God You are Faithful…Faithful Faithful Faithful Faithful Faithful faithful Faithful are You Lord! O You are Faithful, Faithful Faithful Faithful faithful Faithful Faithful Faithful are You Lord! Lord You are Faithful Faithful Faithful Faithful Faithful Faithful faithful Faithful are you Lord…. // Glory Honour Power Majesty be unto Christ our Lord! Alleluia!!! Glory, Honour Power Majesty be unto Christ our Lord!!!
Our Father we thank You… Lord we worship and adore Your Holy Name… Indeed You are God… There is none to be compared with Thee… In heaven You are God… On earth You remaineth the same… Praise be to Your Name Father… Alleluia to You Father for Who You are….Matchless Jesus we bow at Your Presence… Come and have Your way again today…Thank You for how started with us at the beginning of the week and today we have multiple testimonies all to the Glory of Your Holy Name… we exalt You…Father we magnify You Father, who can be compared with You…none O Lord! Be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name….
Beloveth our TGIF is here again… Today God is first…. Wow! Praise God… Is Friday…so our PCL is here again…. Praise the Living Jesus….Alleluia!!! Our God is Faithful! Beloveth…. Praise His Holy Name Alleluia!!!
Wow… we have been having a good time discussing the blessings of God upon His children through the gateway of Mercy and Grace… I am having fun, what about you?
We have considered a lot on these two twin sisters of God’s faithfulness… yesterday the Holy Spirit told me to tell you that the Place of Grace is what you and I must covet in our Christian race… He specifically mentioned Noah… “And Noah found grace in Eyes of God” Gen 6:8.
Beloveth it was before the Eyes of God not the eyes of men… and what is the result… God preserved his home (Him, his wife, His sons and the wives of his sons) when He set to destroy men He created on earth… beloveth… it was grace that took Abraham from the land Haran to Canaan… It was Grace that preserved Moses that he was raised by the King that decreed his death in his generation…. Grace took David from keeping the sheep in the bush to ruling God’s children in the palace… Grace pick Mary to became the mother of our Saviour Jesus … what can grace not do? Beloveth, the grace of God upon your life will deliver your destiny and preserve your generations… if you keep believing… If you keep holding on to Living Word of God… in Jesus Name.
So today we will consider another angle of Mercy and Grace, what Jesus did for us through the provision of Mercy and Grace in the New Testament…-
But God, Who is rich in mercy…(has) made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus….) Eph 2:4-6.
As children of the King, we are positioned with Lord Jesus in heavenly places and so co-heirs of His Kingdom (Rom 8:17). His lavish grace and mercy qualify us to sit in these lofty place in Christ and reign in life with Him (Rom. 5:17).
Do we deserve this place in Christ? No. But is it the truth of God’s Word? Yes.
From this position in Jesus, He can speak freedom from His Word, direct our steps as needed to seek pastoral or professional care, deliver us from demonic influences, and give us the strength to walk out of the prisons of our stuff.
But many of us still try to work for and earn a position that Jesus has already given us.
Trying harder to attain something is what separates Christianity from religion. In religion, it is up to the person to get something done or reach the next level. In relationship with Lord Jesus, He has already completed the work, and we simply stand with Him, positioned by His side, looking down. Our own action will never be enough. We must stand first upon Grace- God’s free gift we could never deserve; then lean hard into His mercy- not receiving guilt and condemnation.
Has anybody attempted, like me to get their act together or their life in order before we feel we can have an intimate walk with God? When in reality, we should come because we don’t have our lives together, and He is everything we need.
We may not have started in faith in way by thinking it is primarily up to us to get life right. Still after a while, another set of twin sisters often raise their ugly heads and keep us on a hamster wheel of trying harder, failing, wallowing in guilt and condemnation, then trying harder all over again. Their names? Shame and Pride.
We will continue with these twin sisters on Monday and how they want to keep us on a downward spiral rather than standing positioned upon God’s grace and mercy especially in our time of need.
In our the story Bible below we will see another woman found and preserved by Grace… she honoured Christ by an act of kindness and love… Two things resulted from that single act… she fulfilled scripture and her remembrance keep till the end of the world… what an awesome work of Grace upon a life found in Christ… alleluia!!!!!!!!!!
Come along for more:
“I assure you: Wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told in memory of her.”—Mark 14:9
We may assume that our expressions of devotion to God are small and insignificant, but in God’s eyes they may hold much meaning. Our love and dedication to Christ may even create memorials to God for future generations.
This woman performed a profound act of love for Jesus. She did not do it to impress His disciples or to gain public attention or to gain praise from Jesus. She simply sought to express her love for Jesus. She did nothing spectacular; she performed no miracles; she preached no sermons. Yet Jesus was so moved by her selfless loyalty that He deemed it worthy of remembrance throughout the remainder of history.
We do not know all that God finds most pleasing, nor do we know what acts of our love He may choose to honor through our children and future generations. Abraham could not have known that the day he demonstrated his willingness to sacrifice his only son would be memorialized and would bless many generations who heard of his obedience. David could not have known that his walk with God would please Him so much that David’s example would bless generations who followed him.
God can take your faithfulness and begin a spiritual legacy, making it a blessing to others for generations to come. You will never know until eternity all who received a blessing because of your righteous life. That is why it is so important that you daily express your love and devotion to Jesus.
Beloveth… you never know the act of love and kindness God will chose to honour you and your generation… so don’t be tried in the race set before you and don’t be weary in acts of grace… for God is a Rewarder… He will always remember you for good… In woman in our story day (once a harlot and demon possessed) was found by Grace and her kindness toward gained her eternal remembrance and Jesus showed Himself to her after His resurrection… beloveth the work of grace is profound.
Also Noah having obeyed God and found Grace before Him … God blessed Him at the end with the charge of fruitfulness and multiplication to replenish to earth… Gen 9:7. Our God is Unchangeable, what He did for Noah and all the faithfuls He is still able do for us if we obey Him and fellow Him.
Let us therefore continually walk in Mercy and Grace where God’s profound Presence always abound… Alleluia Amen!!!
Have a wonderful weekend, basking in God’s Mercy and Grace Amen! See you on Monday …. Alleluia!!!
Further Reading- Eph 2:4-7, Rom. 8:18-17, 31-37, Rom. 5:17
Remain blessed in the Lord.