How excellent is Thy Name O Lord! How excellent is Thy Name O Lord! How excellent is Thy Name! How excellent is Thy Name! How excellent is Thy Name O Lord! How wonderful is Thy Name O Lord! How wonderful is Thy Name! How wonderful is Thy Name! How wonderful is Thy Name, O Lord! How wonderful is Thy Name! How Precious is Thy Name, How excellent is Thy Name O Lord!
Everybody look, look look see what the Lord has done, He give me life, he give job, He give baby, He give me visa, He give joy, He gives peace oh, oh, oh, oh my Lord is good. I have seen the Lord goodness, His mercies and compassion, I have seen the Lord goodness alleluia, Praise the Lord!
Yes! Is only the living that can Praise the Lord, I therefore Praise You Father for You are all I ever needed. Thank You for choosing me to be your own, thank You for rescuing me from hell, thank You for giving grace beyond measure, thank you for Your ever-green love, thank You for Jesus. Glory be to Your Name on high in Jesus Name.
Jesus you are my balm in Gilead, I praise and be lifted high above every other gods. I worship you, thank You for standing in the gap for Your servants and Your handmaids, be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how was your night? Hope we are basking in the glory of God? Our God is good and His mercies enduerth forever. Who is like unto Thee our God? There is no one like Him.
I have a belief that no one fall from heaven, even Jesus was born and had earthly parents. If you ever enjoyed or you are still enjoying the love of your father, it is so easy to understand the Love of God. When my earthly father was around, I was lucky to behold love in the real sense of it. My father was not rich but he was neither a pauper. He was humble to admit his limitations, he was never deceitful neither was he proud. Being an only son, he was always happy to have us his children all around him but he was a disciplinary per excellent, he was a goodly and godly man – that is my father’s life in summary.
He showered love on us and everybody around him, he owns a house but was willing to house the homeless and help the solitude to find their own homes by not charging outrageous rents as is so common in our days. Beloved, if you have my kind of father, you will never doubt the love of our heavenly Father, I see God in that manner as one Who has my thoughts always in His heart, thinking and planning good for me all the time (Jer 29:11).
In celebrating our earthly fathers, we are indirectly celebrating our heavenly Father who they represent. We must therefore honour God as He is the sole Father of everyone. My father is late but I have a Father that lives in eternity and therefore I celebrate Him not only on Father’s day but every day of my life. Praise the Lord!
Some may not understand what I am talking about or even appreciate it because of their experiences but I trust the Holy Spirit to teach you and open your eyes of understanding going forward to understand that God loves you dearly and sent His son to take your place.
We read that Jesus is the only begotten of His Father and His Father scarified Him for your sake. If you have ever suffered rejection and know how hurting it is than you will understand the level of God’s love for you. Just for your redemption, God rejected Jesus on the cross because at that hour He is with the sins of the whole world (2 Cor 5:21).
Jesus was not in pain because He knew that the Eye of Father cannot behold iniquities therefore He cried out in His pain “Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani?” (My God, My God why hast Thou forsaken me?”) (Matt 27:46). God look away from Him and He could not bear that He was separated from His Father, but Jesus knew His Father, He trusted in the character God that He will fulfill His promise to raise Him up on the third day. And God did and that is why you and I celebrates Easter Sunday, (Rom 8:11, Rom 6:9, Phil 3:10).
Do you want to know the love of God intensely? Then join me as we discover more below:
1 Kings 11:1-12:11, Psalm 73:13-20, Proverbs 16:1-2, John 19:5-24
Love Creating Love
Carrying His own cross, He went out to what is called Skull Place … there they crucified Him.—John 19:17-18
Although the love of God is clearly laid out in the Old Testament, why did humankind have to wait so long to have the message spelled out in such clear terms as John uses: “God is love” (1Jn 4:8)? People could not see this sufficiently clearly until they had looked into the face of Jesus. In the life of Jesus is the clearest revelation that God is love.
So few of us open ourselves to the love of God. We have more fear of Him than we have love for Him. There is, of course, a godly fear (or reverence), but that is not what I mean. If we fail to comprehend how much we are loved by God, then there will be no energy to turn the machinery of our lives in the way they were meant to turn.
Whenever I doubted the love of God as a young Christian, I was told I should go to Calvary. I never quite understood what that meant until one day I complained to God that He could not really love me; if He did, He wouldn’t let such things happen as were befalling me. He gave me no answer but showed me the Cross. And as I saw His Son dying there for me, the scales fell from my eyes and I found love for Him flowing out of His love for me. I discovered what 1 John 4:19 means: “We love because He first loved us.”
Love for God is not the fruit of labor but the response of our hearts to being loved. It is not something we manufacture; it is something we receive.
O God my Father, save me from believing that my problem is “I don’t love You enough,” when the real problem is “I don’t know how much I am loved by You.” Let the scales fall from my eyes right now and let me see—really see. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
Jn 19:16-30; Eph 2:15-16; Col 1:19-22
What is the result of the Cross?
Spend some moments in prayer contemplating the Cross.
Beloved, do you fully understand the love of God in your life now irrespective of what you are going through now? I did and I pray you do also. He is waiting for you at Calvary to behold His love for you. You will fully understand all at the Calvary! Come along with me as the Spirit of God brood upon you fresh. Praise the Lord.
Always remember that God loves you and will never leave you nor forsake you. He will do as He had promise us that this is our Month of “Wholesomeness”. Beloved whatever is your pain present it to Him, Jesus cried out in His pain at the Cross, so you are also free to tell it to your “Father,” He has not forgotten you and will never forget you. He healed me a twenty years aliment that means He did not forget but He did at the time He sent forth His Word concerning it.
So what are waiting for, claim your restoration in Him for He never fail, He has not forgotten you, He still remember and will yet do it. Amen!
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.