You are the Lord that healeth me… You are the Lord my healer…You sent Your Word and You heal my disease… You are the Lord my healer…// Great are You Lord…Greatly to Praise, You are greatly to be Praise Father You reign… x2

Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name…Alleluia to the King of kings..You are faithful Lord…blessed is Your Name…above all the earth  You remaineth God… in the midst of it all we see Your glory and that is our comfort knowing that You are morn than enough for us… Yes! You are more than enough… In You we have our victory, our salvation, deliverance and Provision … Father, we thank You, we adore Your Holy Name…alleluia to You Ancient of days… be Thou glorify O Lord forever and ever in Jesus Name….

Beloveth…good morning, how are doing today… Our God is faithful in all His dealings with us… God is in the midst of us doing wonders, delivering the oppressed, healing the sick, setting the captive free… restoring us to overflowing… putting an end to the oppression of the wicked in our lives to an end … yes… He is doing and will yet do more than we can ever thing or ever imagine… alleluia somebody….

Is another beautiful day that the Lord has created and made us to be glad in it…. we here again to seek His face… we will find Him when we seek Him with all our heart…Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Are you ready to seek Him with all your heart… according to His Word to us… we will find Him when we seek Him with all our heart… alleluia somebody!!!

What is it that is a burden to your heart…do you believe that God is more than enough for you? Yes…I believe.

Yes…I believe, yes Lord I believe, Yes Lord I believe it is well with me… it is well with me…

Do you believe same beloveth… in the midst of it all, the God we serve is more than enough…. Oftentimes it seem as if you are overwhelmed and nothing seem to go the way you planned or intended it to go… beloveth just believe that God rule… HR… Heaven rules… satan don’t want hear this… even the enemy is not comfortable when you say this ‘Heaven Rule’… but you know what …what God has planned for you no man can stop except you… how, someone wants to know.

When you refuse to do your part…When you refuse to yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit…. When leave God out of your plan… beloveth… you are simply negating the plan of God for your life and you are telling Him …I can handle it… did I hear you say ‘you can handle it’… before you take a step…let us look at what happened to the apostle of Jesus on their way to the other side… as they were going there arose a great storm… and they panicked and wake up Jesus who was cruising sleep in the midst of storm… ‘Lord save us! We are drowning was their statement…

Beloveth, you can handle it when the going is smooth and fine… you can handle it when the paychecks are rolling in, the contract is delivering, and the children are doing fine and your spouse okay…yes you can handle it… but when it turn otherwise, when it turns sour, when your peace and joy has been taken away, will you still handle it?… when the bank account is on red will you still handle it?…

That is why it is necessary to have Jesus traveling along with you… so that when the storms of life arose you simply gave him a tap… but if not… you have to shout and scream …. Which one is better… having God rule in your midst (in your affairs) or having to invite Him in when it is necessary…. Think about it…

Meanwhile, come along with us for more:

Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.—Matthew 6:10

In heaven, God’s will is the only priority. A word from God brings angels to do His bidding, immediately and without question. Jesus instructed us to pray that God would accomplish His will in our world in the same way. This means that God’s purposes would be preeminent in our homes, our businesses, our schools, our churches, and our governments.

Jesus taught His disciples to pray that God’s purposes be carried out in the world around them. In modeling how they should pray, Jesus was teaching His disciples how to share God’s heart. He demonstrated this again at Gethsemane when He prayed “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will” (Matt. 26:39).

It is as we seek God’s kingdom on earth, and not our own purposes, that we gain the same mind as our heavenly Father. We become colaborers with God by praying faithfully in agreement with His desires.

As you seek the Lord’s will, He will guide your praying. He will invite you not only to pray, but also to become involved in His activity as He answers your prayer. If He places a burden upon you to pray for an individual’s salvation, that burden is also His invitation to join His activity in that person’s life. Prayer will prepare you to be a servant through whom God can bring about His will on earth.

Pray that the Lord’s absolute rule on earth will begin in your life. Then watch to see how God uses you to extend His Lordship to others.

Yes… may God’s rule start in your life… is God ruling in your life, your home, your business, your career, is God your ALL?

If yes…that is beautiful…but if not beloveth… wake up and seek him while He is still to be found… because a time come… it will be late to do so… then what follows judgment…

Ehhh, beloveth… judgment follow…You will stand before God to give account of your transactions here on earth… beloveth in-order words you will give account of your life while on earth… you account for your life, your talent and your time… what are you putting together to present on that day… will it survive the test…when it is pass through fire? Will it burn up or not…. is important that you and I take time and look at the way we live our life…in God in the Midst of all?

As you take time to pray… ask God to help you… ask Him to show forth in your situation… ask Him to make you to be conscious of heaven while you remain relevant on earth… may God help us all in Jesus Name…

Pray and ask God to to enable you to join Him in His activity… beloveth that is where the dividend is… your reward is not base on the projects you initiated… it is based on what you did in partnership with God…. therefore pay to be relevant in His Kingdom works too…

O! Lord help us as the day go by… save us from the plans and activities of the evil ones…. Let your mercy rest upon us both now and forever in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!

Further Reading: Matt.8:25, Jer 29:13,

Let us pray….

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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