Be lifted high, be lifted high, O Lord, be lifted high, for You are Holy, righteousness, worthy, O Lord, be lifted high.//  Magnify the Lord, exalt the Name of Jesus, magnify the Lord with me, praising the Name of Jesus.

Father, we Thank You for Who You are, Thank You for the gift of another day in Your presence, merciful Jesus, we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we worship You, we give You praise forever in Jesus Name, O Lord cleanse us and purge from all unrighteousness, we pray Thee. Have Your way in our lives today and always O Lord in Jesus Name.

Beloved, we come together again, just praising the Lord, we are together again in one accord. Something good is already happening, something better in this place, we are together again just praising the Lord.

Prayer is the key of a proper song we know. It is a key that must be handle with all carefulness. Somebody wants to know why? Because it has no duplicate. Yes! If you are not praying, you are not praying. Is not like a song if you don’t know the lyrics you may be humming along with the singers until the point where you can sing but in prayer, if you are praying; you are not praying.

Though we have ‘guide’ to help us to pray but the beautiful thing about our God is that He is not strict about following the procedures, you can start with the burdens in your heart, instead of thanksgiving and praises of Whom He is, He will patiently wait on you in some cases, most people never get to thank and appreciate Him at all but for the heavy burden in their heart He must take away fast.

However, in all of these like I said earlier if you are not praying, you are praying. Beloved, it is important that you and I make it a duty to pray and pray earnestly, intercede for those who are weak in their faith and prayer lives and ask God to help them. In praying, we pray the mind of God and subdue the kingdom of darkness. Our prayers clogs the wheels of the evil ones to perform their enterprise.

The good energizer of our prayer life is the Holy Spirit, I hope you have one living inside of you to help you, if not, accept our Lord Jesus Christ now and you will receive the power of God- Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord.

In our topic today “Look and Live”, many of us knows the story, however for us in the New Testament, a fiery serpent- is our Lord Jesus once hung on the cross, dead and resurrected, when we look upon Him, we will live. Praise the Lord!  Let’s get to the root together:

“And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.” Num. 21:8

This is a glorious gospel type. Jesus, numbered with the transgressors, hangs before us on the cross. A look to Him will heal us of the serpent-bite of sin; will heal us at once- ‘When he looketh upon it, he shall live.” Let the reader who is mourning his sinfulness note the words — “Everyone that looketh upon it shall live.” Every looker will find this true.

I have found it so. I looked to Jesus and lived at once. I know I did. Reader, if you look to Jesus you will live too. True, you are swelling with the venom, and you see no hope. True, also there is no hope but this one. But this is no doubtful cure — “Everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.”

The brazen serpent was not lifted up as a curiosity to be gazed upon by the healthy; but its special purpose was for those who were “bitten.” Jesus died as a real Saviour for real sinners. Whether the bite has made you a drunkard, or a thief, or an unchaste or a profane person, a look at the Great Saviour will heal you of these diseases, and make you live in holiness and communion with God. Look and live.

Did you hear that whether you are dead in sin, a look on Jesus will heal you. You might not be a thief but do you back-bit? You may not be an adulterer, are you jealous? Beloved, you may not be drunkard or a profane person, are you malicious in nature, or are you disobedient? Then you also need to look on Jesus and live today.

Jesus is waiting for you and He is ready to purge your sin and make you whole. David did it and he live, do yours today and live on. Read on:

“Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.” Psalm 25:18

It is well for us when prayers about our sorrows are linked with pleas concerning our sins—when, being under God’s hand, we are not wholly taken up with our pain, but remember our offences against God. It is well, also, to take both sorrow and sin to the same place.

It was to God that David carried his sorrow: it was to God that David confessed his sin. Observe, then, we must take our sorrows to God. Even your little sorrows you may roll upon God, for He counteth the hairs of your head; and your great sorrows you may commit to Him, for He holdeth the ocean in the hollow of His hand. Go to Him, whatever your present trouble may be, and you shall find Him able and willing to relieve you. But we must take our sins to God too. We must carry them to the cross, that the blood may fall upon them, to purge away their guilt, and to destroy their defiling power.

The special lesson of the text is this:—that we are to go to the Lord with sorrows and with sins in the right spirit. Note that all David asks concerning his sorrow is, “Look upon mine affliction and my pain;” but the next petition is vastly more express, definite, decided, plain—”Forgive all my sins” Many sufferers would have put it, “Remove my affliction and my pain, and look at my sins.”

But David does not say so; he cries, “Lord, as for my affliction and my pain, I will not dictate to Thy wisdom. Lord, look at them, I will leave them to Thee, I should be glad to have my pain removed, but do as Thou wilt; but as for my sins, Lord, I know what I want with them; I must have them forgiven; I cannot endure to lie under their curse for a moment.”

A Christian counts sorrow lighter in the scale than sin; he can bear that his troubles should continue, but he cannot support the burden of his transgressions.

Beloved, are you in agreement with what was written up there? You may not fret with sorrow but we must not give sleep to our eyes knowing that we have sin against God or man. Praise the Lord.

Let us pray- God make me strong in the place of prayer. Holy Spirit ignite Your fire in me to pray more fervently. Forgive all my sins Lord, cleanse me and purge me from all unrighteousness I pray Thee. Amen! (Ps 86:5-6; Ps 71:16; Ps 19:3).

Beloved, God is able to do this Isa 65:17, Ps 84:11, Neh. 8:10. Jas 5:18

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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