I will exalt You Lord..for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me I love… I will exalt You Jesus … For Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love… I will lift up Your Name…I will lift up Your Name…I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name…I will lift up Your Name…above every other Name…o Lord!// Glory, honour Power Majesty be unto Christ Amen… alleluia!!!!!! Glory, honour Power Majesty be unto Christ Amen…

Our Father we come to give Praise, we come to give You worship…. we come to honour You for You are God…. You do miracles so great…there is no one else like You…there is no one else like You….

Father thank You for the gift of this week, for healing, deliverance, provisions, safety and security You granted to Your people…. Alleluia to Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name….. amen!!!!!!!!!!! Today will still show case Your glory in our lives in Jesus Name Amen!

Come and have Your way in our life… come and have Your way in our lives… Jehovah come and have Your way…Messiah come and have Your way….

Beloveth, how has been with you? Has God been demonstrating His Power in your sphere…? I am a bundle of God’s Awesome demonstration of His Power… every inch of turn is a testimony… I am over joy…. Join me to sing….

I have joy, joy, joy, joy, joy overflow in my life …. (dance/ clap) I have joy, joy, joy, joy, joy overflow in my life ….I have joy, joy, joy, joy, joy overflow in my life ….

Yes that is what Jesus paid for on the Cross… He liberated you and I from the power of sins and sickness…sorrows and pains but the devil plan is to perpetual put us down and still turn ask  “where is your God”… but thank God for Jesus Who set us free from all bondage of the devil… alleluia! Amen…

Beloveth.. this has been a great week to me and I guess is same for you… We saw Great God doing Great things in our lives…isn’t God Wonderful…. Alleluia Yes He is….

Today is PCL and once again we will learn at the feet of Jesus what it means to live a life lost to Jesus…. alleluia!

Paul said I count all things loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ. (Phil.3:8).

Beloveth, Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus also ask Him  “Lo, we have left all and followed Thee… and hear what Jesus answered him (Lk 18:28-29).

We are also interested in what is it for us when we lose our life for Christ sake… our text for today has an answer for us… so the question is have you come to the point of losing your life for the sake of gospel of our Lord Jesus…. or if it comes to that what will you do? Leave your Master and run or stand by Him no matter what may be….

Come along with us for more:

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me will find it.—Matthew 16:25

Christians are commanded to lose their lives. This means they ought to deliberately release their lives to God and His kingdom. One of the greatest hindrances to you being on mission with God will be your view of what constitutes your “legitimate rights”; that is, those things that you feel you have a right to experience and enjoy.

It’s not difficult to turn over to Christ those things that are not a sacrifice or that you would prefer to do without anyway. Rather, it is the things that are good and that are dear to you that may stand between you and God’s will.

It’s good to be near your grown children and grandchildren, for example, but God may want you to go to another city or continent on mission with Him. It’s good to get adequate rest, but you may receive a call of distress in the middle of the night. You may assume that you have a right to certain material things, yet God may ask you to release all of your possessions to Him and His purposes (Matt. 19:21).

Jesus modeled perfectly this attitude toward life. He had a legitimate right to enjoy the comforts of heaven. Yet, He did not look at it as a right He should hold on to, nor did He see leaving all that was His as a sacrifice too costly to make (Phil. 2:5–11). As a result, God highly exalted Him and brought salvation to a broken world.

Has the world convinced you that there are certain rights that you must protect? Are you trying to save your life? Have you noticed that in so doing, you are actually losing the life God wants you to have?

Beloveth, let us like Paul the Apostle count all things dung for the excellency in knowing Him (Christ)… as we do that we see God manifest His power more in our lives… we will not deny Christ in the face of crisis and troubles around us… Amen!!!

Have a glorious weekend … Pray for God’s Awesome demonstration of His power in your life Amen… See you on Monday by God’s grace…. Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

Further Reading- Ps.73:28, Isa.41:13, 1Pet.5:4, Jas.5:11, ICor.6:15-20, Acts.1:11, Acts.2:4, Ps.92:2, 2Thess.3:3, Ps.72:12.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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