Shake shake shake, into the fire. The light of God is glowing in me. I know the Truth and it shall set me free, I’m gonna shake up/off the beast, And I will feel no harm, shake it up. Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Your Name is God Emmanuel. Your Name is God Emmanuel.
Yes Father, we thank You for another beautiful week, blessed be Your Name, thank You for being God indeed unto us, glory be to Your Name. Eternal Rock of Ages we worship You, we exalt You, we Magnify You, be thou exalted in Jesus Name. Thank You for watching over us. Thank You for healing our infirmities, let all glory be exalted in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how was your weekend? Hope good? Thank God we are here together once again to praise and worship our Father, Who loves us with everlasting love. His promises are yea and amen! Had He said it so shall His Hand bring it to pass. Glory be to Him alone.
The Lord promised us at the beginning of the Month that our losses He will replenish. Praise God. And I believe that we already have one testimony or more to the glory of God.
Were you surprised that I started with last week song? Yes! for some good reason. You need to shake off the doubt, sickness, poverty, wickedness of the enemies in your life. You need to shake off unbelief, lying from the pit of hell, demonic hold over your lives and destines so that God’s promises will come to pass.
Beloved, a man full of grace can do anything. If you are still in doubt ask Mary the mother of Jesus. When the Lord filled her with grace she became pregnant by the power of Holy Ghost. A man filled with grace can operate in the supernatural with ease. The impossibility becomes very possible with him. He is a wonder to all around him. He leap over the wall because he is operating in the grace of God.
Therefore going forward, we will lay hold of God’s promises and run with it. Having shaken off all that had hitherto held you bound; having broken all the snares of the devil over your life, the Lord will arise in His majesty and honour you. He will bless you according to Word to you.
The hand of the Lord will perform it and you shall be glad.
Beloved, do you know that we are strangers here? Here what the book of Hebrew has to say in verse 13-16. Beloved, is only strangers that looks forward to a better country, that is heavenly where God is and He is not ashamed to called their God. Praise the Lord.
Are you stranger here? Then come along with me as the Lord will instruct you on the way to go. Praise the Lord. Let’s get going:
“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten.” Joel 2:25
Yes those wasted years over which we sigh shall be restored to us. God can give us such plentiful grace that we shall crowd into the remainder of our days as much of service as will be some recompense for those years of unregeneracy over which we mourn in humble penitence.
The locusts of backsliding, worldliness, lukewarmness, are now viewed by us as a terrible plague. Oh that they had never come near us! The Lord in mercy has now taken them away, and we are full of zeal to serve Him. Blessed be His name, we can raise such harvests of spiritual graces as shall make our former barrenness to disappear.
Through rich grace we can turn to account our bitter experience, and use it to warn others. We can become the more rooted in humility, childlike dependence, and penitent spirituality, by reason of our former shortcomings. If we are the more watchful, zealous, and tender, we shall gain by our lamentable losses.
The wasted years, by a miracle of love, can be restored. Does it seem too great a boon? Let us believe for it, and live for it, and we may yet realize it, even as Peter became all the more useful a man after his presumption was cured by his discovered weakness. Lord, aid us by thy grace.
Someone is beginning favoured now! The power of God is restoring all that we lost before now in Jesus Name. Let us claim it and hold on to it. Remember trust bring joy, so don’t let go. The Lord will perfect all that concerns us. Let’s keep going:
“I am a stranger with thee.” Psalm 39:12
Yes, O Lord, with Thee, but not to Thee. All my natural alienation from Thee, Thy grace has effectually removed; and now, in fellowship with Thyself, I walk through this sinful world as a pilgrim in a foreign country. Thou art a stranger in Thine own world. Man forgets Thee, dishonours Thee, sets up new laws and alien customs, and knows Thee not.
When Thy dear Son came unto His own, His own received Him not. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. Never was foreigner so speckled a bird among the denizens of any land as Thy beloved Son among His mother’s brethren. It is no marvel, then, if I who live the life of Jesus, should be unknown and a stranger here below.
Lord, I would not be a citizen where Jesus was an alien. His pierced hand has loosened the cords which once bound my soul to earth, and now I find myself a stranger in the land. My speech seems to these Babylonians among whom I dwell an outlandish tongue, my manners are singular, and my actions are strange.
A Tartar would be more at home in Cheapside than I could ever be in the haunts of sinners. But here is the sweetness of my lot: I am a stranger with Thee. Thou art my fellow-sufferer, my fellow-pilgrim. Oh, what joy to wander in such blessed society! My heart burns within me by the way when thou dost speak to me, and though I be a sojourner, I am far more blest than those who sit on thrones, and far more at home than those who dwell in their ceiled houses.
“To me remains nor place, nor time:
My country is in every clime;
I can be calm and free from care
On any shore, since God is there.
While place we seek, or place we shun,
The soul finds happiness in none:
But with a God to guide our way,
‘Tis equal joy to go or stay.”
Beloved, are a sojourner here? Than you should be rejoice and be glad because Jesus came to die just for seek. (1Jn 4:14- 17)
Beloved, the Lord will not forget His promise to you but be careful also to play your role – being righteous and holy before a Holy God can move Him to do the impossible for you. Glory be to God.
This is a month of grace, may same manifest in your life Amen.
Beloved, this week is declared blessed in the Name of the Lord. Go in the strength of Lord and return with victory. Praise the Name of the Lord. He has promise He will never fail. Read Isaiah 54:10
Remain blessed in the Lord.