wants from you, maketh you to lie down in green pastures and leads you through the still waters, It restores your souls, it leads you through the valley of the shadow of death, it takes away fear and comfort you, it sest a table before your foes and anoint your head with oil…surely beloveth His goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life ….if you believe say Amen!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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